
I'M A Quadrillionaire

The Story is about the man name, David Lidell who he was enraged by his rival in love vomit blood and pass out. But He gain a super lavish system which made him rich and it was asking him to spend a all the money in exchange of lavish point. Lavish point can give him superpower and also make his body heatheir & stronger. After that, David started his journey as a billionaire. For more information read the novel. Thank you!

lucifer_nov · Urban
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300 Chs

Extraordinary level 2

[Chapter 264]

The next day, Andy had indeed dealt with the issue appropriately.

David immediately transferred thirty billion to him.

Coupled with a few completed investments in Springfield and Capital City, David's lavish points increased to 1215 points.

David sat on the sofa and stared at the system interface in front of him, then he tapped on the +] button after the mind power stats.

A window popped up.

"Host David's mind power has already achieved the maximum of ordinary people in this planet. Do you wish to continue increasing mind power? This increment will cost 1000 lavish points."

Without any hesitation, David selected "Yes."

After deducting 1000 lavish points, there were only 215 points left. David felt a sharp pain in his mind as if he was being poked with a needle. The pain lasted for a good while before it slowly started to throb.

David laid down on the sofa, his mind hazy and blurry.

After some time, David sat up again. This time his mind was clear.

This moment was similar to the sudden sobering of a drunk man. Not only was his mind clear, but his senses were enhanced as well.

He could even hear a mosquito fly about in the corner of the room

David was elated. His mind power had finally broken through its limits. He quickly checked the system interface.

Like his body stats, his mental power had also gone from ordinary limit to extraordinary level

With the remaining 215 lavish p[points, David tapped on the [+] button next to his body stats. After spending 100 lavish points, his body stats had achieved extraordinary level 2. He continued pressing the button until there was only 15 lavish point left and his body stats had achieved extraordinary level

This meant that leveling up both his body and mind power would only cost 100 lavish points.

While he had leveled up his body stats twice, he did not feel very different. He did feel slightly heated, but it was not as obvious as to how he felt when he achieved a breakthrough.

After that was done, David took a quick shower and changed his clothes. He was ready to leave his room after staying inside for three to four days.

He soon arrived at the lobby of Starry Night Hotel.

"Hello, Mr. Lidell!"

"Hello, Mr. Lidell!"

The lobby manager, Lucille, and a few other receptionists greeted David simultaneously.

David was crazy rich, willing to spend tens of millions to book grand luxury suites for his employees in a ten-star hotel. This was unprecedented and now that he appeared before them, it was only right that they offer him the best service they could.

"Hello, thanks for your hard work today," David said with a smile, as if he was the owner of the hotel.

Once David left the hotel, he got into his car and drove off.

In the lobby of Starry Night Hotel, the receptionists began to discuss David among themselves.

"Did you guys realize it too? There's something different about Mr. Lidell today!"

"Yeah! I saw it too! I feel like he's more energetic and confident!"

"Yeah, yeah! I felt that too!"

"Sigh, I can't imagine what kind of luck you would need to have to marry someone like Mr. Lidell! He's handsome, confident, rich, and a nice man! He's not arrogant and prideful at all!"

"If Mr. Lidell wants, I'd willingly be his mistress!"

"You silly girl, did you fall in love?"

"Are you telling me you guys aren't willing? I'm just saying if he wants, I'm willing."

"I-I didn't say I wasn't willing!"

Lucille stood in the middle of the lobby and watched David leave. She shook her head slightly a s she heard the receptionists talk among themselves.

They had no shame at all, but their conversation had also piqued her interest.

If David wanted, was she willing?

Without much thought, Lucille knew what her answer was. Gladly.