
I'm a psychopath : How do I take care of children?

"William Teller or black crow, 21 year old male sex, who has killed more than hundreds of innocent victims. Not counting dozens of autopsies, according to the latest reports, is that true?" It looks like a man with slightly pale skin, slim body with a pretty handsome face, has rather long black hair. And wearing black and white prison clothes. "I don't know, I don't remember!" William answered with a smile. After hearing William's words the man carrying the paper sighed, then put down the paper. "Then do you have any last words? Like I'm sorry?" asked the man. "Let me take another life?" replied William. Receiving this answer, William, the man who brought the paper, smiled cynically. Then he turned around. "As expected of a psychopath. Serve the sentence!" Bang! The sniper trigger is pulled, all three need to exit the sniper barrel simultaneously through the surrounding air. During this time William felt like the world was slowing down, he then closed his eyes enjoying his last breath. Craat! The bullet went straight through his skull. Fresh blood flowed from the hole in his head, flowing onto the black and white prisoner's clothing he was wearing dyeing it red. Ding! [Finding suitable candidate hosts.] ... William Teller, a psychopath with hundreds of more victims, stood in the shooting room tied to an iron pole who was on death row. After his death a miracle happened, William got a system to move to another world and was required to take care of children. "System, you have to be kidding me!" [Detecting host rejection.] [Starting brainwave punishment]

Lazy_author · Fantasy
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53 Chs

return to the inn

Now William was standing in front of the bed, carrying Rose in a princess carry style. Seeing that his two daughters were fast asleep, without turning off the room lights.

I don't know why, did they forget? Or wait for William to return? What is clear is that only the two of them know.

"They are really fast asleep."

After looking at their sleeping faces, William suddenly remembered. "Ah, that's right! I forgot to bring Rose's eyeballs!"

And then William let out a long breath, "Damn, how could I forget something as important as that!"

"But so be it!" William glanced at Rose who was still stunned in his arms.

The psychopathic smile returned to William's face, his left eye closed slightly and his right eye slightly widened. Mixed with William's cruel smiling expression, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"You now have two eyes, me taking one back is no problem right? Rose?"

"Besides, you don't need two eyes. So don't worry, even if you are blind. I am your new father, I will definitely take care of you as long as you are still breathing."

William laid Rose on the bed, next to Ariel and Alfina. Then he reached his hand to her eye and dug in, taking out Rose's right eye.

Rose wouldn't feel pain, because she couldn't think anymore. His mental state of damage was very severe, making it impossible for him to think.

Red blood flowed like tears, but much more abundant. Through Rose's hollow eye sockets, because she doesn't have eyes.

While smiling, William noticed an eyeball with red irises that looked like blood between his index finger and thumb. Pay attention to the eyeballs.

"Really beautiful and very beautiful eyeballs. If only I had two more pairs of these eyes. It would definitely be better." William praised Rose's eyeballs.

In order not to forget again, William immediately put Rose's eyeballs into the Void ring. After that, sat on the dressing table while thinking about the next thing.

Apart from that, he also deactivated Karma Eye. Because his mind was too tired, too burdened with hundreds of pieces of information. Every 1 second hundreds of causes and effects flow like fast river water.

If William didn't select the information he needed, his brain might burn out. But even so, within him there is another personality who has the task of selecting information.

Apart from that, due to the previous improvements to Karma Eye, the information obtained when excessively using Karma Eye can be minimized better.

"Shall I just use the new sealed one? But first I'll just extend the duration of the punishment first."

"Then, if there are still a lot of system points left, I'd better open the second function of the system, I'm sure I'll get something interesting from there."

William smiled and snapped his fingers, and nodded his head. He had made up his mind.

"Okay! System, you understand what I mean, right?"


The system blue screen appeared, and responded to William's will. Immediately obeyed William's wishes.

[Extend the time of freedom from the mandatory punishment time.]

[The system asks, how many points did you use?]

William replied, "Use 8,000 karma points. Then tell me the remaining amount." William leaned back.


[Deducts 8,000 karma points.]

[42,205 karma points remaining]

[Punishment duration 17 hours 20 minutes.]

William smiled, then nodded. "Open system function."

[Unlocks the functions of both systems.]

[Deducts 20,000 karma points.]

[22,250 karma points remaining.]


[Unlocking the second function takes 3 hours 30 minutes.]

[Requesting your confirmation!]

Receiving the confirmation notification, William nodded his head again. Agree with the system decision.

"Okay, give permission, open the second function. Even though it takes 3 hours 30 minutes."

[Confirmation received!]

After getting many system notifications, William then took out the sealed stone from the Void ring.

A stone held in his hand and oval in shape was black, engraved with dark red words that he didn't understand on its surface.

Then William held the stone in the palm of his hand, and the stone shattered. For an instant, William felt dizzy, and soon his vision became blurry.

At that time William muttered, "You damn thing!"

William suddenly lost consciousness, sitting in a dressing table chair.


At the same time William lost consciousness, Alfina woke up. Because he smelled the scent of blood nearby.

"Eh! What happened?" Alfina tried to digest the information. "Who is this girl!" he was suddenly shocked and screamed.

Alfina's surprised voice also managed to wake Ariel who was still fast asleep next to her. Seeing his brother surprised when he saw a little girl in the same bed as them.

Already, the foreign girl the two of them saw had an eye injury, or more precisely, lost her eyeball.

Alfina immediately got out of bed, went to the bathroom and brought a clean cloth there. Then closed Rose's eye sockets which were still bleeding.

Alfina attentively wiped the blood from her cheek, which was still flowing.

"Ariel, how is this!" Alfina still looked very panicked. "Who is this girl? How could she be in our room?" Alfina asked Ariel.

When asked that by Alfina. Ariel was still sleepy, she even yawned too often to hold back her sleepiness. But he still endured it.

Ariel stretched out her index finger to where William was. As soon as Alfina turned around, she was surprised to find William asleep on the bench.

Because she was too panicked, Alfina didn't even realize that William had been nearby.

"Eh! So Dad is home?" At that moment Alfina realized. "Forget it, the most important thing is why is there a foreign girl? Maybe Dad brought her? But it's impossible, isn't it?"

Many questions arose in his mind that he doubted were true, even though they were true. There was nothing wrong with his guess.

It's just that William, who looked like an angel in Alfina's eyes, strongly rejected that fact. Can't believe William just kidnapped a little girl.

"There's no reason father kidnapped him!" said Alfina who was still confused.

Ariel saw Alfina panic, then Ariel exhaled. Actually Ariel was very sleepy, but Alfina was too noisy. It was difficult for him to go back to sleep.

Ariel slowly placed her right palm on Alfina's head, making Alfina a little confused about what she meant. Right at that moment, a blue light radiated from his palm.

What Ariel did made Alfina slowly lose consciousness. "Eh? What? What happened?" Not long after, Alfina fell unconscious on the floor.

Ariel then glanced at Alfina's fallen position which was quite funny, she smiled a little. After that he glanced at the strange little girl, who didn't know where she came from.

After looking at it closely for a while, Ariel placed her right palm on the unconscious Rose's forehead.

The dim white light felt warm covering Rose and Ariel's entire bodies. In an instant, Ariel gets a piece of Rose's memory, but it looks blurry and unclear like a piece of broken film.

'This girl is suffering.' Ariel thought.

After a moment of thinking, Ariel decided to manipulate Rose's memories. By focusing his mind power, he can manipulate Rose's memories.

'Forget it!' Ariel thought.

The painful memories in Rose's brain slowly disappeared, the bleeding in her eye socket recovered quickly.

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