
I'm a psychopath : How do I take care of children?

"William Teller or black crow, 21 year old male sex, who has killed more than hundreds of innocent victims. Not counting dozens of autopsies, according to the latest reports, is that true?" It looks like a man with slightly pale skin, slim body with a pretty handsome face, has rather long black hair. And wearing black and white prison clothes. "I don't know, I don't remember!" William answered with a smile. After hearing William's words the man carrying the paper sighed, then put down the paper. "Then do you have any last words? Like I'm sorry?" asked the man. "Let me take another life?" replied William. Receiving this answer, William, the man who brought the paper, smiled cynically. Then he turned around. "As expected of a psychopath. Serve the sentence!" Bang! The sniper trigger is pulled, all three need to exit the sniper barrel simultaneously through the surrounding air. During this time William felt like the world was slowing down, he then closed his eyes enjoying his last breath. Craat! The bullet went straight through his skull. Fresh blood flowed from the hole in his head, flowing onto the black and white prisoner's clothing he was wearing dyeing it red. Ding! [Finding suitable candidate hosts.] ... William Teller, a psychopath with hundreds of more victims, stood in the shooting room tied to an iron pole who was on death row. After his death a miracle happened, William got a system to move to another world and was required to take care of children. "System, you have to be kidding me!" [Detecting host rejection.] [Starting brainwave punishment]

Lazy_author · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Playing with cannibal girls

William walked into the dining room, where he saw a table full of meat-based food. Whether it's steak, soup, even corned minced meat.

Apart from that, there was also a girl hiding under the table. He cowered in fear, because he felt he was in danger that could threaten his life.

Turning his body, William saw a little girl with long blonde hair and red irises, shaking in fear because of William's presence.

"Hello, good night little girl." William greeted with a warm smile.

The girl turned to look at William with a pale face. "Who are you? Why did you come to our house?"

William still smiled warmly. "Me? Just a crow looking for a little fun, would you like to play with me a bit?"

"If you win, I promise to let you live, how about that?" William asked the girl.

The girl hesitated, accepting the invitation of the psychopathic man in front of her. Feeling that if you accept his invitation, it might not be as promised.

"I will close my eyes to the funny things your family does. And of course I promise to protect you."

After William said that, his pale face was full of doubts. Thinking you have no other choice if you want to stay alive. Because his family's actions were so heinous, they couldn't be said to be human.

Even though the girl was only 9 years old, she was smart enough to realize that her and her family's actions were very inhumane.

Because she realized that, she and his family were cannibals. Humans who eat other humans.

The girl gulped, "Okay, I'll play. But are you sure that if I win I'll stay alive?"

"You're not afraid I'll take revenge? You remember, right? You killed my family?" the girl asked William.

William's killing intent suddenly burst out of his body, and still maintained a warm smile on his face. It gives a very terrible impression, it cannot be explained in words that little girl.

"You are all my toys, why should I be afraid? You are really cute. I wish I could take one of your cute eyeballs."

As soon as she heard William's words, the little girl's face suddenly became very pale. Cold sweat flowed from his back, soaking his clothes.

His pupils dilated, in his mind he felt that William was much more dangerous than his family. Accepting his invitation to play was probably the worst thing.

However once again, the little girl had no choice. Apart from being killed by William, or dying while playing games with William.

In his mind she thought. 'Crazy! this man is more dangerous than my family.'

Indeed, this girl's thinking was right, if William didn't have system restrictions, perhaps his actions would have been much more brutal.

Because from the start William felt strange about the concept of the inhabitants of this world. Has humanoid races other than humans, and can coexist.

"So let's play?"

After saying those words, William got up from his crouching position and went to take one of the chairs at the dining table where they were currently.

This was also followed by the little girl, she immediately came out of hiding. You could say he came out from under the dining table and took a seat next to William.

William gave a warm smile to the little girl, who was currently very afraid of his existence. Of course William knew the little girl was scared.

Swallowing hard, the little girl looked at William's face. "So what game are we going to play?"

Then said, "And also explain what rules we will play, I hope you will keep your promise. And I hope I can eat your body and Bone for my revenge!"

The girl's eyes seemed to burn with feelings of revenge and bloodlust. She really wanted William's life, flesh, bones and blood.

This didn't make William offended or angry, on the contrary, he felt very annoyed by the little girl's eyes. Very beautiful eyeballs, with irises as red as blood.

In his mind, William thought he really wanted his eyeballs. 'Ah, look at this girl's eyes, they look so adorable!'

"You're right!" William B replied.

Even so, a strong sense of desire wanted William's eyeballs to hold. By turning your attention to the glass containing red wine.

William took the empty glass on the table, then filled it with wine from the bottle on the table.

Red wine flowed from the mouth of the bottle, filling William's empty glass cup half full.

"Hm? Beautiful color." William muttered.

After muttering, William raised the glass of wine, slowly put it to his lips, then took a sip. Once satisfied and calmer, William then placed his glass in front of him.

"Little girl, can I take one of your eyeballs?"

As soon as she said this, the girl's body trembled. Because the feeling was so cold that it was like death was approaching, it was like prying his eyeballs out.

William felt strange about the girl's attitude, he still remembered that he hadn't even scared her yet. A moment later, William suddenly realized what he had said.

"Sorry!" William closed his eyes.

"What I mean is before playing let's get acquainted." Then William smiled warmly again.

Even though he smiled warmly, the feeling of fear in his heart did not disappear. Even now she was even more afraid, because William accidentally leaked his thoughts.

The little girl glanced at William with her pale face, and her whole small body was shaking with fear.

'He really reminds my eyes!'

'Even though I once took the eyeballs of fresh food, because I wanted to torture him.'

'But father once said, it's not good to let food suffer for too long. If not, the taste will change later.'

'Father even said that only people would be crueler than us if they tortured food until it was no longer alive.'

William really wants his eyes to be used as a display or collection. This is slightly different from his family, who consider eyeballs a food ingredient.

But the girl dared herself, she looked at William. "My name is Rose. Roselin Carissa." the girl introduced herself to William.

William smiled, "My name is William taller, and you can call me Will or Taller. It's up to you what you want."

After that William explained. "Let's play a guessing quiz. How easy is it? I will give points to the answers you give."

"This means that if you answer my questions wrong 3 times, you will be declared a loser. However, on the other hand, if you answer my 3 questions correctly you will be declared a winner."

"One important thing, every time you give a wrong answer I will take one of your body parts." William explained.

After hearing the explanation about what game William would play. Suddenly his heart beat faster, fear filled his mind making him freeze for a moment.

Previously, William had deliberately explained casually, but somehow his explanation felt very scary. Even though Rose had actually played the game that William was going to play.

'What is this! Haven't I played a game of guessing with our prospective food ingredients?'

'How is it possible that when Will explained it felt so cold and scary, could it be just me?'

'Besides, what's the point of taking body parts if you get the answer wrong? Isn't that unfair?'

'If you've done it wrong three times, you can finish it off.'

Many questions and thoughts appeared in his mind. Rose wondered how she and William could be different even though it was clear they were like devils in human form or skin.

I think psychopaths and cannibals are two different types. What do you think?

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