
I'm a psychopath : How do I take care of children?

"William Teller or black crow, 21 year old male sex, who has killed more than hundreds of innocent victims. Not counting dozens of autopsies, according to the latest reports, is that true?" It looks like a man with slightly pale skin, slim body with a pretty handsome face, has rather long black hair. And wearing black and white prison clothes. "I don't know, I don't remember!" William answered with a smile. After hearing William's words the man carrying the paper sighed, then put down the paper. "Then do you have any last words? Like I'm sorry?" asked the man. "Let me take another life?" replied William. Receiving this answer, William, the man who brought the paper, smiled cynically. Then he turned around. "As expected of a psychopath. Serve the sentence!" Bang! The sniper trigger is pulled, all three need to exit the sniper barrel simultaneously through the surrounding air. During this time William felt like the world was slowing down, he then closed his eyes enjoying his last breath. Craat! The bullet went straight through his skull. Fresh blood flowed from the hole in his head, flowing onto the black and white prisoner's clothing he was wearing dyeing it red. Ding! [Finding suitable candidate hosts.] ... William Teller, a psychopath with hundreds of more victims, stood in the shooting room tied to an iron pole who was on death row. After his death a miracle happened, William got a system to move to another world and was required to take care of children. "System, you have to be kidding me!" [Detecting host rejection.] [Starting brainwave punishment]

Lazy_author · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Peaceful morning

At this time William returned, activating the Karma Eye. Because he had enough rest, and this could allow William to use Karma Eye without any problems in the future.

Immediately a gray film of cause and effect began to appear in William's mind. All of William's gray films are ignored, he is looking for the cause and effect of last night's events.

After a few silent moments watching the gray film in his mind, the corner of William's face lifted.⁸

A genuine smile that didn't have a hint of warmth, was clearly etched on William's face. Because William had his psychopathic smile back.

"Okay let's cook!"


Birds chirping could be heard singing, warm lanterns of day fell on the white house like a two-story mansion near the forest.

The light penetrated the window pane, one of the rooms containing the two little girls were fast asleep. Light began to creep into their beautiful faces, this made them wake up.

They are Ariel and Alfina, whom William didn't know last night. These two little girls seemed to be secretly sneaking into William's room.

Then they climbed onto William's bed and fell asleep beside him. And of course William was not aware of this.

Because by now he was exhausted. William did not know his two daughters had entered the room The two of them got up from the bed, and rubbed their eyes.

Then the two little girls looked around the room looking for William. However, can't see find it.

Alfina stretched her back, and yawning. This cat girl still sleepy. Because before when she was a slave, she even slept soundly was very difficult, every time she had to be on guard.

"Where's dad?" asked Alfina after seeing Ariel who was yawning.

Ariel who heard Alfina shook her head, an answer she didn't know either. Because Ariel had just woken up from her sleep, not knowing William's whereabouts.

"Ariel doesn't know?" Alfina asked again, to confirm the previous question.

Staring at Alfina then Ariel nodded. That's the answer she really doesn't know, where William is.

'It's so hard talking to Ariel.' thought Alfina.

Actually Alfina is also confused why Ariel doesn't make a sound, or in easy words it doesn't differ one bit, if she asks Ariel directly she doubts she will get the answer.

There are many questions in Alfina's mind, like how could Ariel be mute. But what was clear was that William didn't explain why Ariel didn't speak at all.

"I guess I'll ask Dad later." At that time Alfina muttered to herself.

Suddenly Alfina smells a delicious cooking smell, which is from outside the room. This also applies to Ariel, even though she is not a beast race, she is still quite sharp in smelling the aroma of cooking. Then they both got off the bed, and immediately left William's room.

As soon as they followed the direction of the cooking aroma, the two girls' stomachs rumbled. They get very hungry at the smell, which tantalizes the appetite.

"Ariel, the smell of this cooking is delicious! It looks like it's from the kitchen, what is your mother Ariel cooking?" said Alfina looking at Ariel.

Upon hearing this, Ariel tilted her head to the left, not understanding what Alfina was saying. However, the girl just kept quiet and didn't answer and shook her head.

Alfina turned her head towards the kitchen, with a pretty face she had just woken up. His face looked gloomy, like he didn't like it a bit.

"Apparently, I have a very difficult rival." Alfina was talking to herself feeling maybe she didn't have a chance.

Alfina held Ariel's right wrist, inviting her to walk together. Towards the aroma of delicious cooking was coming from, or one could say towards the kitchen.

"Come on follow me!"


It can be seen that William was in a kitchen full of various kinds of food ingredients that were scattered a bit. Wearing a black apron on the waist of a white shirt, in the middle of making breakfast for his two adopted daughters.

What William is currently cooking on the stove is a sunny side up egg. For dessert, for dessert she made pudding from scratch.

Willam has served all the food at the dining table, which is located in the living room. So Alfina and Ariel only enjoy breakfast, without having to bother helping to prepare breakfast.

"Eeh? Dad can actually cook?" Alfina's sweet and cute voice is heard from behind.

William turned around with a warm smile, saw Alfina and Ariel near the kitchen entrance. At that time, Alfina had an expression of shock, almost disbelief. His little mouth opened slightly, because William's wife who was cooking in the kitchen was wrong.

"Ah, are you guys awake? My little bees?"

Upon hearing William's praise, Alfina's face heats up and turns pink with embarrassment.

William didn't understand what She meant, thinking maybe Alfina was tired and sleepy. Or maybe the fever returned, but the all-purpose medicine was given to Adler.

Even so, because William has medical skills. Maybe William can provide the right treatment, cure Alfina's fever.

"Alfina, why is your face red? Are you sick? If so, just say so. Your father understands fever." William looked at Alfina with curiosity.

"N-nothing! What's more important is that dad can actually cook?" Alfina asked again to make sure.

William covered his mouth with his right hand, he chuckled slightly. Hearing what Alfina said, thought it was a pretty funny morning joke.

Alfina's face became even redder, because she felt very embarrassed by the question she just threw out. And when William laughed at him.

"Haha, it's you. It's really ridiculous, I'm only 21 years old. How could it be possible to have a daughter as big as Ariel, why don't you take a shower and then let's have breakfast together."

"I already heated the water in the bath, it should be warm already. You can bathe together."

With her face getting redder than a tomato, Alfina pulled back Ariel's hand. Takes him to come along by taking a bath together, and runs away from William.

"Sweet girl, what is she actually thinking?" said William, shaking his head while exhaling.

William looked again at the sunny side up eggs he was cooking, saw that the eggs had started to turn brown. A sign that the food is cooked.

"Hm? It's cooked."

Turning off the gas stove, then William took a clean white ceramic plate from the cupboard. After that served it on a plate, and walked to the living room. William walked in carrying a plate of eggs for his daughter to enjoy.

The reason why William's simple cooking smelled delicious, was also the effect of the skill he got yesterday.

Indeed, it was a cooking skill that made William's cooking smell delicious, taste so good. Even though the food is simple, it's not overdone.

I change Titte black crow William to Raven.

Because, Crow feather allways black or i should call black?

Whatever, i hope you all enjoy read my novel

Lazy_authorcreators' thoughts