
I'm a psychopath : How do I take care of children?

"William Teller or black crow, 21 year old male sex, who has killed more than hundreds of innocent victims. Not counting dozens of autopsies, according to the latest reports, is that true?" It looks like a man with slightly pale skin, slim body with a pretty handsome face, has rather long black hair. And wearing black and white prison clothes. "I don't know, I don't remember!" William answered with a smile. After hearing William's words the man carrying the paper sighed, then put down the paper. "Then do you have any last words? Like I'm sorry?" asked the man. "Let me take another life?" replied William. Receiving this answer, William, the man who brought the paper, smiled cynically. Then he turned around. "As expected of a psychopath. Serve the sentence!" Bang! The sniper trigger is pulled, all three need to exit the sniper barrel simultaneously through the surrounding air. During this time William felt like the world was slowing down, he then closed his eyes enjoying his last breath. Craat! The bullet went straight through his skull. Fresh blood flowed from the hole in his head, flowing onto the black and white prisoner's clothing he was wearing dyeing it red. Ding! [Finding suitable candidate hosts.] ... William Teller, a psychopath with hundreds of more victims, stood in the shooting room tied to an iron pole who was on death row. After his death a miracle happened, William got a system to move to another world and was required to take care of children. "System, you have to be kidding me!" [Detecting host rejection.] [Starting brainwave punishment]

Lazy_author · Fantasy
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53 Chs

New Daughter

William mashed the remaining half of the Yggdrasil fruit until it crumbled into mush, then he poured in the red wine. Don't forget to also injure your palm with a knife on the dining table.

Dripping his blood into the Yggdrasil fruit pulp mixture. Thinking Rose would definitely like it, if William did that. And this will be a strong requirement, William meets the system requirements.

Apart from that, there is one reason why William mixed the porridge with his blood.

Once you are satisfied, grind the Yggdrasil until smooth. William smiled warmly then and glanced at Rose, who had broken down mentally. Still sitting on the torture chair.

"Okay, now let's feed it!"

Taking the spoon on the table above the meal, then filled it with blood-red porridge. Which was mixed with alcohol and his own blood.

With care, William fed Rose, who was mentally damaged due to the torture he had given her.

Of course, feeding Rose wasn't easy. Because his mouth was tightly closed, it didn't open at all. Some of the damaged nerves in his brain were permanently damaged.

"Eh? It looks like you don't want to open your mouth? Aren't you hungry?" William asked Rose who was clearly mentally damaged.

William started talking to himself, with Rose. Thinking of the little cannibal girl as a friend to chat with, more precisely considering Rose like a doll.

Forcibly with a warm smile on his face, William forced the girl's jaw open. Then poured the red porridge he made before.

"Come on, eat and finish little girl. You have to grow well!"

Rose was forced, who was still mentally damaged, to swallow what William forced into her mouth until it was finished.

William mashed the remaining half of the Yggdrasil fruit until it was crushed into mush, then he poured in red wine to make the taste stronger.

Don't forget to also injure your palm with a knife on the dining table. Then drip the blood into the Yggdrasil fruit pulp mixture.

Thinking Rose would definitely like it, if William did that. And this will be a strong requirement, William meets the system requirements.

Apart from that, there is one reason why William mixed the porridge with his blood.

Once you are satisfied, grind the Yggdrasil until smooth. William smiled warmly then and glanced at Rose, who had broken down mentally. Still sitting on the torture chair.

"Okay, now let's feed it!"

Taking the spoon on the table above the meal, then filled it with blood-red porridge. Which was mixed with alcohol and his own blood.

With care, William fed Rose, who was mentally damaged due to the torture he had given her.

Of course, feeding Rose wasn't easy. Because has mouth was tightly closed, it didn't open at all. Some of the damaged nerves in his brain were permanently damaged.

"Eh? It looks like you don't want to open your mouth? Aren't you hungry?" William asked Rose who was clearly mentally damaged.

William started talking to himself, with Rose. Thinking of the little cannibal girl as a friend to chat with, more precisely considering Rose like a little doll.

Forcibly with a warm smile on his face, William forced the girl's jaw open. Then poured the red porridge he made before.

"Come on, eat and finish little girl. You have to grow well!"

Rose was forced, who was still mentally damaged, to swallow what William forced into her mouth until it was finished.

The red porridge immediately flowed through the esophagus and into the stomach without causing Rose to choke. This could happen because of has family's and has habit of consuming the flesh and blood of other humans.

As a result, if food is mixed with human blood or flesh, they will definitely swallow it.

After a sudden miracle occurred, Rose's entire body was enveloped in a dim white light. His right eye recovered, in other words his eye regenerated.

Even so, Rose's already damaged mental state showed no signs of recovering.

Because Yggdrasil fruit can only treat the soul and body. And has the possibility of resurrecting dead people.

To restore someone's mental state which has been damaged, may be able to recover, or may not be able to recover.

"It looks like he won't be able to recover." William said seeing Rose's condition. "But it doesn't matter, I'll take you home!"

"Because this is also the second condition, so that the system considers me adopting Rose as a child."

William then carried Rose's body, princess carry style. But before leaving, from Rose's residence. William walked into the living room.

Then he approached the mirror mounted on the wall there. William then put the mirror into the Void ring.

It was not without reason that William put the mirror into the Void ring. The reason is because this mirror is an artifact owned by the Rose family.

This is the object that William was referring to previously. And another reason why he chose to target this cannibal family.

This object is an artifact that makes everyone outside passing by, or the neighbors next door don't know about the rottenness of Carissa's family.

The mirror is circular, 30 cm in diameter, 5 mm thick and with a reddish black frame fixed to the wall.

After taking the mirror, he then carried Rose in a princess carry style. Heading towards the exit of Rose's residence, and about to return to the inn.

This object is an artifact that makes everyone outside passing by, or the neighbors next door don't know about the rottenness of Carissa's family.

The mirror is circular, 30 cm in diameter, 5 mm thick and with a reddish black frame fixed to the wall.

After taking the mirror, he then carried Rose in a princess carry style. Heading towards the exit of Rose's residence, and about to return to the inn.


The journey to the inn where William, Ariel and Alfina were staying did not take much time. Because at that time William used an alternative route, taking a shortcut through roof to roof.

Currently William was standing on the roof of the inn, holding Rose. Apart from that, he also still uses Karma Eye.

Using Karma eye, making sure he wasn't seen by anyone. To avoid things that William thought were troublesome.

For example, this city has an organization whose job is to maintain city security, also called the city police. They were very strong when it came to knight and mage fights.

Their power levels were at stage 4 and above, both knights and magicians. That's why, for now William will avoid some important eyes.

"Just try the city police level only having knights and magicians, with level 4 or 3 only. Maybe I can fight them."

Thinking about something troublesome, William exhaled. "This is troublesome."

"The system task asks me to clean up criminals in the city. Some of the criminals have important nobles backing them."

William was able to get this important information, without having an informant, because of his eyes.

"Okay, let's go down!"

Don't want to bother anymore. William made a small jump and landed on the balcony of his room. Then he opened the balcony door in his room.

Incidentally, he or his two daughters didn't lock the balcony door to the inn, especially since the lights in William's room were still bright. Even so, there were no signs of any activity.

As soon as he entered through the balcony door, William looked around. Finding both Ariel and Alfina fast asleep on the bed, holding each other's hands.

They looked very cute, even though what William saw was ordinary. There is nothing special about them, except for their two beautiful eyes.

That is also according to William's personal thoughts when assessing his two daughters, and including Rose, his future third daughter.