
I'm a psychopath : How do I take care of children?

"William Teller or black crow, 21 year old male sex, who has killed more than hundreds of innocent victims. Not counting dozens of autopsies, according to the latest reports, is that true?" It looks like a man with slightly pale skin, slim body with a pretty handsome face, has rather long black hair. And wearing black and white prison clothes. "I don't know, I don't remember!" William answered with a smile. After hearing William's words the man carrying the paper sighed, then put down the paper. "Then do you have any last words? Like I'm sorry?" asked the man. "Let me take another life?" replied William. Receiving this answer, William, the man who brought the paper, smiled cynically. Then he turned around. "As expected of a psychopath. Serve the sentence!" Bang! The sniper trigger is pulled, all three need to exit the sniper barrel simultaneously through the surrounding air. During this time William felt like the world was slowing down, he then closed his eyes enjoying his last breath. Craat! The bullet went straight through his skull. Fresh blood flowed from the hole in his head, flowing onto the black and white prisoner's clothing he was wearing dyeing it red. Ding! [Finding suitable candidate hosts.] ... William Teller, a psychopath with hundreds of more victims, stood in the shooting room tied to an iron pole who was on death row. After his death a miracle happened, William got a system to move to another world and was required to take care of children. "System, you have to be kidding me!" [Detecting host rejection.] [Starting brainwave punishment]

Lazy_author · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Innite ability

You see William standing in front of a dirty and dusty mirror. Currently William following the fourth cut of the film, the little girl behind it becomes even more curious.

Her pupils were a diamond purple that glowed in the dark. In the middle there is a galaxy ring with red and blue colors.

"These are my eyes? Why are they purple like jewels? What is the effect of the ability The Eye of karma?" he asked.

For the little girl she saw William in front of the dusty mirror reflecting her reflection, she saw the color of William's beautiful eyes a jewel purple with red and blue colors.

Out of curiosity, the girl immediately forgot what William was doing, and dared to approach him. William glanced slightly, he was already aware of the girl approaching.

After waiting not long the girl was beside him.

"Hey girl! Aren't you afraid I'll strangle you again?" asked William in front of the mirror.

Instantly the little girl was shocked, she realized what happened before. The girl walked back slowly.

William of course knows this, because his eyes have seen cause and effect. He then touched the little girl's back, to stop her in her tracks.

"Little girl, don't worry I won't kill you! You can be close to me." said William.

As soon as William said that The little girl stopped retreating. Unintentionally glancing at the wound on William's hand, she suddenly had a worried expression on his face.

Then the girl pulled William's body asking him to boot. William who saw that became confused.

"What's wrong? I don't understand if you keep quiet?" said William.

The little girl didn't pay attention to William's words, she tried hard to ask William to lower his head.

Because William was still activating Karma Eye, a gray film appeared in his mind. There are many specific causes/effect, because too many William only choose one cause and effect. The rest he ignores.

William followed what he saw in his mind, he lowered his head and let the little girl do what she wanted.

After William lowered his head The little girl tried to rip off the shabby clothes she was wearing.

William immediately held the little girl's hand, to stop the girl from doing it. While looking at the little girl William said, "No! don't worry, just let it be. You want to look me in the eye, don't you? Go ahead, but don't ruin your clothest."

After getting William's permission. The little girl didn't tear her clothes, she silently looked at the beautiful purple jewel-like Karma Eye.

Because of this William finally saw the little girl's face that was covered in dirt from up close.

The girl had a face without a smile and had eyes like a dead fish. The spotlight is like there is no light at all, even though her face is fairly beautiful.


William lowered his head in front of the little girl who was still looking into his eyes. The little girl didn't look bored looking at her.

William suddenly felt like throwing up. "Ugh, continuously activating this ability, it makes me sick."

"The longer it takes, the more branching gray film comes to mind."

"I have to turn it off." said William.

William, then closed his eyes, thought about deactivating the Karma Eye. This made Little Girl confused, she tilted her head slightly.

When William opened his eyes again, all possible cause and effect did not disappear.

Seeing that Little girl thought, the strange man in front of her just wanted to blink.

"Why not close?" thought William.

William was confused, according to other information from Eye karma. To close it he only needs to close his eyes and give the command to close.

After thinking for a while, William tried again to close his eyes. This time with a shadow closing the door. In other words William imagined there was a door in his eyes, and he was closing it.

As soon as he opened his eyes again the sight of cause and effect disappeared, his eye color returned to its normal black color.

"Here, it worked!" William said smiling.

The little girl in front of her was shocked, because William's jewel eyes were missing. The girl asked William to take out his eyes again. Because the little girl still really saw William's beautiful eyes like purple jewels.

The little girl touched William's face with both hands, making an expression like she wanted to say 'please again.'

Because Eye Karma was not active, William didn't understand what the little girl wanted. Karma Eye suddenly followed William's will, it reactivated itself.

William's pupils turned, a diamond purple like it glowed in the dark. In the center is a galaxy ring with red and blue colors.

William instantly got a gray film cut he understood what the little girl in front of him wanted.

After knowing what the little girl wanted to do. William rubbed his head saying, "Little girl, the event is over here okay?"

William who stood up abruptly ended the simple exhibition. Actually, Little girl still wants to see Karma Eye William.

The little girl was instantly very disappointed and sad to hear that. William who saw the little girl's flat yet sad expression. Felt like seeing a kitten, stranded in a cardboard box during a downpour.

For William who was a psychopath, naturally chuckled at his expression, "Little girl the show is over."

After that, William placed his right hand on the little girl's head. Then gently William stroked it.

"Now that I think about it, how come you met the little girl and ended up here?"

"Your system knows something?" he asked.


[System gives answer.]

[You could end up in this place due to the transfer system.]

[For Girl, it's just a coincidence in this place seeing your body's reconstruction process.]

[Forward, you can guess what happens next.]

"Okay, I understand." replied William.

The little girl saw William talking to himself in astonishment. The little girl tilted her head slightly.

William suddenly realized, he had forgotten that Karma Eye has the function of assessing character and seeing the point or cause of fatal consequences.

"That's right, I forgot The eye of karma has two other functions!" said William.

Her pupils turned a diamond-purple color. As if it glows in the dark, with red and blue gakaxy rings in the middle.

For the first experiment, William wanted to use another person as the direct subject. However, there was no one around except for the little girl.

After staring at Little Girl for a while. William decided to use the little girl in front of him as the subject saying, "Fine, you can be the subject."

William tried to focus on one point instead of seeing cause or effect, immediately a white aura appeared around the little girl's body.

Apart from that, William also slowly began to see the red dots that adorned his small body. Seeing that he felt extremely amazed as well as confused saying, "It seems this is one of the other two functions?"

"Why is the color of his aura white? What's more, it's very pure without disturbing colors. No matter how good a human is, he has red in his aura."

"For the matter of the red dot is the most vulnerable part, this makes me very curious, what can I try?" said William.

im sorry, i have problem my body! so this time i update

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