
I'm a prisoner of love for an indefinite period of time

I had been imprisoned by my childhood friend when I I woke up from bed.  my wrists was tied in thin iron chains and all my communication tools were took away. Seeing me wake up, his deep eyes stared at me, and his voice said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will live here, and you are not allowed to step out of the house again. I have resigned for you, and you are not allowed to date with your colleagues and customers , I will give you three meals a day, what you want, I will also meet you ...". Is there such a good thing? I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, so I forcefully suppressed my inner ecstasy and cautiously asked, "Why?" His long and slender fingers that fell on my shoulder trembled slightly, and there was a little more pain in his eyes, "Faye, I can't tolerate other men talking to you, touching you, kissing you like that ..." I quickly grasped the point of the matter, "You like me?" His eyelashes fluttered, he gently closed his eyes and nodded. I slapped the bed, said: "Louis , why didn't you say it earlier?" If I had knew it earlier, I wouldn't still be a f*cking corporate slave!

cocoliu · Urban
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13 Chs

Will you move in with me?-2

The chain that was used to tie me up at first was still on the bed, I moved it to the side because I thought it was in the way, and after a two-second pause, I grabbed it again, and my voice changed tone in fear: "Silver?!"

So rich, I thought it was iron.

Louis nodded and said, "Pure silver."

I cried, "Louis, since you've already tied me up, can you give me this?"


While Louis and I were talking, we landed in Port G and were killed by enemy rifle fire.

I was instantly fired up and was about to restart the game when a call suddenly came in on my mobile phone.

I picked up the phone, my mum asked, "Faye, are you off work?"

Thinking that she didn't know that I had resigned, I had a moment of weakness: "today's daytime is particularly busy, the night did not let us work overtime."

My mum didn't doubt it and asked me what I was doing now.

"Mum, I'm having dinner at Louis's house." I hesitated, but said, "... Louis he's back home."

"Really? My mother was very surprised, let me give the phone to Louis, he took over the phone; his voice became very gentle, "Auntie , I am Louis."

I don't know what my mum said to Louis, Louis listened while responding in a good manner and finally said:

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'll take good care of Faye. Yes, I'm running a company in the city right now... Auntie, Faye and I will go back to see you when we have time." he said, handing the phone back.When I went to pick it up, I didn't notice that I hit the speakerphone button, so my mum's voice suddenly rang out:

"...Fay, Lan called me two days ago, he transferred his job back to our city for you. You're not too young, I see this boy is not bad, you see if you can still get together again, try?"

I swallowed nervously and silently raised my eyes towards Louis.

Sure enough, the smile under his eyes and eyebrows completely disappeared, the dark colour in his pupils emerged in strands until it condensed into a piece of bone-chilling cold.

Louis reached out and hung up the phone, walking expressionlessly to me and leaning down to gaze at my face.

"He only found out about my mum's phone number when I took Lan back for the summer holidays at university." I tried to explain.

As if he hadn't heard me at all, Louis's lips lifted in a slight curve, his hand threaded into my soft, long hair before he clasped my head and inched it closer to him until I was breathing in and out of him at close range.

"Faye." He said with a sigh before kissing my eyes, "You shouldn't mention his name in front of me."

Louis is really a temperamental person, after my mother hung up the phone, he suddenly pressed me under the body, overbearingly kissed me on the lips, this kiss with some reluctance, some inexorable. My brain, however, relaxed, as if lying in a hot spring, but, I am not a person to give in, while he was slack, a roll over, pinned him down, bad smile at his pectoral muscles, kissed Luis hard on the lips, that's right, I was to swear I own strong position. He nimbly cuffed me again that night and confiscated my phone, not allowing me to send any more messages.

At night, he and I share the same bed, long white fingers gently around my hair, warm breath in my ears around.

All I had to do was move, and Louis would whisper in my ear, in a low and slightly hoarse voice, "Faye, don't move."

Once or twice, it was okay.

Until three in the morning he was still so energetic, I couldn't stand it anymore and rubbed my hair, sat up violently, pressed the bedside lamp and glared at him, "I can't sleep, I want to play the game."

Louis nodded, "Fine, I'll keep you company."

"Then give me my mobile phone."

"No way." Qiyan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Faye, I'll go find you an unplugged ipad."

"Louis, don't you think you're going overboard?" I huffed, looking at him.

Louis looked at me with a smirk.

Then his amber pupils traced my reflection.

Louis actually had a skeleton more akin to a teenage physique, with a lithe waist and long, thin fingers, and as he just sat there in front of me, he let the soft light hit him, exuding a certain, rather disorienting vulnerability and docility.

I ... am a looker above all else.

So defeated, I sighed and waved my hand, "Forget it, can you watch the film with me for a while."

Louis agreed and reached over to the bed and pressed, suddenly a huge projection screen descended on the wall in front of him and then the voice of the smart home robot rang out, "Hello, this is Fiary the Robot, please say the name of the 'film', e.g. Titanic."

I suddenly remembered that I used to watch films with Louis in my junior and senior high school years as well. Of course, back then it was either with a mobile phone or a projector that was free in the classroom before evening study.

I hated maths, so every wednesday afternoon when I had two back-to-back maths lessons, I almost always skipped them and dragged Louis to the equipment room to watch a film.

Louis was the maths teacher's most valued student, the kind who had won prizes in competitions, so after being caught, he stepped forward and took the blame for me:

"It's because I learnt all the content of this semester and felt bored, so I dragged Faye to accompany me, and promised that I would help her with the lessons she had left behind."

As it turned out, I never changed, and within a fortnight I was secretly playing the horror film Spellbound on the classroom projector again before evening study.

As the classroom was screaming in terror, the head teacher rushed to the door of our classroom and caught me in the act of laughing.

Anyway, that's how I must invited my parent to school.

I can't remember what the film was about, except that I leaned back on the soft mattress and sniffed the light citrus scent, drifting off to sleep in a trance brought on by the intersection of memory and reality.

And I was sprawled out on the bed with my teeth open, dried drool marks in the corners of my mouth, and one leg still resting on Louis' leg, warm to the touch.

... Heart is really big of me, locked up can also sleep like this.

I silently retracted my leg and positioned myself, only to raise my eyes to see that Louis had woken up and was watching me with a lingering gaze.

Most of the time, his eyes were at best strewn with affection, but not aggressive and therefore not offensive.

"I'm usually a good sleeper, not like this." I tried to explain, "Last night was a heavy sleep."

Louis chuckled softly, "And you don't usually snore?"

''Oh my god,kill me''

If I'm guilty, the law will punish me, not have me here, listening to a handsome man who yesterday said he liked me tell me honestly, "You snore."

"Louis." I raised my hand and wiggled the chain, pretending to be calm, "You untie me, I'm going to wash up."

There was a large mirror in the bathroom, which clearly reflected my appearance as I stood in front of it.

Wearing a goose-yellow nightgown, my long and curly hair was messy from sleep, and although my skin was on the pale side, the dark circles under my eyes brought on by continuously staying up all night were instead set off more clearly.

I'm not a slender girl, my height is close to one metre seven, and my weight is exactly one hundred and twenty pounds.

The good thing is that due to the perennial fitness lifting iron's sake, practiced a muscle line, looks quite light.

When I think about how Louis was able to carry me in a drunken state all the way back, I feel deep admiration.

I just can't figure out why he likes me yet.

In high school, the person he liked was Lily, the art student in the next class; after returning home, he and I had only met a handful of times and it had gotten pretty unpleasant.