
I'm a prisoner of love for an indefinite period of time

I had been imprisoned by my childhood friend when I I woke up from bed.  my wrists was tied in thin iron chains and all my communication tools were took away. Seeing me wake up, his deep eyes stared at me, and his voice said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will live here, and you are not allowed to step out of the house again. I have resigned for you, and you are not allowed to date with your colleagues and customers , I will give you three meals a day, what you want, I will also meet you ...". Is there such a good thing? I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, so I forcefully suppressed my inner ecstasy and cautiously asked, "Why?" His long and slender fingers that fell on my shoulder trembled slightly, and there was a little more pain in his eyes, "Faye, I can't tolerate other men talking to you, touching you, kissing you like that ..." I quickly grasped the point of the matter, "You like me?" His eyelashes fluttered, he gently closed his eyes and nodded. I slapped the bed, said: "Louis , why didn't you say it earlier?" If I had knew it earlier, I wouldn't still be a f*cking corporate slave!

cocoliu · Urban
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13 Chs

Will you move in with me?-1

At he first few days of the cold war, I sent messages to Louis every day, but he simply did not reply to me. I began to get annoyed, and then I finally could not resist, so I called him during the lunch break, and he did not answer.

Later in the day there was too much work and I saw a video on Facebook of Louis having a positive time at a bar, so I put the whole asking him out thing on hold.

He went abroad these years, and my contact is getting thinner and thinner, not to mention that we are all adults running for their lives, perhaps he weighed, think I'm such a cool person is not worthy of friendship, and so stop.But my heart is inevitably lost.

Over the years, I have made a lot of friends, just round and round, to the present is still in close contact, there are no more than a few left. Excluding lucy, it is only after Louis returning to the country.

I was lost in thought for a moment, and was snapped back to my senses by the sound, looking down to see him looking up at me.A little if any smirk teasing his lips, but his eyes were inexplicably dangerous.

Without thinking, I said, "How could I have forgotten you? Louis, we've known each other since we were five, and now I'm twenty-five."

How many twenty years can there be in life.

Louis's fingers paused on my waist.The undulating emotions in his eyes faded, and looking like this, he was surprisingly docile.

He crouched in my lap and said in a slightly shaky voice, " Don't leave me."

I cursed in my mind.---What a foolish man!! I couldn't leave even if I wanted to with this big chain on me.

Silence for a long time. "Louis," I whispered and he immediately looked up at me. "I have to go to the bathroom and I want to take another shower."I said in a low voice.

Louis was stunned, his long eyelashes fluttered twice, his face surprisingly red. He was already extremely beautiful, a pair of sparkling eyes under the brow bone, the narrow end of the eyes.Thin lips, but the shape of the lips is beautiful, the skin is whiter than the average girl, this time the cheeks are scarlet, inexplicably more kind of amazing beauty.

I, a veteran pervert, nearly drooled as I watched.

By the time I got back to my senses,Louis had already taken a tiny key out and helped me unlock the chain, "There's a bathroom in the room, I'll wait for you at the door."

I was about to nod, when he suddenly caught my hand again and looked at me fixedly, "Faye, don't run away." As he said this, he glanced meaningfully at the window on the wall that was covered by the curtains.

As expected of Louis, he really knows me well, and I think he must have been extremely impressed by my high school behaviour of going out through the window to play games and over the wall to forage for food.

I rubbed my unchained wrists and gently put one hand on Louis' arm, circling it slowly and languidly, and leaned in close to whisper in his ear, "Louis, what floor does your family live on?"

His body stiffened and froze, "... four."

"Little cutie" I moved my hand away, seeing his eyes a few minutes deeper, laughed softly and said, "I'm going to take a shower, I haven't washed my hair since yesterday's meeting, and my hair is so oily ..."

He suddenly smiled, "Does Faye want my help?"

When the handsome man smiled, he seduced me, and I looked straight into my eyes, my heart's desire rising like a flame.

"Get out!"

As soon as I gave Louis a push out, I unlocked the door again and turned into the bathroom.

As soon as I entered the door I almost lost my voice and cried, the bathroom in Louis's house was, surprisingly, bigger than the bedroom I rented, and the size of that bathtub was almost as big as my bed.

I sighed as I undressed and stepped into the tub.

I clattered out of the water and stood up from the tub, but then realised that this was more passive and retreated back, reminding him, "Louis, I'm in the bath."

"I know." There was a bit more of a low tone in his voice, as if he was deliberately suppressing some emotion, "I've left clean pyjamas by the door, Faye remember to come out and wear them after you've showered ."

Louis had prepared a set of long-sleeved pyjamas with a peacock printed in goose-yellow for me, and had even bought new underwear.

After such a long time, he still remembered my preferences so clearly, I was surprised of it for a moment, changed into my pyjamas and walked out the door. He was carrying a hairdryer and stood beside the bed, carefully blow-drying my hair, and I turned round to see that the hairdryer was a Dyson.

This Louis's flat, from top to bottom reveals the rich atmosphere, as if it is to take the money piled up, even in front of me Louis, full of arrogance and noble temperament.

And standing here with a $3000 a month salary, wearing a discount T-shirt and a $20 necklace from Taobao, I am so out of place.

This is not the first time I feel inferior in front of Louis.

He keenly sensed my emotions, pursed his lips, came over to my side and gently embraced me, "Faye, I like you.So everything I have, can be yours."

At that time, I didn't know the second half of the line that he had hidden.---As long as, you never leave me.

"Why would I want everything from you." I sighed and spread out a hand to him, "Why don't you give me my mobile phone first, I have to fill in the paperwork to leave my job, right? And I have to reply to the messages from my friends, right? If the landlord wants us to pay the utility bills, I have to transfer the money to him, right?"

Louis looked at me with a dark gaze.This guy, I guess in his heart he thought I was plotting to leave him.

"Louis, you've quit my job for me--Of course, it just so happens that I don't want to do it anymore." I said coldly, "I'd like to live at your place too, but, Louis, you need to know what's counterproductive."

His eyes were sharp and dangerous as he looked at me, "Faye, don't push me."

"Louis, don't push me either." We stared at each other, and eventually it was Louis who took a step back.

He opened and closed his lips twice, turned back and went to get my mobile phone over, and sure enough, without looking at it for just twenty-four hours, Email had hundreds of unread messages.

I retired the company group that should be retired, only picking the urgent need to reply, when I slid, I found that there was an unread message from Lan, very consciously skimmed it directly, and then replied to my mother: "Mom, I'm fine, today's work is too busy, I haven't had the time to look at the mobile phone."

My mum ignored me for a moment, I closed email, opened the game, then raised my head and graciously invited Louis: "Eat chicken?"


Anyway, that's how I started my island adventure with Louis.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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