
I'm a prisoner of love for an indefinite period of time

I had been imprisoned by my childhood friend when I I woke up from bed.  my wrists was tied in thin iron chains and all my communication tools were took away. Seeing me wake up, his deep eyes stared at me, and his voice said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will live here, and you are not allowed to step out of the house again. I have resigned for you, and you are not allowed to date with your colleagues and customers , I will give you three meals a day, what you want, I will also meet you ...". Is there such a good thing? I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, so I forcefully suppressed my inner ecstasy and cautiously asked, "Why?" His long and slender fingers that fell on my shoulder trembled slightly, and there was a little more pain in his eyes, "Faye, I can't tolerate other men talking to you, touching you, kissing you like that ..." I quickly grasped the point of the matter, "You like me?" His eyelashes fluttered, he gently closed his eyes and nodded. I slapped the bed, said: "Louis , why didn't you say it earlier?" If I had knew it earlier, I wouldn't still be a f*cking corporate slave!

cocoliu · Urban
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13 Chs

Why did he leave the country?-3

I was keenly aware that the atmosphere between Louis and Henry was not quite right.

"Louis, wait a minute." I waved the payment slip in my hand at him, "I'm going to go find the doctor first, hook you up to the needle and we'll go home early after the infusion."

I softened my voice deliberately, Louis' eyelashes flickered and his expression softened as he answered.

I turned to go to the consulting room to find the doctor but stopped behind the corner, I snuck up against the wall and listened carefully to Louis and Henry's conversation

"You know full well that your presence would put her in danger and would not be good for your condition" Henry said gravely

Louise's eager voice cam:'When is it your turn to intervene in my affairs. I warn you, if you reveal this to Faye, I will not spare you"

"So have you forgotten why you left the country back then? That was stupid" Henry said

My mind was filled with questions, did Louis leaving the country have anything to do with me? Something happened back then before Louis left the country that I didn't know about. If Louis was close to me, I was in danger, so what kind of person would want to hurt me?

Just as I was about to listen, with a twist of my head, I realised that Louis' attending doctor was walking towards me, and to stay out of sight, I rushed over to talk to the doctor about giving Louis an infusion.

This doctor is very good-looking, big eyes, handsome eyebrows, high nose, lips are also very sexy, at this moment is using a gentle voice to tell me Louis home after the care precautions.

God damn it, my peach blossom luck is too good, right?

The doctor then gave me a prescription for medication and I went to the nurse's desk with the medication and the infusion order she wrote.

I don't know what Louis and Henry actually said, but when I led the nurse back, I was just in time to hear Louis coldly say, "I'm not like you."

Henry was about to say something, when he turned his head and saw me coming back, he smiled and closed his mouth, waving his hand at Louis, ''Since you're not hurt too badly, I'll leave first, I'll come back to see you next time I'm free.''

Louis snorted coldly, ''You better not come.''

Henry smiled disinterestedly and turned to walk away, I hesitated and chased him out, finding him standing in the corridor outside the door without leaving, as if he was waiting for me on purpose.

Before I could make a sound, he turned his head and looked at me with a thoughtful expression. I paused and couldn't help but ask, "Do you know something Louis is keeping from me?"

Henry smiled, "Like what?"

"Why did he leave the country, back then, anyway?"

This question has been hidden in the bottom of my heart for a long time, just now listening to Louis and Henry's dialogue, in addition to the heartache and sadness, the former doubts mixed with new questions is my mood messy.

Logically speaking, if Louis was even more ill and wanted to leave his familiar surroundings, there was no need for him to just leave the country, change cities, and stay in the country, where it would be more convenient for his family on his mother's side to take care of him.

Unless ...

Unless something so important had happened that he simply couldn't stay in the country and had to go abroad to hide.

I thought about my senior year of high school, it seemed like it was just after a perfectly ordinary weekend, when Louis suddenly didn't come to school and didn't return my messages.

After three days in a row, I finally waited for him to reappear.

But his face was pale, he was in a trance, his foggy eyes looked at me, and his voice was as light as a wisp of smoke: "Faye, I have to go."

I had a bellyful of words to say, but also ready for him not to return my message to make a temper, heard him say so, instantly froze: "Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving the country." He smiled faintly and reached out to pull two books out of the drawer.

I lowered my head and realised that the back of his hand was so hard that his veins were bulging and his fingertips were slightly warring, I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart and reached out to cover his hand, "Why? Louis, are you experiencing something?"

"... I'm going abroad for treatment."

Louis looked at me deeply, I can't describe the way he looked at me in that moment, determined and passionate, as if he had suddenly melted the ice field that was rushing towards me-

And as if it was the last look we would ever see in this life.

He raised a hand slightly, as if he wanted to touch my hair, but in the end, it froze in mid-air and retracted.

I didn't care too much about it at that time, I just asked anxiously, "It's just a treatment, can't you stay in the country for the treatment, do you have to go out?"

Louis laughed softly.

"Faye, the fish is stuck in a dry pond, if you don't leave, you will only die. This time, it's me who lost. But I don't want to die. I still want to see you again."

Louis's withdrawal procedures, his uncle to do, the process is particularly fast, a day to withdraw from the school, packed up the dormitory things to take away. In a hurry, like a wretched escape.

Three days later, I skipped class to go to the airport to see him off, Luis's uncle was also there.

He didn't say anything to me, just looked back at me before walking into the gate and whispered, "Faye, wait for me to come back."

But I always felt that he couldn't come back.

Nonetheless, I solemnly promised him, "Okay."

Henry's voice made me snap back to my senses. He smiled coolly and said, "For the cure."

"Is that the only reason?"

I also remembered how in high school, every time Louis looked at his dad with a wary look in his eyes, and how Louis had been in a car accident once

"Or else?" Henry asked rhetorically, suddenly lowering his head and slowly moving closer to me, his voice dripping with cold, "If you really want to know, there's always a way to find out. Faye, Louis is preoccupied with you, but I see that you're quite at home in the country. Falling in love, working, working out, none of it is delayed - do you really like Louis? Or ... you just see that now he's well, so rich, and devoted to you, there's nothing wrong with going along with it?"

Henry completely restrained the smiling face he used as a mask and stared at me with a bone-chilling coldness in his eyes, as if he wanted me to admit in shame that I was a money-grubbing, gold-digging woman.

Unfortunately, I have no morals, and he can't morally kidnap me.

I nodded my head and said matter-of-factly, "You're right, but I told Luis not to like me, but he insisted on liking me, he wouldn't listen to me no matter what, and he even insisted on spending money on me."

Henry froze, his expression suddenly becoming hard.

I tilted my head and deliberately smiled with an indulgent openness, "You like Louis so you can't see him liking me?"

Henry was exasperated by me.

Don't tell it, have to pretend with me here for half a day, but also to scold me in a roundabout way, do you really think that I am a good-tempered bun?

I also grumbled and returned to the ward, Louis was already on an infusion. I hurriedly went over to look at the speed at which the medicine was dripping, and confirmed that it was appropriate before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Louis lifted his eyes to look at me, a sparkling light underneath them, "What do you want with Henry?"

"To ask him something about you."

"If you want to know about me, just ask me, why ask him?" Louis frowned, "Stay away from him, he's not a nice guy."

I was a bit surprised, "Wasn't he the one who helped solve the matter of Mr Sam last time? I thought you were on good terms with him,...."

"I'm on good terms with him, and he's not a good person, these two things don't conflict." Louis said lightly, dropping his eyelashes, "Faye, there are some things that are quite complicated, I will find the right time to tell you, but not now. Just remember, Henry's not a good person - at least not in front of you."

I wrinkled my nose, a little upset, "Of course I know that! Do you know why he came to the hospital today - it was to accompany his girlfriend for an abortion. And he left the girl alone and came to see you."

"That's not his girlfriend."

Louis suddenly interrupted me, meeting my surprised eyes and smiling very slightly, "Fay, Henry has a constant stream of women around him, but he's never had a girlfriend, do you know why?"

"... Why?"

"Because he feels that none of those people are worthy of marrying into their family. But he likes young and beautiful women, and in order to lure them in, he'll give them some sweeteners, such as money, cars ... or the promise of becoming Mrs Henry. There are always people who fall for it, and the one you saw today is one of them."

Louise's voice had been calm, even through a coldness: 'They had been together for a long time, and Henry had a new goal and didn't want to continue. But she wouldn't give up, thinking that by carrying a child, Henry would compromise - but as it turned out, you saw."

I froze in place, wanting to say something, but after opening my mouth, I realised that I had run out of words for a moment.

Louis described to me a life that only existed in TV shows and novels, it seemed detached from reality, high up in the trees, but from the tone of his voice, it seemed like he was used to this sort of thing.

"Faye, in this world, it's always a matter of gaining one thing and losing another. The higher I go, the more I realise I've lost a lot of things."

Louis suddenly reached out a hand and gently placed it over mine.

I raised my eyes to look at him, and the vulnerability and caution in his eyes was plain to see at this moment: ''Fay, don't leave me alone, in their abyss.''

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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