
I'm a Pokemon!

Rossman Cowell a 34 year old office worker dies after trying to save his pet dog Dobby, he find himself in a golden room, rolling a wheel that chooses his fate, he was sent to the world of Pokemon as a..................Pokemon.......sus. Lets watch Ross become the greatest pokemon in existence! (I own nothing other than my Ross the mc...also he's going to be kinda weak at the same time not....)

Daoof30Forced · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


~Mountains left of Pewter City~

Before we left, Dobby stole a bag to carry miscellaneous stuff such as berries and others on our journey.

Looking up the mountain a sense of dread came over me, ever since I came into this world my sixth sense as they call it, was going off like a Christmas tree.

I could feel danger from certain events, like right now. Us taking a hike through this mountain is certain death.

That's what I'm feeling, normally I would just get danger signs like when I fought Charizard, I knew my life was in danger just not enough to the point I die instantly.

"We're not going through here," I spoke without taking no for an answer. Dobby had a downcasted look and Maki looked at me seriously.

"What's the problem, Star." She spoke with the most grave she could give.

"There is a chance, a large one at that. We won't be coming out of there alive."

Maki's face went grim, so did Dobby. I now know for a fact, they overestimate themselves.

"We're strong, but not strong enough for whatever is up there." I knew facts about the Pokemon world, if I saw a picture I knew what it was,

I knew the dates and ages of the most prominent characters in the series, but I don't have in-depth knowledge of the world itself.

I turned around, "Let's find another way, there is always a way, after all, all you have to do is find it."

They nodded and followed behind, but their pride was hit and they didn't like it, not one bit.

Running across the city with two Pokemon that weighed over 300 pounds would be an ordeal for anyone other than Ross.

He zoomed across the city, equating shockwaves that caused shop windows to shatter and skirts to lift themselves for the perverts to peer at.

Reaching near Diglett Cave, the danger signs that were once prominent, reached a all time low.

"We're going from here." I pointed towards the barren mountain-like area, the cliffs were steep but with our strength, we could scale it easily.

We scaled the side in no time, reaching the peak at midday, keeping the invisibility which increased the time taken longer but as they say safety first.

I looked at the two, Maki's face had a complicated look to it as if she just swallowed a sour lime.

Dobby on the other hand was running around collecting berries like a little kid looking around for toys in the mall.

The fog was unbelievably hard to see through, even with my eyesight enhanced it was marginally decreased to a couple hundred meters or so.

"If you think you're strong, then think otherwise," I spoke as we continued to scale the mountain.

I didn't even have to look at her to realize how shocked she was. "You thought I wouldn't notice, laughable."

Her hand that was clamped onto my shoulder tightened, though I felt absolutely nothing, I knew how she felt.

I left school with multiple degrees, only to end up working at an office, that's what everyone thought, though it did start off like that.

Even if I had all the book sense, without common sense I wouldn't have survived in the corporeal world.

Creating my own company that had a net worth of around 10 billion was all fun and all but taking care of it was a pain.

I hated the long route, making beelines here and there was a pretty common thing for businessmen and I adopted the same ways, just with more risk.

Not telling my parents of my success made them distance themselves away from me, according to them I was a failure.

Typical Asian parents always want you to become a doctor, though they're the same ones who don't like to take prescribed medicine.

Reminiscing about the past made the already gloomy situation with Maki even more depressing.

"We're strong to the common people, but there are monsters out there that could end this world without them even knowing!"

I looked back this time with a nonchalant look, what was I supposed to do cry about it.

I'm not the type to show overwhelming emotion unless Dobby's involved, after all, he is my son.

Her face once again showed a myriad of emotions, the most prominent one was worry.

"If your studying how you would fare against them, don't worry yourself out, they don't come out of the woodwork and attack you out of nowhere,"

Most of them are like Mewtwo, just looking for a paradise to take a nap, in or come out to protect their kind like Regigigas.

The truly strong ones aren't even on this planet, a matter a fact there not even in this dimension.

My eyes pierced Dobby's back with a threatening gaze, he was going too far away from us, and I didn't want to lose him in this fog.

Sensing my gave he scurried over with a clear cold sweat making his fur look moist.

"The next time you do that, imma eat all the food we get in front of your face." I deadpanned at him as he fainted.

Lifting him over my shoulder we made our way across the foggy mountainous area in silence.

"What do you mean I don't have to worry about them." She spoke somewhat timidly, I knew for a fact she was shy.

Her talking yup was a sign that she was breaking out of her shell, which may help her in the future once she doesn't become a power-hungry freak which is unlikely.

"They wouldn't waste their time on weaklings like yourself," I spoke once again in a provocative tone, and it worked.

Her hand clenched even more on my shoulder, luckily it was my right, not my left where Dobby fainted.

"Just from a few words, your emotions became aroused, your anger seeped out, and you lost yourself in a fit of rage."

This exact same scenario occurred during training, she released her hold on my shoulder, revealing herself to the world.

"You are limiting yourself to your surroundings, all those Pokemon you saw through our journey, are what I call cannon fodder,"

I looked at her with complete and utter confidence in what I said, I knew more about this world than practically anyone.

Other than Arceus and a couple others that are just strong to the point concepts don't affect them.

"If any of them were caught by a trainer with at least above average skills, they could return to their place of birth, and live like a king."

I kept trying to imprint in their minds that there is someone always stronger, someone who stood above us...for now that is.

They understood what I meant but sticking it into their mind is a pain in the ass, it goes through one ear and goes out the other most of the time.

"I've been preaching to you since we left Viridian Forest, if we were truly strong do you think we would need to hide."

"If we were truly strong would we need to look for fights, if we were the absolute strongest all of this would be unnecessary."

I knew she had common knowledge of what I spoke about, Pokemon and Human language weren't that different in meaning.

They were both derived from Japanese, but they were almost the exact same, just with some English added into the fray.

She nodded deeply thinking about what I was saying, the main reason I was spouting shit like this was her personality problems.

When she's training she expresses herself fully, raging around like it's no ones business, using moves that compliment the situation subconsciously.

Her Fight IQ is breathtakingly high, so much that Keanu Reeves would call her breathtaking and die from lack of Oxygen.

That's training, when she fights anyone other than myself and Dobby she overthinks everything, what move to use to go for a groin shot, shit like that.

I swiped my hand connecting with a ball of purple gas that slammed into a tree fainting.

"It's a Ghastly, be careful they can use Psychic-Type moves, which are super effective against you."

'An opportunity for her to excel in a proper fight.' That was all that was on my mind at this moment.

Walking a bit ahead of her, disappearing into the fog, I could see panic written all on her face.

All of a sudden she fell on the ground limp, a Ghastly appeared next to her using a move I hated for a while now.

[Dream Eater], a move that allows the user to take another sleeping Pokemons energy.

With [Hypnosis] being an attack almost unavoidable due to the attack being an AOE wave.

I already knew what was happening, due to the nature of the skill, it could replicate a dream of your deepest desires.

Or one that shows a goal you wanted to achieve the most, maybe even the girl you wanted to go to prom with.

The Ghastly in the area surrounded her, absorbing her energy, practically stamina, turning her into a sitting duck.

There were two problems with this whole situation though, the group of Ghastly was so underleveled that using [Dream Eater] practically did nothing and their combined [Hypnosis] attack was beginning to wear off.

Tears were streaming from her swollen eyes, her nose was runny, and another problem arose,

She subconsciously released her aura, meaning the energy the Ghastlys were absorbing was switched.

From stamina to aura, before they could release a new collective wave of [Hypnosis] I appeared between them.

"[Hiken:Fire Fist]!" Shouting out the name like a typical chunni, my fist caught on fire, swinging my arm as if I was trying to catch something.

A torrent of flames was released, engulfing the Ghastlys, lighting the forest on fire in the process.

Before it could spread to dangerous proportions I held my hands out, "[Steamy Murder]!"

Slamming my palms together steam surrounded the area, neutralizing the oxygen, putting a half to the fire for the time being.

I used both, [Fire Punch] that I renamed and modified to become [Hiken:Fire Fist], and [Ice Punch].

Grabbing Maki I sprinted reaching the edge of a cliff, resting both the sleeping cuties down, I made my way back.

"I guess I'll be trying that out huh." Doing the exact same move from before, the steam caused the already extinguishing fire to become even smaller.

Due to steam only decreasing the amount of oxygen, it can't directly put out a fire, so I vied to use Plan B.

Opening my mouth I sucked in the fog, oxygen and even my own self created steam.

Opening my eyes left me completely stunned, the surroundings looked as if it was paradise.

Next to me was a small puddle, the trees were completely green, as if untouched by man.

I walked up to the puddle sucking in that as well, and doing something similar to [Hydro Pump] just with gases and a little liquid.

I used less pressure and went for a spray instead of something that would hit this lovely environment.


The water began to rain down, fully extinguishing the fire, I took a little more time than I should have to admire the surrounding beauty.

"I guess I'll come back here someday, maybe live here for a while."

I ran back to the cliff, as the increasing fog made my mood a bit heavier due to leaving the two fainted and alone.

Reaching the cliff Dobby was rolling on the ground, all over the place, playing the complete fool.

Maki was looking over the cliff with empty eyes, this girl can't be serious.

"Oy Mika, stop being an emo and let's go." Before she could reply, I jumped off the cliff.

I knew that the drop was high but each one of us could make this easily without any injuries.

*Thud, Thud, Plop*

The three of us landed in completely different postures but that wasn't what was on my mind.

In the distance, I could clearly see a new adventure waiting for us, a somewhat safe haven for the time being.

The region of Johto here I come.....

Rushed chapter, since its 1 am by me an I have school work to do, I also might not drop a chapter tomoror......whih is today loll. Tensura should get a chapter Thurday so bye.

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