
I'm A God In The Seven Deadly Sins

When Kami Maou, an avid lover of the Seven Deadly Sins, 'dies', his dream comes true when he's reincarnated into the world he loves. Albeit a few millennia behind the start of canon, with the help of his mighty system, and his starting race, watch as Kami Maou dominates, destroys, enjoys, and deploys his plans for the world of the Seven Deadly Sins. ========== Wish fulfillment bullshit in the anime world of Seven Deadly Sins. Many time-skips. Long time-skips. Immortal harem with characters like Merlin and Guila(?). Explicit sexual scenes, violence, gore, and profanity. The protagonist is straight, comedic, slightly sadistic, and deceitful. Far, far into the story he'll wind up going back to modern Earth. Also, this 'synopsis' of mine doesn't have everything in it, and it migbt not be completely accurate, so if you like what you see so far, give it a read. Don't really have much more to say than that, other than rate, comment, and follow please... Oh, and I'm doing this out of boredom, so don't really expect much other than good fight scenes, comedy, and uh... sex...

SwordWraith · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter Three: Sleeping Beauty, and The Chaotic Awakening

The rest of the ride back to my apartment was silent and comfortable. Annabelle actually fell asleep in the slightly reclined seat, causing most of the silence, but it was mostly because the barren roads and my intent observation of the sleeping beauty. Making not a sound as she slept silently, her pretty face looked relaxed, relieved, and happy.

I wasn't completely sure why, but I felt glad and contented that I took her with me. I'm pretty sure that this would be called love, but to call it love so soon would be an overstatement, so instead, I interpreted it as adoration and pity. It made sense to me because, for a beautiful girl like her to be stuck a simple grocery store like that was just pitiful, and I adored her entirely. From her face, to her body, to her personality, and then to her name, I loved, or rather, I adored them all.

In any case, adore is a step below in the chain of liking a person while love is the ultimate feeling which is the highest level in liking a person. But when you adore a person, you are that much closer to falling in love with them than you think. The saying, 'I Love You', are the strongest three words that you speak to a person. This is what I thought to myself as I came to a stop in the private parking garage at my apartment building. Looking over at the blond beauty sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat, I smiled warmly, before raising my hand. I poked her face lightly, then said, "It's time to wake up, Goddess Annabelle."

Seeing her not move an inch as she continued to rest in the seat, I sighed and got out of the car, then went over to the passenger side door. Opening it, I took a hand and slid one under her knees, before taking my other hand and slipping it behind her back. I slowly picked her up and out of the black sports car, then softly and silently closed the door with my foot. With the sleeping beauty resting closely in my arms, I made my way up to my apartment.

Soon enough, I reached my apartment door and opened it by lifting her legs up slightly, then putting in my pass-code quickly. After I got in, I immediately went to my bedroom and laid her on the black-sheeted bed. She laid on 'my' right side of the bed, resting her head on a soft fluffy pillow as she continued to sleep peacefully without a care in the world. Taking off my black T-shirt, I threw on a white tanktop, before going over to the left side of the bed and getting on. I scooted close to her, then lifted her head up slightly. Sliding my soft muscular arm underneath her neck, I pulled hed close and rolled her onto her side, facing me.

Enjoying the comfortable warmth of Annabelle's body as well as her supple breasts on my side, I gazed at her pretty face, then kissed her forehead softly, closing my eyes right after with a unconsciously warm and loving smile. A minute later, the temptation to sleep started grabbing at my mind, so I let go, and embraced the feeling, just as I embraced the beautiful girl on my left side.


Feeling drowsiness clouding my mind as I slowly opened my eyes, I blinked rapidly, not realizing that the darkness never went away. Finally, I tightly shut my eyes, before opening them and starring into an empty void. I raised my hands up to my face, and I saw them, however other than myself, everything was pure darkness. My true astute and phlegmatic personality kicked into gear as I tried to assess the situation at hand. But... I couldn't figure out a thing, nothing at all. Everything was the void, and no matter how much I looked around and tried to do something, I couldn't make out what was happening.

The silent nothingness of the void soon became apparent to me, and I finally realized something. There was some sort of icon in the upper left corner of my vision. Squinting at it, the icon shifted and enlarged itself immediately, becoming some sort of character creation window that you would see in a video game. It bewildered me, however I stayed calm and collected as I gazed at the light window and read its golden worded contents. In this order going down, it read-

/=========( •●• )=========\


–Kami Maou

–{ ??? } <(Unseal All)>



–{ ??? } <(Unseal All)>


–Human Male

–{ ??? } <(Unseal)>



–{ ??? } <(Unseal All)>



–{ ??? } <(Unseal All)>


Transference To The Seven Deadly Sins Universe Commencing: 174 Seconds

Transfer Now? |Confirm|

\=========( •●• )=========/

My eyes went wide at the sight of it saying that I'm going to the Seven Deadly Sins Universe, however my chest hurt at the thought of leaving Annabelle behind. Even though I only met her earlier today, it was love at first sight, and no one can say anything different. Looking at the seemingly pressable buttons that read 'Unseal', I pressed all of them without hesitation. If I'm truly going to be transported to the Seven Deadly Sins Universe, then I'm going to need all the power I can get.

Following that, the golden words disappeared and the window's light blue shade turned into a sensual violet. Bright red words appeared out of nowhere and planted themselves onto the violet window, causing an ominous feeling to radiate from it. He looked over the changes with anticipation, and the new bright red words read-

/=========( •●• )=========\


–Kami Maou

–Sin'nier Soul Silver

–Akuma Void

–Seyyal Azenssi

–Reisanji Dreamic

{ V - For More }


–Ascended Demon God

–Original Sin

–Primordial Demon King

–The Eternal One

–Serene Dreamweaver

{ V - For More }


–Ascended Demon God

–Incarnation Of Sin

–Primordial Demon

–Ascended Supreme Human

–Ascended Pureblood Fairy

{ V - For More }


–Demonic Control

–Vault of Sins

–Chaotic Void

–Sovereign Overlord

–Godly Dreamworks

{ V - For More }


–Cosmic Genius

–Copycat's Eyesight

–Ceaseless Mind

–Eternal Existence

–Infinite Dream

{ V - For More }


Transference To The Seven Deadly Sins Universe Commencing: 141 Seconds

Transfer Now? |Confirm|

System Note: Most of the Host's Names, Titles, Races, and Abilities will be resealed. Some of the above, or all of the above may be unsealed once the Host is in an unrestricted area, or at a 'Higher Level'. All traits are unsealable.

\=========( •●• )=========/

Seeing such a character sheet full of unknown and cryptic things, I sighed and reined in my confusion, because after all, there was no point in fretting over the things I didn't know. However in an instant, a seemingly endless amount of memories and knowledge flowed into my head. Kneeling down onto the nonexistent floor, I clutched my head, not in pain, but in the infinite revelations those memories gave me. While this happened, my body underwent a drastic change that I was somehow unaware of.

My back hair elongated and lost all of its color, turning into crystal-like strands of unbreakable hair. My sclera turned pitch black like the void around me, my irises and pupils became something similar to that of a feline and or reptile as their color changed from black to a bright, wrathful red. Then finally my body, it grew, improved, and enhanced everywhere simultaneously and unknowingly. I had beautifully pearlescent and nearly white skin that could almost be used as a mirror, and three sets of black lined aethereal wings with every color imaginable weaving and disappearing in and out of each other. I had grown massively in both height and overall size too, so now I stood at around seven and a half feet tall. The large cable-like muscles that spread out all over my body were seemingly soft, hard, moldable, and invincible all at the same time.

I had snapped out of my vicious reveling stupor nearly a minute ago, and now I was checking out my body that underwent colossal changes in the span of only a minute. Surprisingly, the nearly endless amount of memories I took in barely had an effect on my mind or personality, which was good, because I didn't want to suddenly become another person. But other than that, I found something pretty funny. Apparently I've lived millions and billions of lives, and technically I'm like a few trillion years old, but I don't know if you would call that old or not since I'm basically immortal in every way.

Now I can die, however that would take forever, hahaha, funny right? No. What I'm saying is that I can't die in any way unless my soul that's been tempered for trillions of years gets destroyed. So basically~ I'm unkillable. Well, now that I'm done with all of that, I looked back at the Transference timer and saw that I have about fifteen seconds left. After five seconds passed, a small beeping sound occurred for every one of the last ten seconds that was counted down. Soon enough, the timer finished beeping, and my surroundings instantly changed.

Looking around, I saw lava, and a rocky hellscape formed with deep and dark red nether-rock. Far off in the distance, I saw massive populated areas made of various dark colored material. From what I gathered in in my short geographical survey, I concluded this place was...

The Demon Realm.