
I'm a God, Honest!

So I practice a dual cultivation technique, I'm a Football (Soccer) star that has performed the best during the drafting process, I have a pretty big following and Finally I'm the son of a successful Businessman. If this was a normal story I would 12 girlfriends by now, a small mansion in the capital city and the backing of some amazing sect or Master. Well I have none of that, My cultivation talent is mediocre, I haven't properly dual cultivated yet, I'm single, have no money and a part time job. Although I performed the best, I had to choose the worst team as per an agreement with my father, I'm second in line for his money and my family hate me, now my story starts to pick up when I arrive at my new college. My time is here, I will become a God and stand atop of the world and play some football while I'm at it.

TheFallenAngel01 · Urban
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The First Day

So it took three days to travel to the town of Middlebrook, three different trains, three different hotels, three different boring conversations with the person sitting next to me. Although I did learn some stuff about my destination, it used to be a major town until the depression hit and it lost a large number of investors, the team that signed me up and will be paying my college bill apparently was very big 1920s.

I bet you thinking, shouldn't you have researched the team before you joined them? Well, there was no reason to, no matter what I had to select the worst team that offered me a position as per an agreement with my Father, if I turn the team around, he will allow me to compete with my brother for his money. if not he will disown me once and for all.

You may be thinking that the deal is a little extreme but to be honest, I was and still am a bit of an arsehole, to both my family and friends. Did I crash the family car 4 times? Well, these are the times I can remember, I burnt a portion of the house quite badly when I tried to smoke drunk, beat my brother up quite badly.

My only redeeming feature is my ability to play football, at the youth level I have scored 45 goals in 59 games as a Striker, including 5 in 7 for the under 21s. The 'Next Messi' apparently, I don't believe the hype to be honest with you and with my record I will probably fuck this up like the rest of my life.

Oh yeah, I feel like I'm missing out on something important, I'm also one of those cultivators like out of those books, although I'm not great at it, barely out of the first stage, I can't progress however until I practice my dual cultivation technique with someone with a large amount of Yin energy, a bit of a dead-end when not many females have pure yin energy anymore.

"Those getting off in Middlebrook, please make your way towards the exit."

So here we are, a town in the middle of nowhere while my family lives up in the capital city, sounds about right...

<Anubis Corp, Jjin City, Paltora>

"My brother should be arriving in Middlebrook around now, how are the plans we have in place to limit him?"

A woman got off her knees, wiping the remaining spit off her face she said" We have set up a few traps that should throw him off and secure your place as your father's heir, after all, you are far more intelligent than your brother is. It won't take much for him to fail, my sister is present in the college, she is willing to make sure he fails for a price. A few teachers have been bribed as well, mainly those who have influence, unfortunately, the principal is not one of them, he needs your brother for sponsorship deals."

The man sitting in the chair looked at the woman and said" Offer your sister 100k and a job at the end of her course if she can succeed in dragging him down however you are vastly underestimating him, even with all his deeds that threaten the family's reputation, my father refuses to leave him for dead, he must see something in him that we can not. Ask your sister to look into this as well, not understanding him may cause us to fail in the end, Oh brother of mine, what are you really?"

<Taxi, Middlebrook, Paltora>

Smiling to myself, I looked down at my phone as an audio clip was sent to me by one of my bugs.

Interesting plan you have for me brother, I wonder who that woman is and who her sister is. It seems like some teachers are going to give me a hard time and judging by the amount of money you will be throwing around, It will be hell here. I can't wait, the fun to be had while I build up a power base to deal with my family once and for all.

As I got out of the Taxi, I glanced around at my surroundings, my future pain and gains would all happen in this prison, I mean school. The building itself seems to be in good nick, not too sure about the bright colour scheme but whatever I guess? I should make my way to the reception, then check-in and find my dorm, after all the welcome ceremony is tomorrow, nothing to do till then.

Entering the main building, I was greeted by a large room with a reception desk in the centre, the blue room contrasted weirdly with the purple chairs, honestly, they should get a refund from whoever designed the look of this place. Ignoring it as much as I could, I approached the desk, a short woman with plain clothing was looking at the screen, boredom seeped from her.

Smiling I said" Hi. I'm new here, could I possible sign-on and be shown where my dorm is?"

The woman didn't look up from her screen as her monotone voice demanded "Name?"

"Maxwell, Maxwell Bentus, should be a sports scholarship I believe, that's what they said when I was offered the spot after the draft anyway."

The woman looked up from the screen and said" Oh, your the new favourite, the star football player right? Going to lead the college to new heights and glory? Good luck. our sports teams suck, the football one is particularly bad. One good player won't change that, it is a group game after all."

Not really sure how to respond, I smiled and said"I guess, can I get my room key please?"

The woman looked back up at me, forced a map into my hands and a key that had D-2 written on it, she briefly and sarcastically explained" Here is a map of the school, you will be staying in dorm D-2, one of the private, luxury dorms, enjoy that privilege, my King."

The extreme hostility and sarcasm caught me off guard, thinking that this could be one of my brother's agents, I nodded at her and went to leave, as I did however a butterfly flew down onto my hand, dancing as the sunlight reflected off of its body, a small voice entered my mind.

'She is not one of them Master, she holds no ill will towards you other than envy and lust for what you have, not for her though, her younger cousin has come here to train for the swimming team. The dorm you have is the one she was meant to get, she has been relegated to the normal dorms.'