
I'm a God, Honest!

Magical Realism
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What is I'm a God, Honest!

Read I'm a God, Honest! novel written by the author TheFallenAngel01 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Magical Realism stories, covering r18, harem, cultivation, antihero, campus. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


So I practice a dual cultivation technique, I'm a Football (Soccer) star that has performed the best during the drafting process, I have a pretty big following and Finally I'm the son of a successful Businessman. If this was a normal story I would 12 girlfriends by now, a small mansion in the capital city and the backing of some amazing sect or Master. Well I have none of that, My cultivation talent is mediocre, I haven't properly dual cultivated yet, I'm single, have no money and a part time job. Although I performed the best, I had to choose the worst team as per an agreement with my father, I'm second in line for his money and my family hate me, now my story starts to pick up when I arrive at my new college. My time is here, I will become a God and stand atop of the world and play some football while I'm at it.

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Prolog Pada 700 tahun yang lalu, ada keluarga kecil, namun mereka hidup bahagia, sang ibu sudah tiada karena melahirkan si bungsu. Kemudian ada satu hal yang tidak pernah disangka-sangka. Karena kecerobohan itu, mengakibatkan semuanya tiada. Sebelum pergi ke hutan, sang ayah yang bekerja sebagai pemburu, berpesan kepada sang kakak dan adik yang bernama, Jaka dan Eko, agar tidak bermain hal yang berbahaya. Begitu ayah pergi, sang kakak, Jaka pergi ke kamar dan tidur. sang adik bosan di dalam rumah, berulang kali dia melihat ke luar jendela. Eko tidak bisa menahan rasa bosannya lagi. Jadi dia membangunkan kakaknya, Jaka. Jaka yang sedang tidur, menggeliat malas. Dan menyuruh Eko main sendiri. Dengan hati yang kesal, Eko pergi ke dapur. Eko menyadari ada batu api di dekat tungku untuk memasak. Dengan rasa penasaran, Eko meraih batu api itu kemudian mulai memainkannya. Api menyala secara mendadak di tangan Eko, karena kaget, Eko melemparkan batu api ke dalam tumpukan kayu kemudian dengan cepat api menyebar. Pintu belakang di dapur tidak bisa di buka lagi, karena tertutupi api. Eko lari ke kamar Jaka yang masih tidur. Dengan panik Eko menceritakan semua. Jaka dan Eko kemudian menghambur keluar. Ruangan itu sangat panas. Api menyebar tidak terkendali. Dan mulai memasuki ruang tamu. Joko juga Eko berusaha membuka pintu. Sayangnya tidak terbuka karena terkunci dari luar. Baru saat itulah Joko menyadari ayahlah yang mengunci dari luar agar Eko tidak main ke pinggir hutan tempat mereka tinggal. *** Dan kisah ini dimulai saat sepupuku, Melisa dan kelima temannya, bermain di rumahku. Aku tak tahu kalau Melisa dan kelima temannya akan merubahku seperti sekarang. Apa kau tahu? Terkadang rasa ingin tahu itu berbahaya. Begitu yang terjadi dengan Melisa dan kelima temannya. Mereka hanya sekedar ingin tahu tentang legenda tahu itu, tapi rasa penasaran itu malah membawa petaka.

Dianra · Horror
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This is the last time i am trying this, this can be the novel your site will regret not having after this i will never post this one here. (Novel does not promote drugs, RATHER ASK all readers to refrain from doing anything similar) THERE ARE NO PROMOTIONS FOR DRUGS OR ANYTHING, THIS NOVEL DISCOURAGES PEOPLE FROM GETTING OR DOING SUCH ACTS A realistic character with realistic dialogue and habits (YES) Other characters who have brains (YES) 2 dudes who were transported to another world (YES) AI bot (crazy bots)(YES) One who wants to be HOKAGEEE? (YES) Another one who wants to be PIRATE KING?? (YES) THEY MAKE A CORPORATION???( YES) Girls??( NOPE) 2 boys who set out to be famous influencer go around a haunted place and find out...that they have been transported to another world BUT SO SIMILAR, a world described and warned by all the smart people in their world, a world of disaster where every warning has come true. "Bro...isn't this WHAT IF?" "SHUT UP!" What will happen these 2 middle-class kinds with (bird) brains realize this world has to offer power, will they sit back as they did in past OR JUST BE SOMETHING MORE READ IT! In a world where the boundaries between realities blur and the warnings of their world manifest into terrifying truths, two unsuspecting boys find themselves thrust into a realm of unimaginable peril and boundless opportunity. "Yoo bro... it seems we travelled through the multiverse," Welcome to a world where humanity's darkest creations have taken on a life of their own—a world plagued by dangerous AI and monsters, where the government's grip on society tightens with each passing day, and so does of alien (eyes...) But amidst this, these two middle-class boys stumble upon a fact that shoke their reality, people can possess the ability(seriously why they supriss) to wield superhuman genes (powers). Powers that, for others, might be considered common. But for these two cracked heads, it's a game-changer. With the audacity of youth and a healthy dose of INSANITY, they embark on a wild and unpredictable journey—one that defies the order of the world in a way no one knew. Instead of cowering in fear or succumbing to the status quo, they embrace their newfound abilities and set out to carve their destiny. They will make a corporation like no other, where the line between ambition and madness blurs beyond recognition. Some among them aspire to become PIRATE KING plundering the riches of this strange new world. Others dream of attaining the title of "HOKAGEE. But all share a common goal: to leave their mark on this world, for better or for worse. From rival factions vying for supremacy to the ever-looming threat of their own hubris, the road ahead is fraught with danger and uncertainty. But one thing is for certain: with these two CRAZY heads at the helm, the world will never be the same again. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions, where the only limit is their own imagination. What will they do to this world? The answer is simple: anything they damn well please

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  神秘的魔武封印,令人闻之色变,哪怕是强大的武神,中了一道封印后都会实力大损。然而,在一个山村少年林奇的身上,竟然带着整整六道封印!   如果是别的孩子,被六道封印压制住,他休想再练出一丝斗气,休想使出一个魔法,但林奇硬是一级级的提升着自己的实力。   虽然级别不高,但林奇的武力非同小可,他是大陆上唯一一个能够越七级杀人的天才,以四级武士的身份诛杀强大的武圣。   林奇的强大,来源于他的一个神秘吊坠,依靠它的帮助,林奇可以连续重复一千次他预设的梦境,他可以连续千次和高不可攀的公主上床,也可以连续千次挑战远胜自己的强者。   如果在现实里,象林奇这么勇猛的人,早就非死即残了,但在梦境里,林奇却不怕受伤,也不怕死亡,他可以放心试验新招,以一次次死亡的代价,换来自己的飞速成长,换来无人可比的丰富战斗经验。   阅读疑问:   1,一旦林奇解开封印,他会强到什么程度?   2,林奇拥有的几千枚固魔丹,他什么时候将其转化为几千位对他忠心的魔法师?   3,林奇的宠物小猫,竟然强过十级魔兽,它究竟是什么来历?   4,林奇未来的武器会是什么样子?   5,诺亚大陆,和传说中的诺亚方舟有什么关系?   

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