

"Aaahhh....!?Where am I? ". Doran wandering to himself what happend and where is he. He slowly open both of his eye while still having a little bit feeling of dizzy.

"Why it is so dark, aaahhh!! what?! why I can't move?? what happen? Doran still having feeling of dizzy suddenly struck by panic because the feeling of immobilize from his body.

He's also fell pain on his limb as he try to struggle in the dark.

"He's awake... "

"Tell the boss that he's awake "

"Okay..!! "

"What..? who's the owner of the voices? I've never heard of them anywhere... ". Lingering in his mind while still struggling to move.

"Tap..... "

"Ka... "

"Ka... "

"Ka... "

"Ka... "

Doran eyes blinded by a sudden white light rush into his eyes. "Aahh, damn, my eyes it hurts ".

A sudden light came from the spotlight as he heard iron door open and some foot step could be heard approaching but stil quite far from Doran.

"Hey..hey.., awake already Doran..".A sudden big and masculine voice lingger the whole place with echo like someone speak loudly in a hall. Doran felt like he was somewhat very familiar with the voice.

Doran try to open his eyes slowly after his eyes were adapt to the light that shone through his pupils, slowly lid up his eyes, then he suddenly saw a few man dress in black fit with mask that have only 2 holes for eyesight that also in black.

He try to take a look at the voice source, he shock a bit to see it is not just familiar voices but also familiar faces. It is indeed the voice of gatekeeper of the male dorm on the orphanage he stay. He was call Goyl by most people.

"Why am I here?And why are you here?Where are we? What is going on here? "Doran asking with his voices tremble.

"Doran, boy, one question at a time.., please...relax a bit.."Goyl then tell Doran with a smiling face while standing on the iron platform not far from where Doran location.

"I don't have grudge with you Doran, nor do we here, but...., not our clients, its nothing personal Doran, please don't have grudges and haunt us after you went to afterlife".Goyl start to speak yet again before Doran could with the sudden change of emotion on his face.

"What did I do? why are you doing this to me?". Doran ask the question after he realise that he being bind by rope tightly onto both of his hand and his leg and connect to the chair they put him on. It was obviously they really do not intent Doran to escape anywhere at all when he saw an iron shakle were put on his ankle.

"I'm just doing my job as per my client request, he want you to be with the dead.And also torturing you till your breathe stop" Goyl then speak with a sudden serius emotion form on his unfriendly face.

"Lets leave him here, lets go .Keep the door lock PROPERLY!! We don't want any trouble with the client.We already got the payment"said Goyl to his underlings .

" Ah.. god, I'm in trouble, somebody please help me". Doran thought to himself with mix feeling of afraid, panic, and helpless.

"Tomorrow you'll never seen light again, rest well as it is your last peaceful day. " The warden give Doran last speech as he heading out from the door with few of his underlings.

As the sorrowful feeling that Doran have the hall became dark again as the light being turn of by one of the warden underlings. And also the sound of iron door being lock by them.

"What do I do ?..I cannot move at all..."Doran think as he try to calm himself.

"I'll try to make the rope loose first" Then Doran struggle himself wiggling like a worm at the hope that the rope will lose.

But it is a useless deeds as the rope are to tight to loose it, and he also forgot about the iron shakle on his ankle.

"Haaahh....., I think this is the last day I will live. I still have a lot of things that I want to do, at least give me some kind of power that I can enjoy before I die. " Doran thought at himself as he let out a long sigh.

"Or let me have a girlfriend, even my buddy Cail have a beauty as his girlfriend " As Doran thought again suddenly a voice came through his mind.

"Aren't you demanding too much in your current position? "