
I'm a Dead Queen and the Champion of a Goddess?

Having been called an evil queen by the people she failed. Savina was struck down by the Hero of Justice, Vesh. Given a second chance, Savina is reborn as the Champion of the Goddess of Wisdom. Can Savina make amends for her failings? Can she reclaim her throne and prevent a war that threatens to tear apart the continent of Olozia? Or will she only repeat the mistakes she made in her previous life? Well, there's only one way to find out...

Ualer · Fantasy
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35 Chs

You’re Very Nosey

Stepping off the wagon, Savina walked forwards. Stopping by the horse, she rested a hand on its mane. "You're a long way from the Eastern Oaks."

The Elf's voice was quiet, calm. "The Eastern Oaks is currently on alert for any and all disturbances of demonic origin. During meditation, I felt a tear threatening to grow larger. I came to see whether it was a problem that required immediate attention, although. I see that the tear has been dealt with."

"Yep, so you can get moving."

"You're very hostile, Savina."

"You're very nosey." Savina shot back.

It took Savina a few seconds to realise what had just happened.

"Wait, wait!" Savina waved her arms. "Oh come on, how do you know it's me?"

"You know how I see things." Putting a hand up to the cloth that covered her eyes, Filiea smiled. "Although I feel your physical body has changed. Your soul remains the same."

Walking up behind her, Rio nodded to the lady. "Another friend of yours?" Asked Rio.

"I wouldn't say a friend," Savina muttered. "Old acquaintance would be more applicable."

"Oh. Who is this." Walking forward, the woman moved her face inches from Rio's own. "You have a very interesting soul, it is familiar. Have we met before?"

"Um." Taking a step back, Rio shook his head. "Not that I'm aware."

Standing back, Filiea tilted her head to look at Savina. "Well, aren't you going to introduce us, Savina?"

Rolling her eyes, Savina gestured between them. "Filiea meet Rio. Rio, Filiea."

"Nice to meet you." Filiea slightly bowed her head. "It is nice to see Savina has found friends during her absence. Any friend of Savina's is a friend of mine. Although, I can see a third person."

Turning to see Iseul still sitting in the wagon, Savina held her hands up to gesture toward him.

"That's Iseul, he doesn't talk much. Actually, he can't talk, he's mute, he's also blind like you."

"I see." Waving to Iseul, Iseul slowly waved back. "I've actually found you at a very important time. I'm sure you've heard of the Demon King's threat of invading Ruoroa."

"Of course I have." Savina bemoaned. "Because I died, the Demon King's going to invade my own kingdom. It's backwards thinking. We were on our way there."

"Hmm." Resting her weight on her staff, Filiea leaned closer to Savina. "I'm sure my Queen would like to speak with you about that."

Hearing this, Savina looked away. "Does she know I'm alive?"

Filiea shook her head.

"Let's keep it that way. I don't want to speak to her."

"Speak to who?" Rio asked.

"Filiea wants me to meet the Queen of the Elves. Faylea Ilirieth." Savina spat. "You see, Rio, Filiea isn't just your average Elf. She's actually the court mage to Faylea, Filiea advises on everything. Magical."

"Aren't you missing out on an important part, Savina?"

Glaring at Filiea, Savina turned away. "I am not. I also do not have time to deal with her and to be honest. I doubt she would want to see me. We need to reach Deauri before the Demon King does something we all regret."

"Something we will all regret you say." Filiea quietly repeated.

"What was that?"

"Savina, please. We need your aid, something dangerous has stirred within the dark recesses of the Oaks. Believe me, I know that you two do not hold each other in high regard, but please. Come and see Faylea. Hear her out, if you won't do it for Faylea, please. Do it for Felesyn."

"Who-" Rio's words were cut off as Savina held her hand up.

"Don't even." She snapped. Savina returned her attention to Filiea, her voice softer than before. "Is… is he ok."

"Your death shook him. Upon hearing of your demise, Felesyn threw himself into his studies. Trying to find a solution to our problem through his alchemy. I am sure Felesyn would greatly benefit from seeing your return."

Biting her thumb, Savina weighed the options before her. "Fine." She grunted. "I'll go, but only because the situation must be pretty dire if you're willing to put us two in a room together."

"Thank you, Savina." Filiea slightly bowed her head. "Allow me to open a path for you."

"A path?" Rio was confused by the word. "Wait, wait for a second, isn't the Eastern Oaks on like. The other side of Ruoroa?" Rio asked.

Jumping back onto the wagon, Savina crossed her arms as she sat down. "Good to know you actually listen to what I say."

Reaching into her robes, Filiea produced a small leaf carved from pale wood. A blue crystal is embedded in the middle. Holding the leaf up, the crystal began to shine.

"Is that an artefact?"

"No genius, it's a random piece of carved wood with a magic stone embedded into it. Of course, it's an artefact." Savina muttered.

A gust of wind began to swirl around the wagon, shaking the trees and freeing loose leaves from their branches.

Watching the leaves, Savina glanced at Rio, his eyes were filled with a child-like wonder. "That's a new look on you, Rio. You look like you've never seen leaves blowing in the wind."

"I," Rio hesitantly answered. "I don't think I have, at least not like that."

Savina's eyes narrowed as the leaves began to twist in the air. The urge to ask questions was strong, but Savina recognised she had bigger concerns than questioning Rio's history.

The leaves began to shake, parting, a hole formed in the mass of leaves.

"Come," Filiea called, the path had been formed.

Rio had no words for the sight before him.

The hole formed in the leaves should have shown the path ahead of them, the dirt road, the rows of trees. Instead, through this hole, Rio could see something else, something new. A cobbled road, rows of buildings, an architecture unlike Rio had seen before.

"Go on then." Lightly punching Rio's shoulder, Savina gestured for him to get the horse moving."

"Oh, oh right, sorry." Pulling on the reins, the horse began trotting forwards.

As the horse-drawn wagon passed through the fallen leaves, Filiea grabbed onto the back of the wagon, joining Iseul.

The wagon had come out in a busy marketplace. The square was full of tall, slender, fair-skinned people, all with pointy ears.

Seeing the people around them, Savina sat back further in her seat, closing her eyes. Rio took notice of her indifference. "What's wrong Savina? You don't look happy to be here."


"Excuse Savina." Sticking her head out of the wagon, Filiea put a hand on Savina's shoulder, it was brushed off as quickly as it was placed. "The last time she was here, it was not on good terms."

"I see." Rio nodded, turning his gaze from Savina, Rio noticed something else. Although the marketplace was filled with elves, it seemed the elves were giving the wagon a wide berth. The elves that passed by the wagon avoided looking at Rio. In a hushed voice, Rio turned to Filiea. "I'm the elves of the Eastern Oaks like humans just as much as the humans of Ruoroa like elves."

Filiea answered, her own voice hushed, barely audible over the bustle of the marketplace. "It is unfortunate but true. Besides our own problems, we have been struggling with kidnappings."


Filiea sighed. "They have somehow found a way of bypassing the magical field that was supposed to protect the Eastern Oaks from intruders. No matter, I'm sorry I couldn't have brought us out closer to the capital. Allow me to give direct you there."

~~ Thirty minutes later

Stood alone outside the Elven Queen's throne room. Savina's breath was heavy. Not due to anxiety or fear, Savina tempered her anger. If this talk was going to work out positively. She had to control herself.

Joining her at the door, Filiea looked for Rio and Iseul "Where are your companions, my dear?"

Looking back at her, Savina took one last breath. "I told Rio and Iseul to go and see the sights. This conversation need not concern them."

"Very well. Would you like me to open the door, or are you just going to stare at it?" Filiea pondered.

"Please." Savina smiled. "Age before beauty."

"So thoughtful." Putting one hand on the door, Filiea pushed it open.

The door opened out into a large room, the floor was carved marble, and green carpets ran along the length of the floor up to the empty throne. At the base of the throne, five white-haired elves were huddled around someone sitting at the base of the steps.

"You know an elf is old when you can see their white hair." Savina thought to herself.

The voices of the elves were easy to hear, even from the small distance between them.

"We should be focusing on the threat of the Demon King, what happens when Ruoroa falls, would we be next."

"Don't be a fool, before we can focus on threats outside our kingdom. We must protect our own, I say we focus on the Dungeon."

"I quite agree, if it is true what our scouts are saying. This could be the same threat we faced five hundred years ago."

Slamming her staff on the floor twice, the sound echoed around the room. The group of elves fell silent as Filiea spoke up. "My lady. We have a visitor."

The elves at the bottom of the step parted to allow the sitter room to stand.

Savina's eyes narrowed. The person sitting at the base of the stairs was no regular Elf.

Faylea adjusted her tiara as she stood. Patting off her silk dress, she spoke. "Sister, you know we are in the middle of something important. This better be equally as important. Who is…." The Queen of the Elves was taken aback as realised who was standing next to Filiea.

"Hello." Savina did her best to smile, although it came out a little strained. "Auntie."

Spoopy family troubles

Hi hello, this little story of mine recently broke 22k views & 100 collections. I just wanted to thank anyone and everyone who takes the time to read my story. I really appreciate it <3

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