
I'm a Dead Queen and the Champion of a Goddess?

Having been called an evil queen by the people she failed. Savina was struck down by the Hero of Justice, Vesh. Given a second chance, Savina is reborn as the Champion of the Goddess of Wisdom. Can Savina make amends for her failings? Can she reclaim her throne and prevent a war that threatens to tear apart the continent of Olozia? Or will she only repeat the mistakes she made in her previous life? Well, there's only one way to find out...

Ualer · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Prison Break

Jolting forward Savina took a large breath as she felt her head spin.

"Where…" Feeling something on her wrists, Savina stared at the shackles, following the chain, Savina continued to stare at the chain embedded in the stone wall. "Damn slavers-"

"Got you too, huh?"

Flinching from the sudden voice, Savina saw the speaker.

Sitting opposite her, a man was secluded in shadow. "Morning."

"Who're you?" Savina questioned. "You're not a slaver, are you?"

Holding up his hands, the man shook the shackles on his wrists. "I'm the same as you. So... how'd they get you?"

Scratching her head, Savina sighed. "I was trying to be nice to two elves… and one threw powder in my face."

The man silently nodded. "Yup, yup. That'll get ya. You shouldn't be that nice to people this far out into the countryside"

Annoyed at how right the man was, Savina would ask. "How did you get caught? You seem awfully calm for someone about to be sold into slavery."

"Oh me?" Standing up, the man flexed his fingers. "They didn't catch me."

Looking at the shackles on his wrist, Savina squinted. "Come again?"

"I let myself get caught. A friend of mine got caught by slavers, and I've come to break him out."

"It's hard to perform a prison break when you're wearing shackles?" Savina helpfully pointed out.

Raising an eyebrow, he smirked. "What shackles?" Pressing his fingers against the shackles, they disappeared in a flash of light. "Tadaa, magic." Shaking his hands, he knelt down. "Now would you like a hand with that?"

Holding her hands up, Savina felt glad as the shackles vanished. Letting out a sigh of relief, the man helped her up.

"You don't know how grateful I am for this. I really thought I was doomed for a moment there."

"It's no problem. I just need all the help I can get trying to get my friend back." Looking behind him, the man stared at the door. "We should move."

As he moved, Savina grabbed the man's arm. "I never got your name?"

"You want my name? That's fair, I am asking you to risk your life to help me save someone you don't even know. I'm Rio."

"That's a strange name… I've never quite heard a name like that."

"Thank you? I'll try not to take it as an insult." Rio responded, not quite sure how to take to Savina's comment.

"Oh, sorry. My name is Neia."

"Sure it is." He responded. "Now come on, Neia." Grabbing Savina's arm. The two of them hid beside the door in the shadows.

"Rio. What are we doing?" Savina whispered.

Hearing movement outside the cell, Rio smiled. "For slavers, these guys have good timing. Now ssh."

As one of the slavers looked inside the cell, Savina could hear his voice.

"What the hell? Where'd the merchandise go, you were supposed to watch them, Greg."

"What do you mean? I've been here the entire time. Honest, I only went to smoke once."

Hearing keys jangle, the slaver opened the cell, the man with the keys ran inside, not seeing Rio and Savina hiding in the shadow.

"How the hell, Greg, get in here!"

As the second man walked into the room. Rio smiled. Catching the man by surprise, he grabbed the man's head, slamming it into the wall, knocking the man out cold.

Turning around, the slaver was about to draw his sword when Rio pointed at the unconscious man on the floor.

"That will be you in four seconds if you don't give me your keys."

Glancing at his friend, the man reached for his keys, tossing them to Rio. "Take it, take it. I don't get paid enough to risk my life for this."

Catching the keys, Rio winked at him. "Good choice." Ushering Savina out. Rio locked the two men inside.

Looking down the hallway. Rio looked at the keys in his hand.

"What now Rio? Do you even know where your friend is?"

Watching Savina for a second, Rio reached into a pocket, pulling out a small flat compass.

"Do you know what this is?" Rio asked, holding the object between two fingers.

Looking at it closer, Savina nodded. "That's a locator compass. Low-tier artefacts that can be used to track people. Not as accurate over long-range, but in proximity, it is a useful tool."

Put out by how much she knew, Rio nodded. "Yeah, yeah, you hit the nail on the head." Looking at the compass, Rio pointed down the hallway. "He's that way, let's be quick before any more slavers come through."

Quickly making their way down the hallway, the duo stopped at a corner. Peeking around the corner, Rio nodded to Savina. "Found it. Take a look."

Crouching, Savina saw what Rio was looking at. Two men wearing full armour stood in front of a large door.

Returning behind the corner, Savina furrowed her brow. "When you said you came to save your friend. I thought you just meant to grab him from a cell. Why are there two heavily armed guys there?"

"Let's just say. He's not exactly your average human."

"You don't say. How in the world do we get him?" Holding up her hand, Savina tried to summon her magic, infuriated as nothing happened.

Rio patted Savina's head. "Don't worry. These two aren't the problem."

Walking around the corner, Rio waved at the two men. "Hello, good sirs. Do you know where the bathroom is?"

Seeing Rio, the two men drew their swords.

"Who the hell are you?" One shouted.

"One of the slaves must have broken out of their cells." The other replied.

Rio shrugged. "Can you really call me a slave? I was only in there for, like, three hours."

The two guards rushed Rio as he spoke. Swinging their swords over their heads, Rio simply brought his hands up. Touching the blades, they vanished, leaving their wielders confused.

Looking between the two men. Rio pointed behind himself. "Run."

Wasting no time, the two men fell over themselves in their attempt to get away from Rio.

Watching them go. Savina turned the corner, walking up to Rio. "That skill, it's quite something. How many times can you do that?" She asked, stopping next to him.

Walking up to the door. Rio took the chain of keys out of his pocket. Kneeling down, he started trying to figure out which key opened the door.

Looking back to Savina, Rio shrugged, "About two more times."

Hearing this, Savina leant against the wall as they spoke. "You can only use that skill six times a day?"

Nodding, Rio sighed as he tried another key. "It's called Pilfer. It lets me put items directly into my inventory with just a touch. Although it has a few drawbacks. For one, I have to make physical contact so if I'm not fast enough I could get my head cut off, it only works on small items, and it doesn't work on any enchanted items. It's only a low-level skill."

Confused Savina squinted. "What do you mean inventory?"

Trying another key, Rio jumped up as he found the correct key.

"My inventory? I'll tell you later." He chuckled. "Now come on, I'm sure my friend'll love you."