
I'm a Dead Queen and the Champion of a Goddess?

Having been called an evil queen by the people she failed. Savina was struck down by the Hero of Justice, Vesh. Given a second chance, Savina is reborn as the Champion of the Goddess of Wisdom. Can Savina make amends for her failings? Can she reclaim her throne and prevent a war that threatens to tear apart the continent of Olozia? Or will she only repeat the mistakes she made in her previous life? Well, there's only one way to find out...

Ualer · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Hunter’s Resolve

Landing in an almost pitch-black cave system below the well, Iseul looked ahead into the darkness. Banging a sword against the floor, Iseul felt the vibrations travelling outwards, bouncing back. His Hunter Sense detected a long tunnel spreading out in hundreds if not thousands of directions.

This was no cave, it felt more like a labyrinth.

The swishing of the rope signalled that his friends would join him shortly.

Hearing something skitter along the floor, Iseul turned around, hearing nothing as he focused his senses.

Banging his sword against the floor, Iseul only felt the same twisting tunnels.

Reaching the end of the rope, Rio dropped the last few feet into the almost pitch-black cave, only a faint light shining in from the well-lit surroundings.

"Iseul, what do you see? Anything to worry about?"

Shaking his head, Iseul pointed down the empty cavern.

"Yeah, yeah, just wait for Savina to get here before you attract something with teeth."

Dropping off of the rope, Savina gracefully landed. Spreading out her hands, a violet ball of flame formed above the parties head, spreading light into the dark.

Looking up the well, Savina noticed that the bottom of the well had seemingly fallen out, creating an entrance to this cave system.

"Let's be careful," Savina whispered. "Who knows what could be down here."

"Agreed," Rio responded, patting Iseul's shoulder. "Lead the way."

Walking forward, the party only made a few paces until they heard a noise behind them.

The sound of something hitting the floor caused Savina and Rio to turn around, weapons drawn.

"It's," Walking back, Savina picked up the rope they had just climbed down. "The rope…" Seeing the light flicker below her, Savina looked up just in time to see a shadow move away from the well. Sighing, she looked to Rio. "We've walked into a trap, haven't we?"

Looking at the severed rope, Rio noted the rope had a clean cut. As if cut by something sharp. "Nothing to do now." Opening a portal, Rio fed the rope into it. Seeing a confused glance from Savina, Rio shrugged. "You never know when thirty feet of rope could come in handy. I'd prefer to have thirty feet of rope and not need it, then need thirty feet of rope and not have it."

Making an exaggerated head roll, Iseul left Rio to his rope. Agreeing with Iseul, Savina followed after him.

"Hey wait!" Rio called. "Don't just leave me in this tunnel!" Quickly feeding the rest of the rope in. Rio followed after the two.


Walking in the almost pitch black, the trio's footsteps were interrupted by the occasional clang as Iseul used his Hunter Sense to check for anything of interest.

"How long have we been walking?" Rio muttered.

Looking at the cave ceiling, Savina sighed. "Don't even think about whining." After a moment of consideration, Savina skipped up to Iseul, tapping him on the shoulder. "You don't know how much further it is until we reach something, do you? We've been going down for, like, half an hour."

Just as Iseul was about to make a gesture, a man's voice echoed across the caves.


"That voice!" Rio squawked. "It's the old man from earlier."

As Rio ran into the dark, Iseul was quick to run after him

"Guys wait!" Savina fruitlessly shouted after him. "We don't even know what's down here!"

Rolling her eyes in frustration, Savina tried to catch up to the boys before they got themselves in any trouble.

Reaching them, Rio knelt by the old man's side, holding his arm.

"What are you doing here!?" Rio asked, his voice a mixture of concern and alarm.

The old man looked at the three of them in alarm. "I- I was attacked by these creatures. T-they stabbed me with their tale and I woke up here." Gripping Rio's arm, the man brought him closer. "Please, you must get me out of here."

Doing his best to smile, Rio nodded. "Don't worry. We'll get you out of here, then we'll inform the Guild, and they can send some qualified adventurers to deal with these creatures. Come on, let's get you to your feet."

As Rio attempted to get the man to his feet, Iseul felt something moving. Bringing his swords up, Iseul's blades clashed against the claws of a large scorpion creature. It had breached his detection without giving off the faintest sound.

Shifting her hands, Savina fired balls of violet flame at the creature, shouting. "It's a beast!"

The violet fire revealed the creature's form in the violet light.

The creature walked on ten thin legs standing a full head over Savina, its two claws were locked in a bind with Iseul. It held its tail near the roof of the cave, a thin stinger tipped the tail.

Ten eyes stared at each member of the group individually before locking onto Iseul. Its tail darting forward, Iseul knocked the left claw back before bringing his sword up, deflecting the stinger, causing it to sink into the cave floor.

Taking this moment, the scorpion beast slashed at Iseul's chest. His armour protected him, but the force of the impact knocked Iseul backwards.

Stabbing his sword into the ground to steady himself, he felt a rush of heat dart past him.

Firing a violet flame at the beast, Savina called to Iseul. "That Beast is a Scorpsis, Its stinger contains a heavy sedative and its claws are razor sharp!"

Firing a few more balls of fire, Rio put a hand on Savina's shoulder. "Calm down Neia. Iseul's just about warmed up."

Looking back at Rio, Savina was confused. "That's an adult, Rio. It's easily as strong as ten men."

"And we have a hunter." Rio shot back, pointing to Iseul.

Iseul's body glowed with an orange aura as his passive skill activated.

Champion Skill - Hunter's Resolve: When in combat against a beast or animal type monster, the user gains a 25% bonus to their agility, strength and endurance stats.

Drawing his swords out of the stone, the Scorpsis pulled its stinger back. Both of them readying themselves for round two.

Attacking first, the Scorpsis' stinger shot forward.

This time, instead of deflecting the stinger with his sword, Iseul sidestepped the stinger, ducking to the left. Swinging his sword up, Iseul's sword cleaved through the end of the tail.

Staggering backwards, the Scorpsis released an ear grating noise from its mandibles.

As Rio and Savina covered their ears from the noise. Iseul grit his teeth against the noise, narrowing his Hunter Sense as the loud pitch of the Scorpsis' pained noises were affecting his vision. Iseul's vision cleared just in time to see a claw levelling with his neck.

Bringing a sword up, Iseul blocked it just in time. Ducking low, the claw slid off of Iseul's sword, carried forwards by the force of its own attack. Now stood between the Scorpsis' claws and with no tail to defend itself, Iseul brought his swords over his head.

Bringing them down, the sound of the Scropsis' chitin cracking echoed around the caverns as the blades crashed through the beast's body. Dropping onto the floor, Iseul pulled his swords out of the carcass, the orange aura around him dispelled as Hunter's Resolve deactivated.

Staring at Iseul, Savina's beliefs were confirmed. "If I am to ever regain my throne. I will need him for the fight to come." She thought.

Flicking the Scorpsis' blood onto the floor, Iseul stared into the darkness, hearing something approaching.

Pointing a blade at Savina, he pointed into the darkness.

"Savina, fireball!" Rio urgently shouted.

Putting her hands together, Savina summoned a large ball of flame between her palms. Firing it in a straight line.

As the fireball flew through the air, the group could see that the Scorpsis was not alone down here.

The cave walls moved in a blur, hundreds of thousands of tiny insects moved alone walls towards the group. Baby Scorpsis' summoned by the adult's roar, each one three inches long. The group would be overrun if they attempted to hold their ground.

"Everyone body go, I'll buy us some time!" Savina shouted.

As Rio helped the old man get away, Iseul nodded to Savina as he ran past her.

As the three men ran, Iseul let out a long exhale.

"I recognize what this is. We must be close to the border of the Beast Kingdom." Holding her hands in front of her, Savina's face contorted into anger. "So the Beast King or one of his lackeys is planning an invasion into my kingdom, my death must have been made public. He would never have tried this if he thought I was still alive."

Now as the baby Scorpsis came into view. Savina crouched, putting her fingertips on the floor.

"We'll see what I have to say about that."

Skill - Firepit: When activated, the user's fire is spread along any terrain they are in contact with.

Bursting forth from her fingertips, the violet flame travelled along the cave's surface toward's the Scorpsis. As the small beasts came into contact with the violet fire, they began to burn.

Standing back up, Savina began to turn around when she heard the roars of adult Scorpsis caught in the fire.

"I hate insects!" Savina shouted, racing after her friends.