
I'm a Dead Queen and the Champion of a Goddess?

Having been called an evil queen by the people she failed. Savina was struck down by the Hero of Justice, Vesh. Given a second chance, Savina is reborn as the Champion of the Goddess of Wisdom. Can Savina make amends for her failings? Can she reclaim her throne and prevent a war that threatens to tear apart the continent of Olozia? Or will she only repeat the mistakes she made in her previous life? Well, there's only one way to find out...

Ualer · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Hope’s Edge

"You think you'll be able to kill us all." Violet fire crackled into Savina's palms. "You talk too much Sk'er." The fire in Savina's palms crackled as they formed a pair of fireballs, throwing her arms backwards, Savina threw at Sk'er's body.

"Fireballs?" Sk'er thought. "What a weak starting attack." Moving his claws to intercept Savina's attacks, Sk'er suddenly remembered what the Violet fire had done to the Scorpsis who had previously blocked it with their claws back in the cave. Dropping his body, the fireball flew past Sk'er's head. Glancing behind him, Sk'er saw it splat against the grass. The fire spread out across the ground, setting the dirt alight with violet fire.

As Iseul and Rio prepared to rush Sk'ar, Tushin put his hands on their shoulders to stop them. "This demon believes he can attack a Wild Guard camp." Unsheathing the sword off of his hip, Tushin adjusted his grip as he looked at Sk'er. "I'll finish this in one attack."

Hearing Tushin's proclamation, Sk'ar began laughing. "Oh what's that human, you believe you can kill me with a single attack. I am a Shifter, one of the strongest of the seven demon families. You do not know who you are dealing with."

"No, it is you who does not who he is dealing with. I am the captain of the Wild Guard. After my predecessor's death, I was chosen to lead the Wild Guard. Unlike all the other candidates who prided themselves on how strong they were, I had something they did not. I had the power, to gain the respect of my men. We all fight side by side to defend the innocent from the Beasts, and you believe you can just threaten them as if they are disposable. You have not just threatened my men, but my family." Tushin's sword began to glow red as he spoke. "And don't bother to throw words around like, 'the seven demon families' their influence means nothing against my blade."

Finishing his sentence, the soldiers who surrounded Tushin cheered for their captain. Looking at them, Tushin smiled. The energy on his sword changed, its hue shifted into a bright white light, Tushin began to approach Sk'er.

Taking a step forward, Tushin stared at Sk'er.

"Something's different." Sk'er thought. "His power, how is it- how is it growing stronger so rapidly." Sk'er's eyes moved to observe Tushin's sword, Sk'er could feel the energy that it emitted. "That's not any sword. He has an artefact-"

Sk'er's situation slowly began to dawn on him. Surrounded by the soldiers of the Wild Guard, these soldiers weren't just any cannon fodder. Normal soldiers would not stand a chance against the Beasts of the west, but these men were not your average soldier.

Put through many rituals to enhance their anatomy, bones strong enough to withstand intense pressure, strength to bend steel, fast enough to dodge arrows. One soldier of the Wild Guard was comparable to fifty men, and Sk'er was stood in front of their leader.

It slowly began to dawn on Sk'er "I can't beat this man, I need to escape." The demon realized. Sk'er quickly attempted to find a way he could escape, as Tushin slowly closed the distance between them.

"Prepare to make amends with whatever gods you have demon," Tushin remarked.

Knowing of only one way he could escape, Tushin's back began to writhe. A pair of large leather wings grew out from the chitin armour he had created prior.

Tushin stopped walking as Sk'er began to flap his wings, readjusting his grip. He waited for the shifter to attempt to escape into the air.

Running up to Tushin, Rio exclaimed. "What are you doing, he's getting away?"

Watching Sk'er frantically flap his wings, Tushin shook his head. "No, I just needed him to fly away so I didn't hit my men." Glancing at Rio, Tushin gripped his sword in both hands. "Take a step back."

Complying with his request, Rio turned to Savina as she walked up to him. "What's he going to-"

"Ssh." Savina quickly shushed Rio, putting a finger to her lips. "Just watch this."

"I did it," Sk'er exclaimed with joy as he sloppily flew away. "I made it away from that beast. There's no way he will be able to hit me now. I should just return home and report back what I've found out."

Bringing his sword level with his shoulder, Tushin swung his blade horizontally through the air.

Relic Skill - Hope's Edge: When this weapon is charged, the user can expel the contained energy as a projectile.

A white beam of light emitted from the edge of Tushin's sword. Cutting upwards, the energy shot towards the fleeing demon.

Quickly trying to process what he was going to say when he returned home, Sk'ar was unaware of the threat rapidly approaching.

"I'm sure he'll forgive me for getting noticed, I am his s-"

Sk'ar's words were silenced as Tushin's attack hit him. Cutting through him like a hot knife through butter. The beam sliced through his wings, causing the Sk'er to fall to the ground a distance away from the camp.

Taking a moment to breathe, Tushin turned around, sheathing his sword. Looking to the men near him, Tushin pointed at them and then in the direction of where Sk'er fell. "I want a squad out there to make sure that thing actually died. Shifters are notorious for surviving being cut in half."

Watching the men quickly shuffling out of the camp. Tushin turned his attention to Savina, Iseul and Rio. "So, where will you be heading now?"

The trio stared at Tushin. Rio's mouth was slightly ajar, Savina wore a smug expression, and Iseul was wondering when they were next going to eat.

"What-" Waving his arms, Rio looked at Tushin, to Savina and then back at Tushin. "Are you really going to act like that was normal? You just fired a giant beam of light at Sk'er. Come on, what was that?"

Patting Rio on the back, Savina smiled. "It's simple really. You may have noticed, but Tushin's sword isn't any old sword. It's a relic called Empathy's Will. A little on the nose, but I didn't name it. It has a special skill that allows it to channel the emotions from the people around it, and then uses those channelled emotions to power the other skills that it has. As I said, simple."

"Emotions?" Hearing this, Rio thought about the colours that Empathy's Will had glowed. "It glowed red for a moment before glowing white. What emotions did it channel?"

Rubbing the back of his neck, Tushin sighed. "That demon really pissed me off when he threatened my men, so it began to channel my anger, my wrath, and then-"

Butting into the conversation, Savina put an arm around Rio's shoulder as she gestured to Tushin's men. "When Tushin made his rousing speech, it inspired his men. Some would say, it filled them with hope. The sword channelled that hope, and used it to cut Sk'ar in half." Savina nonchalantly explained.

"Wait. So what you're telling me is that Tushin killed Sk'ar, with the power of hope?"

"Basically." Patting Rio's back again, she moved closer to Tushin.

Looking at Iseul, Rio frantically waved at Tushin. "You hearing this?"

Shrugging, Iseul left to collect the sword he threw away near the start of the fight.

Kicking the dirt, Rio squinted at a small bug on the floor. "We live in a world of dragons and demons. Why am I not surprised someone can use emotions as a weapon." Smiling to himself, Rio joined Iseul.

Now stood next to Tushin, Savina punched his arm. "It's good to see you've still got it Tushin. I know I selected you for a reason."

Hearing this, Tushin slightly smiled. "Well, I can't let you down, after all, you chose me to replace your brother after he passed. What kind of man would I be if I let you down... or if I let his memory down." Tushin silently added.

Lightly punching his arm again, Savina softly shook her head. "No need to be so serious all the time Tushin. The Wilds' are making you too series, when this is all over, I'll throw a party, so everyone can calm down and relax for a bit." Savina looked into the distance. "Do you think he survived?"

Taking a moment to think, Tushin shrugged. "As I said, shifters are notoriously hard to kill with slashing attacks. They can just regenerate most damage dealt to their body. If you don't take out their brain, then they can keep shapeshifting until they overwhelm you. Although from that height, maybe the fall turned him to mush. We'll only know when my men reach him. Anyway, what are we going to do now? We just learnt that the Demon King is preparing to wage war on the kingdom. You two must have been close if he's willing to wage war because of your death."

Quietly, staring into the distance, Savina thought about the Demon King. "S- He's a good man. One of the best I ever met… It's unfortunate, but it looks like the schedule has changed. Instead of going directly to the capital and taking it from there. I'm going to have to take a detour north to show the Demon King that I am still alive. This may not be a completely bad thing, with his assistance it could make reclaiming my throne easier. As long as none of my siblings interferes in that time."

Nodding, Tushin joined Savina in staring into the distance. "I understand, the Wild Guard will keep vigil against the Beasts. These tactics they are using, it's too advanced for any normal Beast. I will double our patrols, if a member of the Lineage truly is making moves, we will be ready."

Putting a hand on his shoulder, Savina smiled. "And that's all I could ever ask of you Tushin." Hugging him, Tushin returned the gesture.

After a few moments, the two let go of each other. "When will you be departing?" Tushin apprehensively asked, not wanting to see her go so soon.

"As soon as a possible, old friend. With any luck, we should be able to make it to the Demon Kingdom before a full war breaks out."

Hearing this, Tushin sighed. "I thought you would say that you were never one for taking a moment to rest. No matter, I will prepare you a wagon and some supplies. It's the least I can do to help you."

Giving each other one last nod, the two friends went in opposite directions.

"Hey, you two, we've got an urgent mission!" Savina called to her party.

Having stowed their weapons, Iseul and Rio had found the ball they were using earlier. Now playing catch with one another, they stopped upon hearing Savina's voice.

"What's up now? Oh no, wait, don't tell me, the Demons are about to wage war on us, and we three are the only ones that can stop them." Rio chuckled, thumbing the ball in his hand.

Hearing this, Savina nodded. "Not bad, Rio, you hit the nail on the head with that one."

About to throw the ball, Rio missed Iseul as he heard Savina confirm what he had just said.

Watching the ball fly over his head and land behind some tents, Iseul ducked out of the conversation to go and retrieve it.

"What do you mean, I hit the nail on the head?" Rio questioned.

"So, long story short. The Demon King is planning on waging war on the kingdom, we need to travel north to the Demon Kingdom as I'm the only one who can stop it. Tushin is getting us a wagon and some supplies for the journey."

"Wh- You know what, fine. I can roll with that. Just one question, what's so special about you, how come you are the only one who can stop this." After a few moments, Rio realized how his phrasing sounded somewhat like an insult. "No offence."

"None taken." Savina shot back. "There's something I need to tell you, Rio…" Looking behind her, she could see that Tushin had almost readied the wagon. "I'll tell you when we get on the road. Ok?"

Considering this, Rio nodded. "Ok. I'll go and find where Iseul ran off to, then we can get on the road and head north. As long as this journey still lets us pass by the witch's hut on the way north."

"That shouldn't be a problem Rio." Savina winked, starting to walk over to where Tushin had finished loading their supplies. "I'll see you on the wagon."

Hi! Hello!

Welcome to any and all that have recently found my story from me placing bronze in the WPC contest (thingy) I hope you enjoy your stay.

And can I just apoligise for not uploading for 15 odd days, I have recently finished my exams so I will be returning to my usual schedule of 1-2 chapters a week.

Please leave a comment or review of what you think so far. I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts <3

Ualercreators' thoughts