
Chapter #3

#3 Please stop!





After running for a while and tripping on the road and hitting my head on a wall, the trash can, and many objects along the way.

Wahhh! My head hurts! Wuhhh...and some parts of my body are injured.

*pitiful duck noises*

I decided to stop for a while to rest and also look at my status. I paste all of the skills that I got while running.


Name: Sera

Title: Transmigrator, Duck

Race: Magical Duck

Age: 20 minutes old (18 years old)

Status: blind(right eye), damaged(left eye), weakened, low luck bordering bad luck


Appraisal(rank S) lvl. --

Cut(rank E) lvl. 1

Paste(rank E) lvl. 1

Acting lvl. 4

Cooking lvl. 3

Quirk: Lightning Ball(rank D-) lvl. 5

Parkour lvl. 3

Kick Boxing lvl. 4

Quirk: Limbs Reinforcement(rank D) lvl. 6

Brawl fighting style lvl. 3


(More skills that I don't want to list one by one.)


Common sense lvl. 3

Japanese Language lvl. --


Umu umu

My status is looking good and pleasing to my eyes errr eye? Mind?


I don't feel guilty for taking all of their skills and injuring them (although I felt a little guilty for crippling the hero) because it's not like this is my first time injuring somebody.

I shook my duck head to get rid of those thoughts and focus on my status and what to do from now on.

First, I need to find somebody with a sensing quirk or healing quirk to try if I can heal my eyes because it sucks to be almost blind. The [sharp sense] skill that I have in my past life enhances my senses besides sight and helps me navigate if not for that I'm sure it will take longer and will crash more often and will fill my whole body with more bruises and injuries.

Although I doubt it will be easy because of my low luck.


Also Do I not feel bad for stealing others' quirk? Of course not! I may sound like an easy-go-lucky girl that will do something stupid for fun and giggles but it doesn't mean I am completely "innocent" besides I am in a very bad situation and I have no time to waste helping other people or considering their feelings if I can just barely help myself.

Secondly, I also need a body strengthening quirk and stamina enhancement quirk because...My body is so weak! Although it is very cute even though I haven't seen it clearly...It is still so weak!

If I run for 3 minutes, I will need to rest for at least 5 minutes! That's the result with the [Limb Reinforcement] active. If not then I'm sure I will not be able to walk for at least half an hour because my cute little duck legs will give up because of exhaustion. My limbs will be also easily bruised and injured because of my weak body.

And third...


Well, I guess a new home? Yes, finding a new home is a must.

So, I rest for a while and restart my journey to the wes- cough out of this alley.





After walking for a while and bumping on the way and gaining another bruise. I finally managed to get out!

*happy duck noises*

After calming down, I can see people err blurry human figures walking on the side road minding their own business.

I didn't immediately get out and just observe them using appraisal hoping to find a quirk that I'm looking for.

Although I don't have much expectation.

But still, I will do this for a while if I can't really find anything then I will set aside that goal for a while and instead look for a possible home and food because I'm starting to starve.

It will be very dangerous though because people and cars are everywhere and I might find myself lying on the road bathing in my own blood.


I get rid of those negative thoughts and continue appraising people walking.

Hmm, a housewife with extendable fingers, a kid with four eyes, a construction worker that can shoot hot wind from his hands, oh a thief? I will take that [Pickpocketing] skill if you don't mind he he...and also your useless quirk...and also- you know what? Let's just take everything besides the necessary skills like language and common sense huhuhu.

I continue appraising weird blurry human figures...this sucks.

A gigolo, a bitch, a singer, a corrupt politician? Thanks for the [Etiquette] and [common sense] dude.

I also paste his shoes making him kiss the ground.

How sweet~

I continue to appraise people while ignoring the politician who is trying to pull his shoes sticking in the concrete and now yelling "who is pranking me?!" And "get out or I will sue you, people!" And now he punches a random guy(?)

What the hell, mate?

Such a brute...


I ignore the commotion that is getting bigger and now some people are shouting and fighting and- HOLY!

I immediately dodge when I saw a blurry figure flying in my direction.


"Ahhh..." A pained groan escapes the man's lips and he immediately stands up running back to the growing street fight.

HOLY HELL! THIS IS SO EXCITIN- cough I mean, please stop fighting!










Too bad I can't see clearly.


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