
I'm a celestial dragon in One Piece

In the cold, realistic world of the Celestial Dragons, Ethan Mars stood as a beacon of potential change, a young boy whose distinct ideas and unyielding spirit would one day challenge the very core of their supremacy. This fanfic will have a new version soon so if you don't like it this try please give me a second opportunity in the next version DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT.

Cronos_512 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Prologue: Shadows of Marijoa(rewritten version)

Mary Geoise

The grandiose splendor of Marijoa stood as a testament to the power and opulence of the Celestial Dragons. Perched high above the Red Line, its towering ivory structures gleamed under the radiant sun, casting long, imposing shadows. The air was thick with an aura of supremacy, a chilling reminder of the World Nobles' dominion over the world.

Inside one of these monumental palaces, adorned with golden trimmings and elaborate tapestries, a young boy named Ethan Mars wandered through the corridors. At seven years old, Ethan's life was already marred by tragedy and controversy. His parents, once revered Celestial Dragons, had been slain by the notorious pirate Shiki the Golden Lion 2 years ago. This loss, a dark stain on the family's honor, was a constant reminder of their vulnerability despite their divine status of Celestials Dragons.

The Burden of Legacy of Ethan

Ethan's grandfather, Marcus Mars, one of the Five Elders knowed as Warrior God of Environment, was a figure of formidable influence and unwavering traditionalism. After the death of Ethan's parents, Marcus decided to groom Ethan himself with a little help from the servants with the objective of making Ethan his successor, ensuring that he would one day assume a powerful position within the Celestial Dragons' hierarchy. From the age of six, Ethan was subjected to rigorous training, both academically and physically. Tutors were brought in to teach him the general history of the world, focusing on the period after the Void Century, while Marcus himself educated Ethan about the intricate power structures and families that comprised the Celestial Dragons.

Ethan's Unique Disposition

Unlike his peers, Ethan harbored a really deep-seated hatred for pirates, blaming them for his parents' death. This animosity fueled his determination to excel in his studies and training. His personality was a complex blend of competitive drive and a kinda hidden rebellious streak. Ethan was an achiever, constantly striving to be the best, but beneath his controlled exterior lay a mind that questioned the established order. He rarely expressed his emotions, the trauma of his parents' death casting a long shadow over his young life.

One day, while studying in the palace library, Ethan came across a book about the Void Century. The knowledge within fascinated him, but was really short and with multiple inconsistencies it seemed that the writer of the book did not know what he was writing about, he knew that openly expressing interest in such forbidden topics like the void Century would invite trouble for him so he forced himself to stop looking for that information, believing that if one day he needed it his grandfather would surely tell him or help him find it…

The next day

Marcus Mars observed Ethan's progress with a mixture of pride and calculation. He saw in his grandson the potential to uphold and even strengthen their family's position among the Celestial Dragons. However, he also noted Ethan's curiosity and subtle defiance. Marcus knew he had to mold Ethan carefully, ensuring that the boy's intellect and ambition were directed towards maintaining the status quo .

"Ethan," Marcus's voice broke the silence of the library, "What are you reading?"

Ethan quickly closed the book, hiding its cover. "Just a history book, Grandfather," he replied, meeting the old man's gaze with a practiced neutrality.

Marcus approached, his eyes narrowing. "You must focus on what is important. Our family's legacy and the power we wield. Do not waste your time on trivial matters like the history of some minor countries that have no relevance to the general plan of things."

"Yes, Grandfather," Ethan responded, bowing his head. Inside, however, he felt a surge of frustration. He yearned to understand the world beyond Marijoa, to learn more than what was deemed acceptable by the Celestial Dragons.

A Silent Resolve

As the months passed, Ethan's was halfway to turning 8 years old now and resolve only grew stronger. He continued his secret studies about disappeared civilizations, small countries and their cultures, and the great Admirals who maintained the order of the world in the past. All this knowledge about the world beyond Marijoa would be useful one day, he thought. His hatred for pirates still remained, but his understanding of the world became more nuanced. He knew that to bring about any meaningful change, he would have to tread carefully, navigating the treacherous waters of Celestial Dragon politics.

One night, as Ethan lay in his opulent bed, staring at the ornate ceiling, he made a silent vow to himself. He would honor his parents' memory not by upholding the Celestial Dragons' oppressive ways, but by seeking a new path, a path that would give the power to avenge his parents. He would find a way to bring justice to his parents and just maybe to the world, even if it meant challenging the very foundations of the society he was born into.

The silence of the night enveloped Marijoa as Ethan drifted into a restless sleep. His dreams were filled with visions of vast oceans, courageous warriors, and a world free from the pirates and their several crimes. Though the path ahead was uncertain, Ethan Mars was determined to carve his own destiny, guided by a heart that longed for justice and a mind that dared to question the unquestionable.

A Fleeting Moment of Defiance

Ethan's studies and training intensified as he grew older now he was only 3 months away from his 8 years of age. His grandfather and tutors drilled into him the recent history and politics of the Grand Line, ensuring he was well-versed in the events that shaped their world. Despite his outward compliance, Ethan's mind continued to challenge the narratives he was fed by now he was less reluctant to follow the other celestial dragons . He sought out hidden truths and questioned the official accounts of history but this activities, with each passing week they interested him less and he began to think that the people down below were really inferior, if they weren't inferior why did those minor have wars were they kills other like they all the time and also for what other reason they would give their money to the heavenly dragons and treat them with respect, that made him feel like someone superior, not a god but superior to the rest, he was convinced that he was superior to those lesser ones.

During his physical training, Marcus observed Ethan's progress with a critical eye. The boy showed a remarkable aptitude for the sword, a skill that Marcus deemed essential for his future role. To ensure Ethan received the best training, Marcus enlisted a Vice Admiral renowned for his swordsmanship to mentor his grandson whose name was Kael and was 25 years old. MarcusI managed to get him to come so happily, thanks to the first-class facilities that he had and the highest quality products that he could, you provided the Vice Admiral so that he could continue to grow stronger and end up feeling grateful to them, in addition, he would be in charge of the protection of his grandson

"Ethan," Marcus called out during one of their training sessions, "Remember, our power lies not just in our heritage, but in our strength and knowledge. You must be strong, both in mind and body, to protect and enlarge, our legacy."

Ethan nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Yes, Grandfather," he replied, his voice steady. Yet, in his heart, he knew his true strength would show when he is forging his own path.

A Glimpse of Hope

One day, after a particularly grueling training session, Marcus informed Ethan that they would be visiting the auction house in Sabaody Archipelago. It was an opportunity for Ethan to recognize the power that the celestial dragons have down there and observe how the celestial dragons acted in public their power and influence.

As they arrived at the auction house, the sight of human captives being sold like commodities filled Ethan with a sense of unease. He knew it was a common practice among the Celestial Dragons, but seeing it first hand stirred something within him.

Among the captives, one girl caught his attention. Her fierce eyes and defiant demeanor set her apart from the others. Ethan felt an inexplicable connection to her, a sense of recognition that he couldn't quite place.

"Who is she?" Ethan asked one of the guards.

"That's Boa Hancock," the guard replied dismissively. "A promising young slave, actually she was the future empress of Amazon Lily,she is as known as the "Snake Princess", of Amazon Lily."

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he had to find a way to make her his property, to break the chains that bind her to others and make her faithful to him and only him, he knew that is was going to be difficult but he was going to make it before she realizes.

Marcus whisper to his grandson"Come on Ethan I'm going to introduce you to other celestial dragons, they were friends of your parents maybe they can tell you something more about them"

Ethan wasn't really paying attention that moment, until he heard a voice saying !!sold to the noble knight in the red suit for 5 million berries!!.Tthis fleeting encounter solidified his resolve to obtain that girl, he know that he would find a way to obtain that girl in the future something about her make, why? Someone can ask to him and he wouldn't respond but he will though that what caught his attention was a resonance inside like if they were sharing a strange energy that was within them,he was feeling anxious about being able to get a person in the future who was destined to rule over others just like him.