
I'm a celestial dragon in One Piece

In the cold, realistic world of the Celestial Dragons, Ethan Mars stood as a beacon of potential change, a young boy whose distinct ideas and unyielding spirit would one day challenge the very core of their supremacy. This fanfic will have a new version soon so if you don't like it this try please give me a second opportunity in the next version DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT.

Cronos_512 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter Four: Awakening the Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki

The training grounds of Mary Geoise were vast, an expansive arena surrounded by towering trees and high walls to ensure privacy. This was where the elite trained, honing their skills under the watchful eyes of experienced instructors. The area was equipped with various weapons, dummies, and other training apparatuses. Today, however, the focus was on something far more powerful than any weapon—Haki.

Ethan stood at the center of the grounds, feeling the weight of his lineage and the expectations of those around him. His grandfather, Marcus Mars, and Vice Admiral Kael were there, observing him closely. He could sense their anticipation, their desire to see him unlock his full potential.

The Lesson Begins

"Ethan," Marcus began, his voice stern but not unkind, "Haki is the manifestation of one's willpower. It is an essential skill for those who wish to rule, to command respect, and to protect what is theirs. Today, you will learn to harness it."

Ethan nodded, his gaze steady. He had felt the stirrings of Haki during his training sessions, brief moments where his will seemed to surge beyond his control. Now, it was time to command it fully.

Vice Admiral Kael stepped forward. "There are three types of Haki: Kenbunshoku Haki, which allows you to sense the presence, emotions, and intentions of others; Busoshoku Haki, which allows you to use your spirit as armor to defend and strengthen attacks; and Haoshoku Haki, which is the rarest and allows you to overpower the wills of others."

Kael's eyes bore into Ethan's. "We will start with Busoshoku Haki. Focus your will into your fists. Imagine an invisible armor surrounding them, an extension of your spirit and strength."

The First Attempt

Ethan took a deep breath, closing his eyes to concentrate. He envisioned his fists enveloped in a powerful, invisible armor. He tightened his muscles, trying to channel his willpower into his hands.

"Focus, Ethan," Kael instructed. "Feel the energy within you. Let it flow through your veins and into your fists."

Ethan's brow furrowed with effort. He could feel something stirring inside him, a force he was struggling to control. He struck out at a training dummy, his fist connecting with a solid thud but lacking the power he had hoped for.

Marcus watched intently, his expression unreadable. "You must believe in your own strength, Ethan. Doubt will only weaken your resolve."

Hancock and Her Sisters

Unbeknownst to Ethan, Hancock and her sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold, were watching from a concealed vantage point near the edge of the training grounds. They had been brought here to serve the Mars family, but their curiosity about Ethan had grown with each passing day.

"He's trying to use Haki," Hancock whispered, her eyes fixed on Ethan. "It's a powerful ability."

"Do you think he'll succeed?" Sandersonia asked, her voice tinged with both awe and apprehension.

Hancock nodded slowly. "He has the potential. But he's still young, still learning. It won't be easy for him."

The Second Attempt

Kael approached Ethan, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Clear your mind of distractions. Focus solely on the task at hand. Feel the energy within you, and let it explode outward."

Ethan nodded, taking another deep breath. He closed his eyes once more, pushing away all thoughts except for the flow of energy within him. He could feel it building, a pressure that needed to be released.

With a shout, he struck the training dummy again. This time, his fist was enveloped in a faint, shimmering aura. The impact was far greater, the dummy shuddering under the force of the blow.

"Good," Kael said, a hint of pride in his voice. "You're starting to get it. But you must refine it, control it better."

Marcus stepped forward, his presence commanding. "Ethan, remember that Haki is not just about brute strength. It's about willpower and control. You must dominate your own spirit before you can dominate others."

The Final Test

Kael nodded at Marcus's words, then turned to Ethan with a serious expression. "Now, we will test your Kenbunshoku Haki. You must learn to sense my presence and predict my movements. Close your eyes and focus on my energy."

Ethan did as instructed, his eyes shutting tight as he tuned into his surroundings. He could hear the faint rustle of leaves, the distant chirping of birds, and the steady breathing of his grandfather and the vice admiral. He focused on Kael, trying to feel his presence.

Suddenly, Kael moved, striking out at Ethan. Ethan's eyes snapped open, and he barely managed to dodge the blow. Kael moved again, faster this time, his strikes coming from different angles.

"Don't just react," Kael urged. "Anticipate. Feel my intentions."

Ethan's mind raced, trying to keep up with Kael's movements. He took a deep breath, focusing inward once more. This time, he could sense the faint flicker of Kael's intentions, the subtle shifts in his stance.

When Kael struck again, Ethan moved instinctively, dodging the blow and countering with a strike of his own. Kael blocked it easily but nodded in approval. "Better. You're starting to understand."

The Observers

From their hidden spot, Hancock and her sisters watched in silence, their respect for Ethan growing. He was different from the other Celestial Dragons, they could see that now. He was willing to work hard, to push himself, and to learn.

"He's remarkable," Marigold whispered. "I've never seen anyone train like that at that age."

Hancock nodded, her eyes never leaving Ethan. "Yes, he is. But he still has a long way to go."

The Awakening

As the training session continued, Ethan felt himself growing more attuned to the flow of Haki within him. He could sense the energy, feel its power, and direct it with increasing precision. He struck out at the dummy once more, this time shattering it with a single blow.

Marcus stepped forward, a rare smile crossing his lips. "Well done, Ethan. You're beginning to awaken your true potential."

Kael placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Remember, this is just the beginning. Haki is a lifelong journey. Continue to train, to refine your skills. You have the potential to become one of the greatest."

Ethan nodded, feeling a sense of pride and determination. He glanced towards the edge of the training grounds, where he thought he saw a flicker of movement. He couldn't be sure, but he felt a strange sense of comfort, knowing that someone was watching over him.