
Skewered Horned Rabbits and Raspberry Reduction

"If I get a penny for every time someone asks me to cover for their shift..."

In the midst of my griping, I fail to notice the towering stack of unwashed dishes being placed on the sink next to the one I am working on. When I finally do notice them, I am already done with the previous set of dishes. Sighing, I can only silently complain as I begin to work on the new batch of dirty dishes.

Stupid paying customers never finishing their food... this one in particular still has an entire chicken thigh untouched! Why do they even bother ordering when they aren't even going to finish it anyway?

It baffles me to no end... just how wasteful could someone be? It pisses me off, honestly speaking. Seeing people being wasteful, especially with food, has always been a pet peeve of mine ever since I know it. It does not help that I was raised in a very strict family who valued moderation and was very careful when it comes to money. As a result, I was a frugal boy who always second guesses his decision whenever he is out buying literally anything.

I still am now, mind you.

"Hey, John, hurry up with those dishes! We have a new batch that needs plating!"

Must... resist... the urge to... throw... plates!

Thankfully, I have more self-restrain than I thought I have. "Coming! Hey Jay, why don't you get more people on washing duty? Do I look like I have four arms to you, huh?"

The bastard has the gal to look snide. Oh he's enjoying my plight alright... bastard doesn't even bother hiding it. "Sorry pal, we're all busy here!"

"Says the guy who's literally doing nothing!" I throw back a response, but it isn't going to cut it.

Jason is the kitchen's head cook. He is in charge of monitoring for both the morning and night shift and he is also the reason why we are understaffed today. Bastard knows that we have reservations and still has not bothered hiring extra hands for tonight's dinner function. But he is right about one thing; we are all busy here.

"Oi, Jay, where are those dishes man!?"

"Comin' right up fellas! Little Johnny over here's a little bit slow tonight!"

"Well tell him to work faster then!"

With a full blow smirk plastered on his ugly mug, he slowly swivels his head towards me after engaging in a small banter with a fellow co-worker. "Well, wash the dishes faster, dish washer."

"Aw shut up and get dicked." I glare at him while flipping him the bird with my soap covered and gloved hand.

Throughout all of this, I've been washing the dishes nonstop. Fortunately, we have enough clean ones for Jay to take and use for plating. I sure hope, despite it being totally not my fault, our customers get their food. I don't even bother watching the asshole leave the sink area with the plates in hand, there are still dirty dishes that need cleaning after all.

"God..." I mutter. "I hope this whole thing blows over quick."

This is an introduction to a story. You can consider it the prologue, but it precedes my idea for a prologue. So a prologue's prologue, if you will.

So far, nothing too solid just yet. Merely an introduction to our main character, John. Even if we still know nothing about him...

R_Valentinecreators' thoughts