
I'll Tell You Every Day

The female lead who died miserably under the hands of her scheming half-sister is reincarnated but does not choose revenge. Instead, she chooses to live for herself, to chase after her dreams, and to fall in love again. Author's Note: A slice of life, sweet and fluffy romance novel. Recommended for those who like light reading. Not recommended for those who want to dive into the action at once.

Anri · Urban
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173 Chs

Chapter 67

After Yi Jie's departure, Daiyu's peaceful days continued. Before long, it was finally the second week of August and Nana was due for delivery anytime soon. As such, Shuren had her checked in at the hospital in preparation for her labor.

Daiyu would visit Nana every day, making sure that her mommy was okay. Of course, Nana was delighted by her presence. Daiyu would often crawl into the bed with her and sing songs for her. She would sing and sing until she fell asleep beside Nana, only waking up when it was time to leave.

Liu Jin would have dinner with her before sending her home.



"Are you excited? For baby?" Daiyu asked as she tilted her head to one side in question.

Liu Jin nodded. In his previous life, he was an only child. But in this lifetime, he was lucky enough to have a sibling. He smiled.

Daiyu paused before hopping off her chair. She then crawled onto Liu Jin's lap and cupped his cheeks with her little hands.



"Jin-gege will still love Daiyu?"

Liu Jin laughed. Was she already jealous?

"Of course, Xiao Yu." He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I will always love you."


"Mmm! Promise!" He then hooked his finger onto hers.


Before the week was over, Nana finally went into labour. It was an intense and arduous eight hour wait. Shuren paced back and forth, trying to calm his nerves while Liu Jin sat near his father, holding Daiyu's hand. By the time the wait was over, Daiyu had already fallen asleep.

The doctor called for Shuren and when he entered the room, surprise filled him.

"Honey… we have twins…" Nana smiled brightly.


Daiyu was in Liu Jin's arms as he carried her so that she could peak through the glass windows. They were currently looking at the newly born babies.

"Which one? Which one is our baby?" She asked.

Liu Jin pointed towards the twins in the room and Daiyu tilted her head. She didn't understand why there was one too many.

They returned to Nana's room and Daiyu decided to ask her.


"Xiao Yu!" Nana smiled.

Daiyu crawled onto her bed as usual. Shuren tried to stop her but Nana helped her up. She really enjoyed Daiyu's presence.

"Mommy, why do you have two babies?" She asked.

Shuren chuckled.

"They're twins, Xiao Yu." Nana tried to explain.

Daiyu paused. She still didn't understand.

"They're like Xiao Nuan and Xiao Ning." Liu Jin explained.

Daiyu pouted.

"Did – did mommy know?"


"That mommy has two babies?"

"No, Xiao Yu. It was a surprise." When they went in for a scan at the early months of the pregnancy, they only detected one.

"Ah!" Daiyu's eyes widened.

"A bonus! Mommy had a bonus!"

Shuren and Nana laughed.

"Yes, Xiao Yu. Mommy had a bonus." Nana gently stroked her hair.

"Hehe!" Daiyu giggled.

"Mommy is lucky!" She bent down and kissed Nana's cheek.

"Daiyu will help take care of mommy's babies!" She raised her hand and volunteered herself.

Nana giggled and nodded.

"Thank you, Xiao Yu."

After staying with Nana for a bit longer, Daiyu finally went home. She went straight to her room and took out her drawing papers and crayons. All this time she had been preparing for only one baby. Now that there were two, she had to write more stories!


After a week of staying at the hospital, the Lius finally returned home. The baby girl was named Liu Meili while the baby boy was named Liu Mingli. While Meili was healthy and energetic, Mingli wasn't as fortunate. He was sickly and cried most of the time. As such, Nana would take care of him while Shuren would take care of Meili.

Liu Jin helped around too. His father wasn't very nimble with his hands and had a hard time taking care of the newborn child. Liu Jin, on the other hand, was a natural. Perhaps it was because he took care of Daiyu a lot but he quickly got accustomed to the job and made Nana very proud of him.


"Woah." Zhihao looked at the baby in his arms with awe.

He paid Liu Jin a visit today along with Daiyu and it was his first time seeing the twins.

"She's so small." He commented.

Daiyu watched. She wanted to carry the baby too but she was afraid that she would drop them.

"Baby brother too!" She gripped Zhihao's pants and pointed towards the other crib.

Zhihao gently laid Meili onto the crib before carrying Mingli. The boy instantly cried upon the unfamiliar touch.

"Hey there lil guy. Don't cry!" Zhihao tried coaxing him but he would not stop crying.

Daiyu panicked. She didn't like it when the babies were sad.

"It's okay, baby." She gently stroked his arm. "Daiyu is here."

She then began singing a lullaby and the boy immediately stopped its cries. It stretched out its arms, wanting Daiyu to carry him. Liu Jin took the baby from Zhihao and gently laid it onto Daiyu's arms. Before long, Daiyu had grown accustomed to its weight.

"Hehe!" She giggled.

"Daiyu will take care of baby well!" She declared.

Zhihao smiled and gently patted her head.

"Then Xiao Yu, you're not a baby anymore?" He asked.

Daiyu shook her head vigorously.

"Daiyu is Jin-gege's baby!"

Liu Jin chuckled and kissed her chubby cheek.


Just like that, their peaceful summer days continued. Before long, it was finally the last week of their vacation. Not wanting to waste their days away, the boys decided to go on one last trip before school starts again in September.

"Xiao Yu! Let's go!" Zhihao excitedly called.

Today, they were going to the mountains. Wang Jing had a vacation house up in the hills with a great view of the ocean. While they wouldn't have much to do there, they decided to spend their remaining days relaxing with abundant nature and fresh air around them.

After a four-hour trip by car, they finally arrived at the vacation house. It was a traditional wooden house on top of a cliff. There was a lush forest to the east and a hot spring to the west, overlooking the ocean to the north.

"Man. The old man sure knows which property to buy." Zhihao commented as he examined the place.

Liu Jin nodded. He too wanted a place to relax like this. Imagining his future with Daiyu here, wearing an apron and welcoming him home with a hot cup of tea, he blushed hard and decided that he was going to make it a reality.

Upon entering the house, the children unpacked their things first before having dinner. They then took a soak in the hot springs, enjoying the view of the setting sun. After that, they each had a glass of ice-cold milk before returning to their room. There, the boys shared stories about their past life while Daiyu drew on the floor. They soon dozed off to sleep, the nostalgic smell of burning mosquito coil filling the room.

The next morning, they had a warm traditional Chinese breakfast. They then took a hike downtown where a bustling village welcomed them. The stores there sold rice crackers and traditional candy, as well as wooden sandals and fans.

Zhihao and Liu Jin had fun teaching Daiyu all sorts of things. They bought her toys they used to play as children before having lunch at a hole in the wall restaurant. The noodles they served there were handmade and fresh, and the broth was thick and savory.

After their delicious meal, they walked a bit further until they reached the coast. There, they watched as fishermen turned in their catch for the day.

"Yummy!" Daiyu commented and the boys laughed.

"Want to buy some fresh fish for dinner tonight?" Zhihao asked.

Liu Jin thought about it for a while before nodding.

"Let's go!"

With that, they went to the wet market. Daiyu had fun pointing out all the seafood she wanted to eat and the boys bought a lot. They also bought some vegetables to go with their fish and before they knew it, their hands were full with heavy bags. The climb back up to the old house was a struggle. But luckily, Nao Nao was very strong and helped them carry a lot.

They chef was surprised with the fresh ingredients they bought and made a delicious warm dinner for them. Daiyu enjoyed eating that night as both Liu Jin and Wang Jing shelled prawns and deboned fish for her.

After eating, they took another long soak at the hot springs. When they came out, the chef greeted them with a bowl of herbal soup. Daiyu hated the bitter taste and quickly chugged the entire bowl down. The boys, however, basked in its nostalgic taste.

"Will you still go?"

"Mmm?" Liu Jin turned to face Zhihao.

"You know, military school."

He was thinking that with Xiulan gone, was there still a need?

Liu Jin paused before nodding.

"Yeah. I want to grow stronger. I want to protect Daiyu and… I want to change the past me." He faced Zhihao with a wide smile on his face.

Zhihao smiled back and gave his back a light slap.

"Gotcha. I'll take care of Xiao Yu while you're away."


With that, the three children continued their days together before finally returning home to start school.

Hello! That's it for today! Sorry, I actually slept in and had to rush this chapter haha. I'll write two chapters tomorrow to make up for it! See you!

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