
I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Marianne, a talented curator at a museum, caught the attention of Mrs. Chaterine Ganke, a painting enthusiast who was also a very wealthy lady. The lady liked Marianne so much that she insisted her grandson, Leonardo Ganke, to marry her. Leon didn't love Marianne, but he couldn't refuse his grandmother's request. On the night of her wedding, Marianne was insulted by her husband. "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Ugly girl, don't expect you to sleep in the same bed with me!!!" Leon shouted to Marianne in contempt.

nafadila · Urban
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792 Chs

His Real Purpose

From his bedroom window, Jack could see how his personal bodyguards dragged Sophia Higgins out of his house. There was no expression crossed Jack's face as he watched his ex-girlfriend being treated harshly like that by his subordinates. What he had in mind was how Sophia found out where he lived, because so far he had never shared such important information to other people. 

Still wearing his full clothes, Jack intended to go out and ask Erick, but he canceled his intention when he accidentally looked at the clock on the nightstand, which showed eleven o'clock at night. He didn't want to disturb his right hand's resting time. Finally, Jack chose to clean his body before going to sleep. 

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< The Bolton >