
The Sales Day.

Julia had thoughtfully prepared a small fan, bottled water, snacks, and even a tablet to keep Max entertained. He smiled, feeling pampered, "You're spoiling me, Julia." She replied, "I don't want you to get bored." As they sat down, Kelvin, the clothing stall owner, whom Julia supplies goods, approached with a teasing grin, "Jula, is this your boyfriend? Wow, he's quite the handsome one!" Before Julia could respond, Max corrected, "I'm her husband." Kelvin's eyes rolled in surprise, "Julia, when did you get married?"


Julia stylishly changed the subject. Hi Kelvin, how is sales coming up? Oh awesome, I see your booth is crowded with lots of customers. I actually came to get the pant for that blazers. The customer over there wants the complete set. Oh okay, Julia called out to one of her employees, Jenny, to quickly get the pants.

So Julia, you actually got married in secret. I'm elated for you, congratulations.

Oh! Thank you, Kelvin. 


Nice to meet you Mr…

It's Mr. Wellington, Max quickly corrected. And nice to meet you too. The two of them chatted for a while.

Just then Julia asked, hey Kelvin, have you resolved the issues with your homeowner? And how is your sister's health? 


Kelvin exhaled, hm, Julia my sister's health is not getting any better. I have practically spent everything I have. If not for you, who had been helping me with the supplies of goods on credit, I don't know what i would have done. Really, thank you.


Max was unfamiliar with such hardships, and was struck by Kelvin's unyielding spirit. Julia's emotional voice added, "Bad luck often targets those already suffering. Kelvin's own health is fragile, and he's the family's pillar. If he collapses, the family will crumble. Yet, despite his struggles, he still helps others. When I first started my business , Kelvin and his sister guided me through the rules."


As Max watches as Kelvin gives the item he just got from Julia to his customer, he felt sorry for him. Although the fair was jam packed with lots of vendors and customers, he said to Julia, Kelvin is truly hardworking. At some point, Julia got really busy as the number of customers in her booth was overwhelming. Max had to help out, despite not knowing how this worked, her employees were all busy.

Julia's designs were truly a masterpiece, showcasing her remarkable handwork and attention to detail. Each piece, whether dresses, suites, trousers, was a miniature work of art, boasting a unique style that captivated the eye. To showcase her creations, Julia wore a beautiful two-piece chiffon set, and her raven hair and alabaster skin provided a stunning backdrop. The outfits were the perfect complement to her beauty, attracting customers like a magnet.

The college girls were enamored with Anita's designs and willing to pay a premium for them. At a very good price, Julia's prices were a steal. However, Max, observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but calculate the costs. With materials being relatively expensive, the real investment was Julia's capital, time – hours of painstaking handwork for each piece.


As a group of customers made their purchases, Max suggested, "Julia, shouldn't you explore more with your talent, in a more reputable company that will give your talent the value for its worth?. You should aim higher – apply as a fashion designer at a prestigious atelier!" Julia's expression turned wistful, "I've considered it, but they require a degree... and I don't even have that." She paused, her lips pursed in frustration. "A diploma is the entry ticket to those companies. Without one, I'm stuck. I have no awards to my name... who would hire me?"


Max's eyes locked onto hers, filled with encouragement. "That's not true, Julia. Your designs speak for themselves. We just need to find a way to get them noticed. Your talent deserves recognition, and I'm willing to help you achieve it." Julia's face lit up with a glimmer of hope.


"I I honestly, do understand your concerns, Julia, but you will never know if you don't give it a trial. Your unique style and dedication to your designs are valuable assets in the industry. Let's work together to build a portfolio and network in the field. I'm confident that, with persistence and hard work, you'll land a job in a very good organization." Dennis's words were infused with conviction, and Julia's heart filled with gratitude. She knew she had found a true ally in her quest for success.

Your designs are truly haute couture, Julia. You have a gift for creating pieces that are both elegant and avant-garde. With the right exposure, you could be the next big thing in the fashion industry." Max's words were like a balm to Julia's soul, and she felt a surge of determination. She was ready to take her talent to the next level, and conquer the fashion world.

Max paused for a moment, and then continued, how about you apply for a position at the Darius group fashion house? I think there should be an opening at the fashion department soon, for fresh talent. 

"Oh wow! Is your company genuinely seeking fresh talent in design? Don't they usually promote from within?" Julia inquired, her curiosity roused.


Max responded with a serious expression, "I have reliable sources indicating that they'll be accepting external applications this year." This was no idle chatter; the decision to recruit or not rested solely on Max's authority.


Julia was convinced, thinking to herself, "As an insider at  Darius Group, it's only natural that Max would have access to confidential information." She wondered if Max was encouraging her to apply because he wanted them to collaborate, sharing in each other's success and progress. And then again he might be thinking that her creative talents were being underutilized. Although she longed to design clothes that would be worn by top celebrities and admired by many.


As they discussed their plans, Julia asked, "Shall I grab us something to eat? We haven't had dinner yet." Max was indeed famished, but he didn't want Julia to spend her hard-earned money. "No, let me get it," he said. "What's your preference for dinner?" Oh no, don't worry yourself, moreover you're not too familiar with these places. And then again, my staffs are busy with the customers. Julia had four employees working for her.


As Julia ventured off to procure sustenance, Max remained at the booth, where Kevin from the adjacent booth approached him with a pack of cigarettes. "Would you like to share a smoke, friend?" Max, though unaccustomed to such affordable cigarettes, accepted one to avoid rebuffing Kevin's benevolence. "Thank you, I appreciate your kindness."