
Samantha Almost Let The Cat Of Of The Bag

Perhaps it was the rings or the alluring ambiance, but Julia savored the spaghetti as the most delectable she had ever tasted. At that moment, she felt that living with Max in such harmony was utterly perfect. Max was gentle and considerate, making her feel exceedingly comfortable in his presence. The next morning, Julia arose early, intending to visit the supermarket to procure ingredients for lunch. As she prepared to depart, Max stirred, inquiring, "Where are you off to so early?" "The supermarket," she replied, "My mother and the others are joining us for lunch, so I must acquire the necessary provisions. Oh, and did you invite your relatives?" Max assured her, "I called them yesterday. Wait, I'll change and accompany you." With the prospect of numerous purchases, Julia welcomed his assistance. Together, they ventured out, first acquiring breakfast essentials and then proceeding to the supermarket. Julia was well-acquainted with the nearby market, navigating directly to the desired items while Max followed, collecting the goods. For him, this was an unprecedented experience, as he was  not used  to the bustling and cacophonous atmosphere of the supermarket. After completing their shopping, they hastened back to initiate cooking preparations. Meanwhile, Max resolved the power outage issue by contacting Sean. As Julia cooked in the kitchen, Max assisted, demonstrating his capabilities despite being born into affluence. At approximately half past ten, the doorbell rang. With Julia occupied by steaming beef, Max answered the door, revealing his brother and mother, who momentarily froze upon seeing him donning an apron.

His mother exclaimed, "Son, you cook?" Sean looked astonished, giving Max a thumbs up, "Brother, you're a modern husband indeed!" Max signaled Sean to sit and rest in the living room. The kitchen was  spacious enough.


As the guests arrived, Samantha and Mrs. Robin were surprised to see Max, the billionaire CEO, helping in the kitchen. Samantha quietly observed Mrs Georgina's attitude towards Julia and how generous and kind she acted towards her.

As they sat down to enjoy the elaborate meal, prepared by Julia with Max's assistance, Mrs. Georgina smiled, "Sorry for the wait; let's dine. This should suit your taste." Her gaze fell on Julia, and Samantha understood the unspoken meaning. Not only did the food satisfy her appetite, but her daughter-in-law had also won her heart. Julia, however, remained oblivious to the deeper significance. Samantha felt reassured, knowing Julia had passed the test of winning over her wealthy mother-in-law. She seized the opportunity to present a gift, saying with a smile, "Julia, here's my wedding gift to you. Wishing you a joyous life and a soon-to-arrive bundle of joy."

"Awww, Samantha," Julia said, graciously accepting the gift with a smile. "Thank you." She then added, "Now that you're married, you can start preparing for a baby. The earlier you conceive, the better, don't you think, Mrs. Robin?" Due to the occasion, Mrs. Robin echoed her sentiment. "Indeed, it's time to prepare." Julia blushed at the mention, casting a sideways glance at Max.


Max noticed the way Julia stared at him and he knew she needed saving. He smiled softly, "As for the baby, let's take things as they come." His words put an end to further discussion on the matter. Samantha asked tentatively, "Max, aren't you ready? I thought men of your caliber would be eager to start a family. Everyone instantly turned to Samantha with a shocked expression, wondering what she meant by men of his caliber. Even Max was shocked. Samantha noticed everyone's shocked expression and quickly spoke up to ease the tension that was already brewing. Oh, by that I mean men who just got married, would probably be thinking of starting a family. Everyone's expression suddenly relaxed, and Samantha thought to herself, that was a narrow escape.

Max just said gently, we're not in a hurry.

However, this response seemed too nonchalant for Samantha, who worried that Max was only temporarily interested in Julia.


Julia changed the topic with a smile, "Let's eat! Mom, you should drink more of this soup, Auntie Sean, please help yourselves." Sean feigned calmness, responding with a smile, "Thank you." The atmosphere remained harmonious. Mrs. Georgina was very warm towards Mrs. Robin and they chatted about family life, sharing stories about Julia's childhood.  Georgina, naturally curious about her son's wife, learned that Mrs.   Mrs Robin once worked in a hotel as a cleaner, and felt sympathetic towards her tough life experiences. She admired her hard work and zealousness greatly, and they chatted more, eventually addressing each other by their first names.

After dinner, Max took the initiative to clean up, allowing Julia to rest. He enlisted Sean's help in the kitchen. When Sean put the dishes in the sink he frowned, "I don't know how to wash dishes!"

Max leaned against the refrigerator, exuding calmness, and said, "As long as you're not intellectually challenged, you can manage." Sean had no choice but to accept, donned the gloves, and began washing dishes. "Why not hire a nanny or send one from home?" Max retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator and replied, "how can a mere employee afford such luxuries?." Sean was perplexed, whispering, "Why pretend to be so poor? This small apartment, it's not even as spacious as our swimming pool." Max glanced at Julia in the living room and explained, "She's distinct from other women. What she desires is a partner who shares her socioeconomic status and world view." Sean swiftly asked, "The world of poverty?" Julia and Max hailed from different worlds. In Julia's eyes, the programmer, Max, was a kindred spirit. Only those from the same world were equals. A woman who even split living expenses was an independent individual who never took advantage of others.

Max had checked the dating website and discovered a man surnamed Wellington who went on a blind date with Julia that day. He believed Julia genuinely mistook him for that Wellington guy. He wanted to continue exploring her world, maintaining his current identity. "Just keep quiet," he instructed Sean, who washed dishes under Max's guidance before being dismissed. Mrs. Robin and Samantha didn't stay long after the meal, they left after a brief post-lunch visit. Georgina wished to stay longer, but, finding herself the only one remaining and receiving a suggestive glance from her son, she fabricated an excuse to leave. Once everyone had left, Julia was now free to unwrap Samantha's wedding gift. Upon opening it, she was relieved she hadn't done so in front of Max, as Samantha had sent a set of alluring pajamas.


Julia lifted the delicate fabric with her hands, revealing the alluring pajamas. It was quintessentially Samantha's style. "Julia," Max called from outside, prompting her to hastily conceal the intimate attire. "What's up?" she replied, emerging from the room. Max appeared serious, leading her to believe it was a matter of significance. "The milk tea you purchased for me previously, could you kindly reorder another cup with sugar?" Julia smiled, "Of course, that's from Bubble Tea, my favorite haunt." She swiftly pulled out her phone and placed the order, "Can you finish the large cup?" "Yes, I'd like a large cup." Julia smiled and expedited the order. Upon looking up, she noticed Max opening his laptop. "Let me show you this," he said, revealing the recruitment notice for the fashion designer company under the Darius Group, seeking designers. "They're genuinely recruiting designers." Julia's eyes widened in pleasant surprise as she scanned the requirements, "Not only a high school diploma, but also internal training for those with no experience, and top performers will have the opportunity to study abroad." Max, what is your boss thinking? No experience necessary? These conditions seemed tailor-made for her, and she met the requirements. "Design thrives on creativity; a fixed mindset cannot conjure innovation." Julia nodded, "That makes sense." "Here's the registration portal; click to fill in the information and sign up for the interview." Max pointed to the page, "Two rounds of interviews, and only three will be selected." "Three! That's challenging." Julia's unease began to surface, "Can I?" Max offered a reassuring smile, "I believe in you." His encouragement was like a warm spring breeze, bolstering her confidence. She clenched her fists and cheered herself on, "I can do this!" The two exchanged smiles, and Max said, "Fill out the application first." With a mix of apprehension and excitement, she began to fill in the form.