
Julia Went For Medical Examination.

As she pulled up, Julia and Max turned to face her. Julia looked surprised. "Didn't I say you didn't need to accompany me to the hospital anymore?"


Samantha's usual composure was replaced by a flustered expression. "I'll explain later, I was in a hurry," she said, her eyes darting towards Max.


Max's gaze narrowed slightly. "What's urgent, can I help?" he asked, his tone casual but his eyes piercing.


Samantha's anxiety spiked. She couldn't reveal the truth, not even to Julia's husband. "No, please, I don't think so," she replied hastily. "This is a matter between women, Mr. Wellington. You don't need to worry, I'll take good care of Julia."


Julia intervened, sensing the tension. "Why don't you go to work, I'll go with Samantha," she suggested, her eyes meeting Max's.


Max held Samantha's gaze for a moment longer, his eyes seeming to bore into her soul. Then, he nodded and turned to leave, his expression unreadable. Samantha breathed a sigh of relief as he disappeared from view, her heart still racing with fear. What if Max discovered Julia's secret? The thought sent a chill down her spine.


"Let's go," Julia said, breaking the silence. "We don't want to be late for the appointment."


Samantha nodded, her eyes locked onto Julia's. She knew she had to protect her friend's secret, no matter what it took.


As they drove to the hospital, Samantha couldn't help but glance at Julia, her eyes filled with concern. "What's going on, Julia?


Julia hesitated, her eyes darting around the car as if searching for an escape route. "It's just... Max can't know my Erotophobia , Samantha. He can't know."


Samantha's eyes widened in shock. "What? Julia, why not? He's your husband, he has a right to know!"


Julia's voice dropped to a whisper. He might start thinking differently about me, and that could affect our relationship and marriage.


Samantha's heart went out to her friend. She knew Julia's fears, her dreams, her aspirations. She knew that Julia wasn't ready to be told the truth of that dark night, not yet. But she also knew that keeping this secret from Max could lead to devastating consequences.


Julia was unaware of the real story behind the dark night, there was more to it than she knew; only Samantha and Mrs . Robin knew the real story.


"Okay, Julia. I'll support you, no matter what. But promise me one thing: you'll tell Max the truth soon. You can't keep this secret forever."


Julia nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "I promise, Samantha. I'll tell him soon. But for now, please, let's just keep this between us."


Samantha nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of Julia's secret. She knew that she had to protect her friend, no matter what. But she also knew that the truth would come out eventually, and when it did, it would change everything.



So why were you in such a hurry?" Julia asked, her voice laced with concern.


Julia raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "You had a terrible nightmare that scared you to death? Really, Samantha?"


Samantha nodded vigorously, her eyes wide with fear. "Yes, Julia! I dreamed that my boyfriend cheated on me and stole all my money. Isn't that terrifying?"


Julia's gaze remained doubtful, but she humored her friend. "That's quite a nightmare. And how's your young boyfriend doing? Any signs of him running off with your money?" Julia's tone was playful, but Samantha detected a hint of sarcasm.


Samantha ignored Julia's skepticism, prattling on about her boyfriend's virtues. "He's doing great, Julia! He's so charming and thoughtful. And he's only twenty-two, can you believe it?"


Julia smiled indulgently, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "That's lovely, Samantha. I'm sure he's a real catch."


As they arrived at the Medical Center, Julia got out of the car and walked into the building, Samantha following close behind. At the front desk, Julia confirmed her appointment while Samantha chattered on about her nightmare, still trying to convince Julia of its validity.


Julia listened patiently, her expression a mask of calm, but her mind racing with thoughts of her own secrets and worries. Little did Samantha know, Julia's life was about to take a dramatic turn, one that would change everything forever.


As Julia sat nervously in the exam room, Samantha stood by her side, her eyes fixed on the doctor with a mix of anxiety and concern.


The doctor reviewed the test results, his expression serious. "Julia, your blood work looks good, but I want to run some additional tests to rule out any potential issues with your liver, gallbladder, and kidneys."


Julia nodded, her eyes locked onto the doctor's. "Okay, whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this."


Samantha couldn't help but chime in, her voice laced with worry. "Yes, please, doctor. We need to make sure Julia is okay."


The doctor smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this. Now, Julia, are you married?"


Julia hesitated, her eyes darting to Samantha before responding. "Yes, I'm married."

The doctor nodded, his eyes scanning the chart. "And do you have any children?"

Samantha jumped, her voice nervous. "No, my friend doesn't have children yet."


Julia shot Samantha a look, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "I can answer for myself, Sam."

The doctor's eyes locked onto Julia's, his expression softening. "Sorry, Julia. I just need to ask these questions?"


Julia shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "No."

Samantha quickly spoke up again, her eyes fixed on the doctor. "Doctor, my friend's physical examination is fine, right? You're not finding anything serious?"


The doctor's expression turned reassuring. "So far, everything looks good, Samantha. We just need to run a few more tests to be sure."

As the doctor continued to explain the next steps, Julia's eyes met Samantha's, a silent understanding passing between them.


"No problem," the doctor said, handing Julia her physical examination report. "Everything looks good."


Samantha breathed a sigh of relief as they walked out of the hospital. "It's almost noon, Julia. You owe me lunch. I've been up since early morning accompanying you, and I haven't even had breakfast yet."


Julia smiled generously. "Consider it a celebration for me joining the Darius Group. Order whatever you like."

Linda's eyes lit up. "Then I want you to splurge!"


Just then, Julia's eyes locked onto a familiar face. "Samantha, isn't that my cousin's husband, Adams Smith?"


Samantha followed her gaze, her eyes widening as she took in the scene.  Her cousin's husband, Adams, was supporting a heavily pregnant woman, who was gazing up at him adoringly.


You saw it just now, the scan report says I'm having a boy," the woman said, her voice dripping with possessiveness. "When will you divorce her and marry me? If you don't, I'll have an abortion."


Julia's eyes narrowed, her heart racing with shock and anger. What was going on here? And who was this woman claiming to be carrying Adams's child?


"Your wife Clara can't bore you children," Adams Smith's mistress spat, her eyes blazing with anger. "Meanwhile, I've given your family a beautiful daughter and now a son on the way. It's time you marry me, or else!"


Adams Smith's face turned ashen as he tried to placate her. I'll divorce her soon, please stay calm. I have no relationship with her anymore. Don't hurt the baby, this is the Smith family's heir. Be careful..."


But before he could finish, his eyes locked onto Julia, standing frozen in shock. "Julia!" he exclaimed, his expression changing from fear to panic.