
Julia Gets Bullied

Julia's anger simmered, her response poised on her lips, when the door swung open and Amari, Max's secretary and the president of Skyreach Group, entered with an air of authority. The interviewers hastily rose from their seats, their faces transformed into respectful masks. Julia turned to face the one that had just entered the room, unaware of Amari's identity but sensing her power.


The interviewer, who had moments before belittled Julia, now fawned over Amari: "Miss Amari, what brings you here? What is Mr. Wellington's instructions?" In the Darius Group hierarchy, Amari held a position akin to the emperor's trusted butler, commanding reverence from all.


Julia heard Mr. Wellington was shocked for a moment, but quickly waved off the thought.

Amari's gaze swept the room before settling on Julia's design draft. Her eyes lingered, and for a moment, Julia thought she saw a glimmer of excitement. "I'll take a look," Amari said, her voice low and smooth, as she approached the interview table.


The interviewer, still attempting to curry favor, explained, "Miss Amari, this is a mistake by the HR department. I was about to dismiss the lady. How can Darius Group recruit a high school graduate as staff?" Amari's expression turned wry, her thoughts almost visible: "These fools were about to dismiss the empress of Darius Group?" Her presence had averted a grave mistake.

Julia stood firm, her voice unwavering: "If your company doesn't accept high school diplomas, then don't publish such information. Please return my design draft." Amari's gaze fell upon the ripped resume in the trash can, and her expression turned sympathetic. She understood the injustice Julia had faced.

"Miss Amari, I apologize on their behalf for their unreasonable behavior," Amari said, her voice sincere. "Since Darius Group released the recruitment information, no one dares to ignore it. I must say, your design draft is impressive. Our company values diplomas, but more importantly, ability." Amari presented the design draft with both hands, her gesture symbolic. "What inspired your design, Miss Robin?"


The room fell silent, the interviewers exchanging whispered speculations about Julia's background. Amari's humble attitude and apology had startled them all. Julia, however, felt a sense of gratitude towards Amari. "I want everyone to wear the clothes I designed. Some feelings that can't be expressed in words can be reflected in the design...conveying mutual love, recording precious moments, and eventually, beautiful relationship."

Amari nodded, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Very good, Miss Robin. Please return home and await our call." Julia was confused. Had she just been eliminated? The phrase "wait for our call" echoed in her mind, a familiar rejection tactic from her previous interview experiences. She didn't press the matter, collecting her design draft and resume, and departed with a sense of uncertainty.


As soon as Julia left, Amari turned to the interviewer who had humiliated Julia, her expression stern. "Go to the HR department and settle everything concerning your last day here. You don't need to come back to work ." The man's face transformed, his eyes filled with shock. "Miss Amari, why is this?" he stammered, realizing too late the gravity of his mistake.

"Just because Julia graduated from high school, you felt you could bully and look down on her? Do you even know she has a more impressive background than you do?" Amari's voice was firm, her words a stern rebuke. "You're responsible for recruiting talents for the company, yet you see people through colored glasses. How do you expect to find the best candidates?"

The interviewer shifted uncomfortably, realizing his mistake too late. Amari's words were a clear warning: step down and make way for those truly talented. Though Amari couldn't fire him, she knew Max's temper and the consequences of humiliating the president's wife.


Julia left the interview with mixed emotions, unaware of the drama that unfolded after her departure. She didn't hold much hope for the job, her mind preoccupied with other concerns. As she returned home, she encountered Georgina directing a team of movers into one of the most beautiful mansions on the estate.


"Good day, ma," Julia greeted, curiosity getting the better of her. "What's going on?"

Georgina beamed, her smile radiant. "Julia, my dear, I've bought this house! I'll be living close to you from now on."


Julia was surprised. "You bought this house? That's... quite a significant investment." The houses in this area were luxurious, costing tens of millions of dollars. Julia had always admired this house, it was one of the best on the estate.

Georgina chuckled. "I wanted a change of environment. And who knows? Maybe I'll even like it here more. And then again, you don't have to work so hard." Her words were laced with a hidden meaning, a desire to observe Julia and Max's relationship up close.


As the movers continued their work, Georgina's eyes sparkled with a knowing glint. She had an ulterior motive for moving into the estate, one that went beyond mere neighborly affection.

As they chatted, Georgina invited Julia into her new apartment, where she was busy directing the movers. Julia had just returned from the market, arms laden with fresh vegetables and fruits for dinner. She excused herself to prepare the meal for her husband but soon returned with a selection of fresh produce for Georgina.

While Georgina was on the phone with her nanny, instructing her to tidy up the new house, Julia knocked on the door and entered, standing quietly behind her. After the call, Julia asked, "Ma'am, does your family know about your house purchase?" Buying a house was a significant decision, and Julia assumed it would require family discussion.


Julia smiled nonchalantly, waving her hand. "No, I just bought a house. It's not a big deal. I can do what I want." Julia recalled the valuable bracelet Georgina had given her when they first met and realized that Julia's wealth was far more extensive than she had imagined.


Georgina accepted the fresh fruits with a smile and handed Julia a spare key to the house. "Keep this, just in case. I sometimes forget my keys, and it would be helpful to have a spare with you." Julia couldn't refuse, and Georgina's reasoning seemed valid. Little did Julia know, Georgina's true intention was to be closer to her, and the spare key was just a pretext.

Julia, though, hesitated for a moment before agreeing to hold onto the spare key. Georgina' was excited, she was slowly approaching her goal, "Let's have dinner at home tonight! I bought some groceries, and you can show off your cooking skills!" Julia smiled, "Okay, but how can I let you cook alone? We'll do it together!"

While they were cooking in the kitchen, Georgina revealed a surprising truth: "Max used to be a secret agent, and I was his trusted ally!" Julia's curiosity was roused, and she asked, "Why did he leave the agency?" Georgina's expression turned serious. "Max's skills were unmatched, but his father, the agency's CEO, disapproved of his smart methods. It led to a falling out, and Max quit the agency." Julia's heart went out to her husband, understanding the sacrifices he made.