
Julia's Mom Got Caught Up in Insurance Fraud.

Julia hesitated, Max, I think we should reconsider buying a house. It's safer and cheaper to rent, and besides, I work too, so it's only fair that I contribute to our expenses.


Max's expression remained unreadable, making Julia worried. But then, he quickly softened his tone" Julia, as your husband, it's my responsibility to take care of you. Please don't worry about sharing bills; I'm capable of providing for my family. If you need anything, feel free to ask.


Julia was now conscious of her words, "Are you angry? I didn't mean to offend you.

Max reassured her, "I'm not angry, Julia. I just want you to know that you're my responsibility, and I'm committed to taking care of you and your needs. Remember, my wife is my priority.


I'm sorry Max, I'm not just used to it this way. I've never had a man stand up for me like this before. Thank you, Max; this means a lot to me.


Max noticed she was getting emotional again, so he just said politely. "I promise to make this marriage work, and don't worry, I'm willing to wait until you're ready for us to consummate our marriage."


Just then Julia suggested, "Considering you're taking up all the responsibility, think we should thick-off a house from our bucket list for now. The mortgage could be overwhelming.


Max just smiled, "Okay, madam, your wish is my command."

He thought to himself, "If only she knew my true identity." But he simply said, "I'm glad you're comfortable with everything in the apartment. You'll move in tomorrow.


Julia's phone suddenly rang, she heard a woman's worried voice came through from the phone.

Julia, this is Maria. Your mother has been arrested by the insurance company for an unpaid debt. Please meet us at the station.

So it turned out that Julia's Dad defrauded an insurance company some years ago, and Mrs. Anderson was his guarantor.

The insurance company had tried to get hold of him for many years, all to no avail, reasons Mrs. Robin was picked up.

Her father had left her and her mother when she was barely three years old. And since then, no one has heard from him. Now that the insurance company couldn't find him after this long, they resulted in picking up every one of his guarantors,

Julia felt her heart drop. "Why did they pick her up?  And for what offense?!

Mrs. Robin had not been working for so many years now, she was being supported by her daughter, who helped with paying the bills, and Maria was another lady who used to work with her, and they'd been friends for many years now.

Maria said," I'm not sure what she's being charged with for now, so please hurry up and come over.              Your mother and I were about to step out when they suddenly showed up at the door, and that's how we ended up here. 

Maria's voice was firm but sympathetic. "I know this is a shock, Julia, but we need to act fast. Your mother is being held at the police station, and we need to sort out this mess as soon as possible."

Julia's mind raced with questions and worries. She felt a surge of anger towards her father, who had left them to deal with his mistakes.

"What do I need to do, Maria?" Julia asked, trying to stay calm.

Meet me at the station, and we'll figure out our next step. And Julia, please hurry. Time is not on our side.

She nodded, even though Maria couldn't see her. She felt a sense of determination. She knew Julia was going to fix this, no matter what it took.

She turned to Max, who had been listening to the conversation with a concerned expression. "I have to go to the police station. My mother is in trouble."

Max's face changed from concern to anger. "I'll drive you there. Let's go."

Julia just said okay.   As they drove to the station, Julia filled Max in on the situation. He listened intently, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information.

When they arrived at the station, Maria was already there, pacing back and forth. Julia could see the worry etched on her face.


But then she looked at Max, who was standing beside her, his eyes fixed on hers. And she knew she wasn't alone. She had him, and together, they could face this challenge.

Julia's mind was racing with thoughts of her mother's situation. She couldn't believe her father's past mistakes were still haunting them.


Julia rushed inside, with Max following closely behind. Maria was already there, looking worried.


"Julia, I'm so sorry," Maria said, hugging her. "I didn't know what to do."

Julia's eyes had tears that she was struggling not to let out. It's not your fault, Maria. Where's my mom?"


Maria pointed towards a room in the back. "They're holding her there. But Julia, you need to know something. The insurance company is demanding a huge sum of money, and if they don't get it, they'll press charges against your mom.


Julia's heart sank. She knew her mother couldn't afford that amount. She felt a surge of anger towards her father, who had left them to deal with his mess.

Max stepped forward, his voice firm. "Don't worry, Julia. We'll figure something out. I'll help you sort this out.

Julia looked at him, "Thank you, Max. I don't know what I'd do without you.


Please take me to my mother.

Maria led her to the chief's office on the third floor, where Mrs. Robert was being held.

As Julia entered the room, her eyes met her mother's, and she could see the fear and worry etched on her face. "Mom! Are you okay? Why did they arrest you?" Julia's voice trembled with emotion.


The officer began to explain, but Julia's anger boiled over as she learned the reason for her mother's arrest. It was as a result of a crime her father had committed many years ago, and now it had come back to hunt them. The insurance company had come after her mother, demanding payment for his fraud.