
Adams Smith And His Mistress

Julia's eyes widened as she took in the scene, her mind reeling with the implications. She had just overheard Adams Smith's infidelity and the fact that he had a mistress pregnant with his child. The mistress's words echoed in her mind, "You'll never have a child with your wife, Clara..."


Adams Smith's mistress glared at Julia, her voice dripping with venom. "Who is this woman? You're so pale, what are you afraid of?"


Adams Smith quickly ushered his mistress aside, his voice low and urgent. "Wait for me in the car, please. I'll handle this."


The mistress reluctantly agreed, but not before casting a venomous look at Julia. Adams Smith turned back to Julia, his eyes pleading for forgiveness, but Julia's expression remained icy cold.


"No need to explain, Adams," she said, her voice firm. "I'm not the one you should explain this secret life you've been living behind Clara's back."

Adams Smith's eyes darted around, searching for an escape route, but Julia's gaze held him captive. He knew he had been caught, and his perfect facade had crumbled. The truth was out, and there was no going back.


Samantha, Julia's friend, stood by her side, her eyes fixed on Adams Smith with disgust. "You've been lying to Clara for years, Adams. How could you?"

As Julia watched the mistress storm off, she turned to Adams Smith, her eyes narrowing. "You're hiding something, Adams. What is it?"


Adams Smith's smile was awkward. "Clara, I mean Julia, I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just...I got caught up in a difficult situation."


Julia's eyes flashed with anger. "A difficult situation? You mean how you're cheating on your wife with a nurse from your hospital?"

Adams Smith's eyes darted around, searching for an escape route. "How did you...? I mean, yes, I know her from the hospital. But it's not what you think, Julia."


Samantha, Julia's friend, stepped forward, her eyes fixed on Adams Smith with disgust. "Don't lie, Adams. We overheard your conversation. You're having an affair with this woman, and you're trying to cover it up."


Adams Smith's face turned pale as he realized he had been caught. "Fine, yes, I made a mistake. But please, Julia, don't tell Clara. She'll never forgive me."


Julia's eyes were cold. "You should have thought of that before you cheated on her, Adams. Now, it's too late. The truth is out."

Adams Smith's eyes pleaded with Julia as he stuttered, "Julia, um, what happened just now, I mean what you just saw, please don't tell Clara, you know her temper, she's going to have a fit, and Thelma's pregnancy is not stable yet."

Samantha scoffed in disgust, "You mean Thelma, your mistress, is pregnant with your second child? And you think Clara won't mind?"


Julia's expression was one of revulsion. "Adams, I advise you to have a sit-down with Clara as soon as possible. I won't be a party to this insane arrangement of yours. Lies are like snowballs, they only get bigger and bigger, and they never end well."


Adams Smith nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I've always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to clarify this matter with her, but then Thelma got pregnant again... Julia, please don't worry, I'll handle this matter. I was confused at first, thinking it was a mistake, and Thelma has been pestering me since then. But I know I can't keep hiding the truth."


Samantha chimed in, "Yeah, and what about Thelma? She's just as guilty as you are. Using her pregnancy to manipulate you into keeping your affair a secret."


Adams Smith's face turned pale as he realized the gravity of his situation. He knew he had to face the music, and it wouldn't be pretty.

Julia raised an eyebrow, skeptical of Adams Smith's pleas. "You expect me to believe that, Adams? That you're only keeping this affair a secret to protect Clara's temper?"

Samantha snorted in disgust. "Nine out of ten cheating men say the same thing, Adams. You're not fooling anyone."


Adams Smith's face turned red as he tried to coax Julia into keeping his secret. "Just for a little while, Julia. Please."


But before he could finish, a loud commotion erupted from the car park, accompanied by Thelma's screams. Adams Smith rushed towards the elevator, with Julia and Samantha following close behind.


In the car park, they saw Thelma being attacked by Clara, her hair being pulled, and her face slapped repeatedly. Clara's angry curses filled the air. "Shameless whore! She seduced my husband and ruined my family!"


Thelma's face was red and swollen as she cried out for help. "Adams, save me!"


Adams Smith rushed over, pulling Clara away from Thelma. "Clara, let go of her!" He turned to Thelma, his concern evident. "Are you okay? Is the child alright?"


Thelma clutched her stomach, her eyes blazing with anger. "Adams, my stomach hurts! Teach that barren woman a lesson, she was going to kill your son!"


Julia's eyes widened in shock at the scene unfolding before her. She couldn't believe the audacity of Adams Smith, prioritizing his mistress and his unborn son over his own wife. Samantha's hand on her arm pulled her back, her eyes fixed on the drama with a mixture of disgust and fascination.

Clara's eyes widened in shock as she realized her husband's infidelity. "Adams, please tell me the child in her belly isn't yours?" she stuttered, her voice trembling with anger and hurt.


Adams Smith's expression turned cold, his voice devoid of empathy. "Clara, go back home, don't cause a scene here."


Clara's fury erupted, her voice rising. "It's not shameful to cheat, but it's shameful for me to react to your cheating? We've been married for eight years, didn't you think of my emotions? Don't you feel any empathy for me? Are you still human?"


Thelma, the mistress, sneered, her arrogance palpable. "Clara, you can't have a child, why don't you let Adams have a child with me? He doesn't have feelings for you anymore, get divorced quickly and stop pretending to be his wife."


Clara's anger boiled over, her emotions raw. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? You're reveling in my pain!"


The argument escalated, drawing a crowd. Thelma's taunts and Adams' silence pushed Clara to the edge. She lunged at Thelma, her bag flying, her fists swinging. Adams intervened, grabbing Clara's hand, his face red with anger.