
A Connection Is Brewing.

Julia's gaze wavered, "No, I made that choice myself. I have nothing to regret. Life takes unexpected turns, and I believe there's more than one path to success."


Max nodded thoughtfully, his eyes never leaving hers. "I admire your resilience, Julia. You've faced adversity and emerged stronger. That takes a lot courage."


Julia's heart warmed up by his understanding. In this moment, she felt a glimmer of connection with this man she had married, a sense of hope that their arranged union might yet blossom into something more meaningful.


As they sat together in the tranquil room, surrounded by the gentle rustle of sallow, Julia realized that sometimes, it's the unasked questions that speak volumes. And in Max's compassionate silence, she found a sense of peace, a new beginning.

Max offered a nod of encouragement, his eyes shining with conviction. "I have faith in you, Julia. You're a force to be reckoned with, and I know you'll achieve greatness."

Julia's gaze burned with determination, her spirit unbroken. It was the same fire he had seen when they first met, when she proposed a marriage of convenience. Max was taken aback by her resilience, and his admiration for her grew.


As they sat there, Julia noticed something peculiar. "You haven't been drinking today, have you?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. Normally, Max would return home reeking of alcohol, their conversations strained and stilted.

Max shook his head, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I had no appointments today, so I thought I'd come back early and lend a hand at the night market."


Julia's eyes narrowed, sensing there was more to it. "Have you eaten yet? If not, I can cook something for you."

Max  chuckled, "I've eaten, thank you. But I think I'll retire to the study for a bit. I have some work to attend to."


Julia nodded, her mind still reeling from the events of the  reunion. She needed some time to herself, to process everything. As Max disappeared into the study, Julia retreated to her room, seeking solace in a warm shower and the comfort of her pajamas.

Just as she settled into bed, her phone buzzed with an incoming message. Her heart sank as she read the words on the screen. William's name flashed before her eyes, his message taunting her: "Let's do it all over again."


Julia's face darkened, her anger reigniting like a flame. She felt a surge of determination, her mind racing with thoughts of how to confront William once and for all. Little did she know, this message was only the beginning of a new storm brewing.

William's message lingered in Julia's mind like a shadow, its intent unclear. She swiftly deleted it, rejecting his advances, and silenced her phone. As she drifted off to sleep, her mind whirled with questions. Why would William still want to pursue her, knowing she was married?


In the dead of night,  Julia's thirst awakened her. Groggily, she made her way to the kitchen, only to collide with Max in the darkness. They fell together, their lips meeting in a soft, unexpected touch. Time suspended as they clung to each other, lost at the moment. Fragments of Julia's forgotten past flickered through her mind, but like sand between her fingers, they vanished, leaving only a haunting sense of longing.

The wind outside grew louder, heavy with the promise of rain, snapping them back to reality. Max pulled away, his eyes locked on Julia's, his voice low and gentle. "Why are you awake?"


Julia's heart was racing. She averted her gaze, and said softly, "I'm thirsty."

Max swiftly turned on the light, poured water into a glass, and handed it to her. Julia's fingers brushed his as she took the glass, sending a shiver down her spine. "Thank you," she whispered, drinking hastily to ease the tension.


"Do you want more water?" Max's magnetic voice asked, his eyes never leaving hers. Julia raised her head, meeting his gaze, and felt an inexplicable pull. She struggled to contain her emotions, her heart pounding in her chest.


At that moment, the air was charged with an unspoken connection, a spark waiting to ignite. The silence between them was alive with possibility, as if the night itself held its breath, anticipating what might come next.

As Julia hastily retreated to her room, Max couldn't help but smile, his eyes lingering on the closed door. He reached up, tracing the outline of his lips, savoring the sweetness of their unexpected kiss. The taste of her lips still lingered, leaving him wanting more.

"Ah, I'm a bit thirsty now," he said to himself, picking up the glass Julia had used. As he poured water into it, his mind wandered back to the moment their lips met. It was a fleeting instant, but the impact was solid.


Julia, meanwhile, was trying to calm her racing thoughts. She had never imagined her first kiss would be with her husband, of all people! They had been living together, but their relationship was more like roommies than partners. Max's early risings and late nights had become a routine, and they respected each other's boundaries. But now, everything feels different.


As she lay in bed, her mind reminiscing the events of the night. She couldn't shake off the feeling of Max's lips on hers, the gentle touch that left her yearning for more. Insomnia crept in, and she found herself lost in thoughts of what could have been.

That night, her dreams were filled with vivid images of Max and her, their emotions entwined, their love discernible. The scent of his skin, the warmth of his breath, and the softness of his kisses all felt so real. When she woke up, she was left wondering if it was just a dream or a glimpse of what could be.


The next morning, as Julia got up , she quickly cleaned up, then rushed out to the living room. She was surprised to find Max lounging on the couch, his eyes fixed on his laptop screen. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at work today?" she asked, trying to hide the flutter in her chest.

Max looked up, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "It's Saturday, remember? I'm working from home today. And I got us breakfast." He gestured to the table, where a steaming hot meal awaited her.


Julia's cheeks flushed as she recalled the unexpected kiss and her sultry dream from the night before. "Oh, thanks...I didn't expect you to be here." She tried to sound casual, but her voice betrayed her.

Max raised an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Is it a problem that I'm here?" he asked, his tone teasing.