

Camada always ends up in a low class family, both in her past life and now, but this time she is determined to climb in ranks and since there's no power to be obtained by someone as low class as she, against all odds, she's determined to MAKE HER OWN POWER. Camada strives to become a reverred and rise past the expectations of her family, even despite the curse of stagnation being placed on her family by the same reverreds she trains under. Will Camada gain the influence, fame and power she seeks or will she lose her life because of overambition? Also, does the strange mark on Camada's back mean anything? From weak-to-strong, will a new, powerful hero arise? Taki, is an absolute shame to her all royal family, so she decides to be the first to learn magic and prove her worth to her rather unsupporting family, will she strive through in her desire or fail epically? Rave, a young man full of revenge, seeks retribution in becoming a mage and absolutely crushing the system, will meeting Camada ruin or improve his plans? ***************** Who is the hooded one?

East_rae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"Tell me...why, why do you want to ruin your life so much?", my mother glares at me contemptuosly as she asks me this question for the umpteenth time, my head is down, and I am silent -I am tired of answering this question- "Camada, what's so wrong with being a farmer, or a maid or a nurse or something more...sane, why of all madness to join would you decide to join the REVERRED?" she stresses on the 'reverred' bitterly, I sigh heavily as I nervously run my hand through my hair "Power...I want power mother", I say simply, she looks at me in horror and then begins to laugh"Our family has been cursed with stagnation my dear Camada, I do not have to repeat the story of how our bloodline was cursed by the same reverred you want to serve, cursed to never have influence, fame or power..." she smiles coyly, "I'm afraid there's no power for you to obtain...", I look down -In my last life I was weak and normal but in this life, I'll be powerful- I undertone, reaffirming my life resolve "Well...dear mother, if there's no power for me to obtain...I guess I'll have to MAKE MY OWN POWER..."

Hello, this is your writer East_rae, I'd just like to say that your comments, collections, likes, votes, gifts and shares would mean a lot to me... it's not all that easy to self-encourage yourself and your support would be much appreciated.

Yours, East_rae.

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