

Camada always ends up in a low class family, both in her past life and now, but this time she is determined to climb in ranks and since there's no power to be obtained by someone as low class as she, against all odds, she's determined to MAKE HER OWN POWER. Camada strives to become a reverred and rise past the expectations of her family, even despite the curse of stagnation being placed on her family by the same reverreds she trains under. Will Camada gain the influence, fame and power she seeks or will she lose her life because of overambition? Also, does the strange mark on Camada's back mean anything? From weak-to-strong, will a new, powerful hero arise? Taki, is an absolute shame to her all royal family, so she decides to be the first to learn magic and prove her worth to her rather unsupporting family, will she strive through in her desire or fail epically? Rave, a young man full of revenge, seeks retribution in becoming a mage and absolutely crushing the system, will meeting Camada ruin or improve his plans? ***************** Who is the hooded one?

East_rae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs



"You'll die early if you don't learn how to control the anger that burns in your chest…" I gently pat his chest as he submissively drops on his knees, "Like right now…if I wasn't so interested in you…I might have killed you for even attempting to attack me…", I lean back in my chair "I can…n..never t.t..tolerate an insult to my clan" he manages to blurt out while glaring at me and grasping his chest in pain, I chuckle good-naturedly, "So…right now you seriously believed you could have killed me…like seriously" I laugh again, it humours me, "Litsen up…the stage of grief before revenge is acceptance…you must accept that your entire clan was wiped out for reasons you may never know…you can't just rush forward and kill the king or destroy the government…not when you're absolutely POWERLESS…" I smile -I am greatly enjoying myself- "…what exactly did you do to me?" he groans in pain, I chuckle,"I momentarily stopped the action of every single organ in your body…hey that must sound like an excellent way to kill the king!" I remark cheerfully, he looks up at me in shock, "Doesn't my revenge plan bother you?" he asks, treading carefully with his words "No…it thrills me actually…but…can you?" I stand up and walk to the window, "I WILL!" he musters up strength to yell, I turn to him "Well…if you CAN handle my training Rave…you can do anything you want to do"



"Hey…are you okay?" Taki asks as I wipe my mouth, I am extremely embarrassed, I turn around to see the cringe expressions on everybody's face, the ground swallowing me up would be no remedy to this shame, Rev Waer has the most pitiful expression of all, she steps to me and regards me carefully "Are you sick?" she asks, I shake my head "No…I'm alright…" I respond she stares at me quizzically and then I remember -sickness is another disqualifying factor-, hastily I grab the dagger, I decide to prove my health by fighting right away, "Hey…I'd like to go first…" I turn to see Taki step forward rather nervously, Rev Waer looks at the two of us curiously, she then shrugs and waves a permission, Taki grabs me by the ear before going to the cage "…just remember I'm not trying to save your ass or anything…I'm trying to prove a point…" she smiles and walks to her -doom?-

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Yours, East_rae.

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