
I'll Change (BL)

When the world slowed down, I got a chance to change. *PING* {Hello host, I’ll be helping you out in your new life.} In a different world with a different face. {I’m a Good system. I help to make my host a good person.} [That’s a weird system.] {There’s nothing special you need to do.} [???] “Then why do I have a system?” {That… Let’s begin again.} [What?] {I’m a good system. I help to make my host a good person. You only need to listen to me, and you’ll be a good person.} [This system seems weird.] {Did that sound good?} [How should I answer?] . . . With that I tried to change myself, but it seems it wasn’t as easy as I thought. {It’s okay host! You can do it!} “Clean this dirty room yourself, if it’s so easy!” This is a story, a story about how I will change myself. _______________________________________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: English is not the language that I speak normally. So, my novel will have a lot of mistakes here and there so be prepared if you are going to read it! Disclaimer: _Cover art belongs to the rightful owner_ Started: 19 December 2021 Ended:

MightyMiruLin · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

1_The end

In a dark alley where the light doesn't shine stood a boy facing a man with a sharp knife in his two hands.

"It's all your fault!", the man cried to the young boy.

"It's your fault that she broke up with me!"

The boy only laughed when he heard the reason why the man was holding a knife against him.

"This is so cliché!"

He laughed harder and harder.

"Are you going to stab me with it?", he asked with an evil smirk on his face.

"I mean you should stab your ex and not me to begin with. I just flirted a bit with her and that's all it took to maker her break up with you. I was just joking to begin with. I mean who would want to be her boyfriend. Oh right! It's this idiot!"

The more he talked the more agitated the man became. He began to tremble, and his face began to grow red from anger and maybe humiliation.

"Shut up!", he whispered not too quiet.

"Hahaha! Is someone getting angry here!"

The boy made the man more and more agitating with his words. It's like he doesn't realize what his words does with this man.

"Shut up!", the man yelled this time louder.

"It's your fault! She said I was too ordinary and boring because I work each day! While you are free and adventurous! It's so not fair!"

"Calm down man, it's not my fault you are boring.", he replied with a laid-back voice.

"I'll stab you!", he shouted.

"I'll stab you and get rid of the title boring and normal!", the man took a step closer to the boy while the boy finally noticed the danger he is in.

"Calm down man, if you stab me you won't be with your ex but in the prison. Don't be like that.", he tried to calm the man down, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the man in front of him.

"I'll stab you! I'll stab you! I'll stab you!", he murmured under his breath.

"You are absolutely going to regret this..", the boy said to the man.

It looked he wasn't affected by the man who was murmuring that he'll stab him. He even looked quite calm like he was used to it or maybe he already had accepted his dead. That was how he looked like to the man who was currently out of his mind, but if you looked properly you would notice only his face was relaxed. His body was tense, and his hands were trembling lightly.

"Aaah!", the man shouted while trying to stab the boy in the heart.

Noticing the knife that approached his heart the boy tried to dodge it, but he couldn't dodge it perfectly and therefore it didn't stab in his heart but instead in his side.


Blood dripped out his wound and fell to the ground. The once not that clean ground began to change colour.

Finally noticing what he has done, the man began to panic.

"Aaah! This- I didn't mean to!"

He took his knife out the boy's body and because of this the blood began to drip faster than it did before. He threw the bloodied knife to the ground and ran away with an amazing speed leaving the stabbed boy in the dark alley.

"Sh*t!", the boy cursed through his teeth.

"Help me!", he tried to shout, but his voice was too quiet.

[Is this the end?], he thought to himself.

He fell to the ground and laid on the ground full of his own blood. The boy turned around so his face would face the sky instead of the ground.

The sun shone, the birds sang, and the people outside the dark alley were walking, talking. Everyone was doing what he, she should do. Only he was laying on the ground with no one who would care about him.

He closed his eyes waiting for the pain to reduce and to die with his countless regrets.

He waited and waited but nothing happened. Trying to open his eyes, he noticed that it took a long time to open it.

[Am I almost dying?]

But after a while he noticed that it wasn't because he was almost dying that it took so much time, it was because the world slowed down.

He first thought that the world stopped moving, after looking better he saw them move but extremely slow. Just as slow as him.

[Does every dead person experience this?]

Not hearing what he should hear made him almost insane. It was like everything was slow and only his thought was fast.

[It's hurts.]

He was dying, but he still felt the pain of his wound.

[I shouldn't have agitated that man like that.]

He thought about his past and once again noticed how stupid he was not only then, but his whole life.

[I don't deserve to regret my life.]

The boy knew that everything he regretted was because he chose to live like that not anyone's else but his.

"Do you regret it?"

Suddenly a young girl with short black hair appeared before him. She walked around him like she was inspecting him.

It was like the slowing down of the world didn't affect her at all. She walked, talked just like the world was back to normal. But the boy knew it wasn't. The birds still didn't fly as fast as before, the people talk still couldn't be heard.

"Do you regret it?", the girl asked once again.

[Do I regret it? Hahaha… I f*cking regret my whole life, but what qualification do I have to regret my life?]

He felt like crying, but the tears just didn't want to come. No, the tears did come, but it slowed down just like everything else around him.

"Do you want to change your way of living?", she asked with a small smile on her beautiful face.

[I do… I really want to change.]

"You're sure? Maybe it won't be so easy as you thought, maybe you'll rather die than change it."

[That's true, but still…I would still want to try, you know?]

"What if that life is as bad or even worse than the life you had right now?"


"Don't you want another life because you are scared of dead?"

He didn't answer the earlier question, but this one he could answer without hesitating.

[I'm not scared of dying because I was never alive to begin with.]

"It's okay."

She showed a comforting smile.

"I'll help you change your life to the better."


The light came out of nowhere and blinded the boy.

The light felt warm and comforted him, just like the smile the girl showed.




At that moment the world became normal again, and one person died alone in a dark alley.

Hey dear readers!

First chapter of I'll Change! The end of this chapter is kind of like the prologue, but if you look harder you can see the difference between them. I hope you all like my Christmas gift! I don't know when the next chapter will be uploaded, but it will happen when it should! I hope you all liked this chapter!

See you in the next chapter!

MightyMiruLincreators' thoughts