
Where Am I? 1/2

April 7th 9:56am

I woke up. That's weird I could've sworn I fell asleep in the library, oh well. Maybe Tyler dropped me off. I'll make sure to thank him later. I got up and went to the living room, now where is that remote? Oh pfft, maybe I should get glasses. I turned the TV on and put the local news on, as I was going to sit down I smelt something rotten, almost like a corpse.

"Ew! Jeez I didn't even shower last night, nasty".


"Morning Miayah!" Wow Nayla looks as pretty as always.

"Morning!" I yelled back to Nayla as I running towards her and her beautifully, fresh baked bread. Her bakery never fails to entice me. "What you doing on fine Saturday?" I laughed. "To buy Tyler a thank you gift. For always looking out for me". Nayla lifted her eyebrow at me. "That's it?" Sigh. Here we go again.

"He's just a brother to me and I'm like a younger sister to him, no feelings, just a good friend bond". Nayla just gave me a look, the that some bullshit but imma believe you anyway.


I brought Tyler his favourite slice of cake and other sweet things he really enjoys. It's only a miracle that man doesn't have cavities.

Tyler. The first time we met was at his grandma's library, which he now owns. Smither's Library.

I walked in.


"Hello? Tyler?" Something was off. He's always behind that counter reading unless a customer comes. Normally I would hear a welcome but nothing. Silence. As I was about to grab my phone to call Tyler another person walked out from the back room, that's strange. Tyler is the only person who runs this store, did he finally decided he needed some help? I shook my head.

"Um, good morning". I waved awkwardly. He was quite big and scary looking, nothing but black clothes with his hood on. I swallowed hard. "Do you work here?" He pulled out a cigarette and lighted it. Rude.

"No". I froze. I don't like this. "O-oh then your a customer too?" We both stood there in silence. Crap what do I do? Run? Scream? Call the police? Just as I was making my way to leave he grabbed my hand. "Tyler's off on business and called me to look after the store while he's gone. The name's Matthew, welcome." I felt relieved after that sentence, I calmed down a bit.


We both sat down, there was so much I want to ask but the words aren't coming out.

"Miayah? Correct?"

"Oh, yep that's me hehe". I tried to laugh to lighten the mood but it didn't really go anywhere. "Can I ask you something?"

"Try me". Wow what a bold answer. I cleared my throat, "how come Tyler never told me about you?" He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "This is my first time seeing him in years and we never really talked much during those years. Guess he forgot about me."

Oh, one of those drifted apart friendships. What a sad relationship. "Oh, I see. So you've only just come back?" He pointed a finger gun at me, "bingo".

We talked about how Tyler was about to leave for family business and was gonna close the shop for a while. That was the plan until Matthew came. Perfect timing, almost seems like it was planned. This whole time he wore his hood and made sure I couldn't see his face, kinda suspicious but people can be shy to someone they don't know.

"Here. Have some. These were for Tyler as a thank you gift but he's not here. So might as well eat them together". I giggled at his head tilt, big guy, big heart.

April 6th 12:01am

Tyler Smithers? Huh, weird name.


What a little, weak bitch.

Now where did I put that cloth? Oh, there it is.

Damn for a small guy he sure leaks a lot of blood.

"Ugh stop trying to scream with tape over ya mouth, ain't nobody gonna hear you. I rolled my eyes. He stopped. Huh, he actually listened. Now time for a little Q&A.

I took the tape off his mouth.

"ARK COUGH COUGH". Damn he out here spitting blood like a sprinkler, gross.

I pulled out a photo of Miayah. "Tell me everything you know about her or go through the torture again but this time, I won't go easy on you".