
I'll Beat Anyone: A Lookism Fanfic

A Lookism fanfiction, mostly focused on action Discontinued

S_Iwoo · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Genius

I was Kwan Park the warrior.

And I was finally going to school.

There were many kids in the halls who were bubbly and loud.

When I entered the building, it all stopped. 

They all made way for me. 

To them I was Kwan Park, the KING of their middle school.

"Kouji, I trust that you've gotten me my money?"

He shoved a bank statement in my face, various amounts of money was listed at the very bottom which showcased the total. 100,000

"It was way too easy," He stated, stroking his hand through his hair. "I was surprised you gave me such an easy challenge."

The way he said it made me suppress a chuckle, "Do you think you could get me two million then?"

He stuttered his way through an excuse. "Uh-uh." He started. "It won't work!" Kouji began to explain how much trouble he could into before a cold air of silence shot into the atmosphere.

If everyone became quiet when I had entered the school, then everyone had died when this man entered.

He wore a suit and tie, had slicked back green hair and had a firm hand placed on Kouji's shoulder. 

"You're finally here." His grip on Kouji tightened and I watched him yelp helplessly.

"That's enough." He ignored my statement and continued to speak.

"I fought and fought to become top dog at this school, only to learn I had to defeat the king to do so?" 

He shoved Kouji to the side, officially pissing me off.

Who was he to ignore me?

"Defeating all your knights was a piece of cake, and I've been itching to fight a strong opponent!" He ends it there, his voice rising at the end of his sentence and he punches me with a speed I didn't expect.

Loud gasps fill the air as my head rocks back from his punch, and he barrages me with a load more. 

This was the fastest guy I had fought, ever. No wonder my knights had lost against him. If he continued to do this to me I might actually lose.

He pulls his fist back and gets ready to punch me again, but just before his fist reaches full swing I catch it.

"Do you know that if you pull your fist back you give me enough time to catch your punch before you can actually punch?"

I looked at him as wildly as I could, trying to intimidate him. I guess it wouldn't work if I had already gotten beaten by his fists earlier.

I sling his hand over my shoulder and slam him, watching spit leak out of his mouth. "Ack!" He yells, but its not over as I leap into the air and land on him, my elbow spiking his stomach.

"Is that all you got?" I say while getting on top of him while he wheezes for breath.

I keep punching his face, over and over again until he's out. 

Most of the kids had left, the few staying being far away and recording.

My stare made most of them jump back.

A part of me urged my mouth to tell them to die, but before I could do that the back of my head was hit.

"Guh!" My face slams into the floor as I'm hit with the strongest attack in the battle so far.

"You really are strong!" I flip away from the insane man, but he closes the distance instantly.

He punches at my guard despite their being many openings he could hit, and the one thing I noticed about him was the fact that he had an unnerving smile.

"Why am I always the first one on the ground? I'm strong too y'know!" 

I dodged his first punch, but the second caught me by surprise, sending me reeling backward. The impact jarred my senses, and for a moment, I saw stars.

But I refused to let it faze me. I regained my footing and countered with a series of well-placed jabs, keeping my opponent at bay while I assessed the situation. He was faster than anyone I'd ever faced, but I noticed that he left himself open after each attack, relying on his durability to protect him from my blows.

It was a risky strategy, but one that I could exploit.

As the rounds progressed, I began to time my strikes, targeting the gaps in his defense and delivering powerful hits that would wear him down over time.

Well more like it should wear him down.

It was like fighting a boss with no hp bar, he could be at 1 hp or he could be at 100, but I had no idea which one he was at.

I rolled under his next attack, narrowly dodging the next two punches, and closing the distance between us to block the kick he sent my way, making it deal only half the impact force.

"Die!" I flip him over, just like how I was by the aikido man, after practicing for a week I was able to accomplish it.

He lands directly on his head, but instead of a reaction he spins and kicks my face before crashing to the floor.

"Fine, I'll go at you with my full strength."

I was no longer trying to knock him out, but trying to kill him.

I launch at him at speeds similar to his and slam my fist into his stomach.

While on the floor he had grabbed a metal lunch tray, and used it to block my punch. "Woah there fella-" I cut him off with a kick that slams directly into his side where it hurt the most.

His liver


I watched the smile slowly fade off his face. 

He fell to the floor and started screaming in pain as I threw my forehead into his nose. 

BAM! BOOM! I hit him twice with everything I've got, aiming for places I know hurt the most.

That was the difference when fighting someone who had more combat experience.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head and I sighed in relief before falling to my knees.

I stomped on his unconscious body a couple of times before wiping the sweat off my forehead.

Surprisingly, after this incident, I was never challenged at this school again.