
I'll be Lost without you babe...

Due to Accident,Tristan Williams,an heir of Famous and powerful business tycoon finally had the chance to escaped his World, and if possible he wishes to live a normal life like others.Until he met a woman and everything will turn ups and down between them.Ysabelle is such a goddess with her natural pretty face,Is she the one destined for Tristan?How will she change Tristan's belief of "Every Women is not to be trusted,they'll leave you at your weakest"...

Ne_Ramos · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ysabelle's Life...

Living with her Aunt for her entire life made Ysabelle Warren an independent woman.She is good at School,Always on top even without the presence of her family members.but she stopped this year because of financial reason.She is currently working as a Cashier at nearby Market,for her to save money so she can continue studying her fourth year of B.S Accountancy Course.Her Aunt doesn't want to support her study in the first place.She had only one Sister,Kyla Warren but unfortunately fate separated them for almost years when one of their relatives who live at city f adopted her sister,it was because her Aunt refuses to took care both of them,she was three at that time and her sister kyla seven.It was hard for ysabelle to accept being away from the only person left since their parents lose their lives in tragedy.Their family living was selling seafoods so their parents used to sail with a boat to search different kinds of seafoods but due to heavy rains at that time their boat sanks and sadly the'y been rescued too late,both their parents died of being drowned in the sea.When kyla left the Island She told ysabelle that they will see each other soon so never lose hope.she sticks to he sister's word until they'd started communicating through cellphone kyla already finished her study at city f so when she find a work,She help ysabelle financially to continue studying until suddenly they had lost their communication when Ysabelle was at her second year in College.she doesn't had any idea why her sister suddenly ignored her but instead of giving up,she pursue her studies until she finished third year, unluckily her Aunt always scolded and insulted her,told her to find a work so she can feed herself because she had family to prioritize also not her.her aunt also told her that studying is just a waste of time and money but if she is working then she can gave her money as return of living with them.So Ysabelle decided to stopped her study but promises herself to save money so she could continue in the future.no one can stop her on achieving her dreams,and someday she wishes to go to city f to find her sister and work near her.

Ysabelle was about to leave for work when her Aunt reminded her,"you better work hard today and gave me more money okay?,you are such a burden to my Family,Your parents just gave me a headache ever since they left you with me!"... Ysabelle was not unfamiliar to these repeating lines from her Aunt ,she refused to answer and just frowned at her Aunt.If she only knew where her sister was,she was going to leave his Aunt.She doesn't feel being part of their family,all those years she spend together with them,with her Uncle and two cousins,She just seemed like a stranger to them.the fact that they doesn't treat her so well,she is also the one suffering from every house chores,She received lots of humiliation from her cousins.she is just controlling her emotions,she also don't want to fight back against them but if they continue tearing her apart with their bad manner against her,when she already lost all his patience and temper with them, they'll probably get her worst side.Little did they know that Ysabelle are starting to lose all her respect to such a rude relatives like her Aunt's Family.

Wearing her favourite white loose shirt and long skirt,it made her feel comfortable all the time,ysabelle then started to walk through the market for work.She is just an Ordinary woman,wearing cheap clothes,no using of make up unlike her two cousins Linda and Martha,Ysabelle really had a unique natural beauty,that's why lots of guys in their town are courting her but she isn't interested with them or with any boys.Her cousins envy her for being an apple of the eye in their town.she heard lots of gossip about her Aunt willing to exchange her with money if someone wealthy out there courted her.She laughed hard because she is not small anymore if that happens she'll probably run with her aunt or if not strangle her to death so she realizes how evil her deed was.but no she can't do that ofcourse,but one thing for sure her aunt cannot control her especially when getting into a relationship.


After a long tiring day of work,ysabelle started walking home when suddenly a three men strangers approach and smiles at her.it was already getting dark so she felt nervous of these three men."hi gorgeous,maybe we can send you home?"one of the men says to her."Im ok, I can go home myself"ysabelle answer nervously."You can't just say no to us,because we might get angry and you don't know what will be the consequences of your behaviour",the other men's word stunned ysabelle,knowing that she is in a trouble.she was about to run away but one of the strangers grab her arms and was about to carry her when suddenly someone pull her at the back,and for her shock,it was tristan,the three strangers fought with tristan,they have a knife so ysabelle was shouting for help.fortunately some people neaby overheard her,so they came rushing to help them.the strangers manage to escape so fast.