
I'll be Lost without you babe...

Due to Accident,Tristan Williams,an heir of Famous and powerful business tycoon finally had the chance to escaped his World, and if possible he wishes to live a normal life like others.Until he met a woman and everything will turn ups and down between them.Ysabelle is such a goddess with her natural pretty face,Is she the one destined for Tristan?How will she change Tristan's belief of "Every Women is not to be trusted,they'll leave you at your weakest"...

Ne_Ramos · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Mr.Williams only son's Accident...

Tristan Williams got into an Accident...it's been four months since an heir of a multimillionaire gone missing by a plane crash.Mr George,Tristan's Father had already announced the happening to media.and once the news scattered,there had been lots of gossip about the Family,especially Mr.George,He was Famous ,rich and a powerful business tycoon,how he could have lost his only heir,his only son..everytime he remembered his son,he almost lost his conscience.When he got home,Mrs.Liza Williams already cooked his Favorite dinner.It was a normal day for them since tristan was gone,they usually had little talk and when Mrs.Williams suddenly remembered her son,a teary eyes will always appear."are you okay sweetheart?"ask Mr.Williams.."You know that my loneliness as of this time is an understatement"..she honestly tells her husband.."Everything will be Fine Sweetheart,as soon as there's still no body found,tristan can't be gone forever"..Mrs.Williams can only believe her husband.so she just gasped and they continue eating dinner.

Tristan's room did not change at all,his mother always remember Tristan's attitude which is not to touch his personal belongings even if it's messy tristan manage to clean it all by his self.Mrs.William loves his son so much that she wanted to preserved tristan room no matter what it looks like it will be the same room until his son goes back to them,she suddenly felt guilty about what happened to her precious son,her husband always controls tristan's life,they even sent him abroad just to study business management in a popular university.tristan beg them because his dream is not to become a businessman but to become an architect.She pitied her son so much that she can't even change her husband's decision about many things especially when it's about tristan.

"Mom you are not going to send me away from here,just because you agree on dad!you need to defend me mom!"reminiscing what tristan had told her in the past,only if she did listen to her own son,the untimely accident might not happened.deep inside,the guilt and loneliness had made her suffer from emotionally depression.

The Next day Mr.Williams already headed to his office for some client meetings.he was old but it was never an issue for him to be a workaholic person.when business matters even his health probably not a priority.after a long tiring day he finally got home.when he was about to knock at the door of his home he suddenly fainted and darkness surrounded him.

When he woke up he was lying at the hospital bed,"what am i doing here?"ask Mr.Williams to his wife."Oh Thank u lord you make me so much worry about you sweetie,how are you feeling right now?".Mrs Williams rushed towards her husband and kiss his hand.the Doctor then finally enters and told them about the heart enlargement that happened to Mr.Williams.the doctor advice him to have a complete rest for atleast a month and if possible set aside work first,that leaves him no choice but to takeover his position temporarily to the Vice President of his company,Carl Jones.

Galaxy Company in City A Is Owned by the Williams.This company is famous with their branded Wines and Beer.Famous George Williams Also owns Large Hotels and Real State in the City.His Ancestors was known for being Multimillionaire,Many businessmen envy his family for being on the top list of most rich and powerful clan in their City.Lately,his Company were having issues on some lost fund and he wasn't able to investigate about it,he had lots of business proposal lately and was busy also for seeking updates about tristan.the location where the plane had crushed is still unknown.he cannot lose his son,who else could run his Company if tristan was already dead.'No Way!it can't be,even if i had to find you myself I Will'he touches his forehead,because of too much thinking he suddenly felt headache."What's wrong sweetie?"his wife on his side noticed his reaction."nothing,i think i just need some rest so I'll just take a nap first"and he already lay on the bed.

"Im gonna be the acting President of this company so i hope everyone will cooperate according to my will",Carl jones finally made an announcement to the Company.He was known to be an arrogant kind of person, doesn't want to be left behind,always wants to be the best.he almost got what he wanted,the position he was aiming for too long..


Carl enters the Office of the Ceo without any permission,he sat on Mr.Williams chair while pretending to be on his position,when suddenly the door opens but it was just his secretary Vivian.Nobody in the company are aware of their secret relationship,since Carl already had a wife but in the office,he was cheating.At that moment,Carl and Vivian Intentionally make love on the Ceo's office.this two was a pure shame with their evil deeds.


Mr.Williams finally been discharged in the hospital and taking full rest at home.he dial a contact,"hello!frank,do you have any update on my son's accident?"..the other line answered."Im sorry Mr.Williams upto now there's still no information about the accident,but i strongly believe that the plane crashes along the northern or eastern part of the sea,So by next day Im planning to cooperate with the coast guard to conduct a search and retrieval operation at the sea,it will be more easier to get information if we had atleast retrieved some parts of the plane that crashed,"frank is tristan's assistant and was the one being assigned also to find him."well,I hope that idea of yours will had better results"he just sighed before ending the phone call.