
I'AM~Vinsmoke The Evil Army

~In a coincidence of fate, travel through the royal family of the Derma Empire who organized the “Evil Army” for the North Blue evil war. ~What kind of royal family it is has no land, almost all of its inhabitants are clones, bear the name of the most evil kingdom in the world because the kingdom has no choice but to become a hired soldier, and have no choice but to become the dog of the all kingdom and world government. ~Then I show you what it's most evil kingdom can do to the world, ~When Logia·Dark Fruit, Eudemon Species·Bat Fruit·Vampire Form, Paramecia·Shock Fruit, three powerful abilities converge, it is destined that this sea can only tremble under his feet! “When darkness falls, the light will give way!” ——”The Dark Emperor” Vinsmoke·Iji.

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 51

There are waves on the blue sea.

The strands of sunlight sparkled on the continuous waves.

The huge war house ran wildly on the sea, rushing directly towards the first half of the Grand Line.

"A trace of the Golden Lion?"

"The legendary pirate "Golden Lion" Shiki?"

"Guru! Your Highness, are you kidding? Go and provoke him…"

In the war house, apart from Cairo and Beibo because they are too young, they have never heard of the new generation of the golden lion, but they have been in Djerma for several years and have been exposed to many secrets of the sea. Ah Jin and Byrne, who was already familiar with that era, couldn't help but feel a little sluggish.

They didn't expect that even the World government could not find out the trace of the flying pirate Golden Lion these years, and was accidentally hit by this highness.

And this highness actually planned to do something against the legendary big pirate.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

Golden Lion is one of the three legends of the previous era. In its heyday, its reputation even surpassed Roger, the largest pirate fleet in the entire sea at that time. It had the ambition and courage to swallow the world with lions roaring all over the world. He is a man called "Flying Admiral" and "Lion Ghost"!

Twenty years ago, in the famous "Ait Wall Battle" between the Flying Pirates and Roger Pirates, if it weren't for the Golden Lion Shiki and his huge fleet, they were all hit by the sudden storm. The loss of the sea caused heavy losses, and decades of hard work and accumulation were ruined, and he was accidentally inserted into his head by the rudder.

In the end, Gol D. Roger, who had become One Piece, surrendered to Marine. In order to establish its power, the World government could not help but deter and restrain the rising trend over the years, and the extremely abnormal number of pirates, lied to the outside that Roger One Piece was Marine caught it and will execute the death penalty on the One Piece by East Blue, the weakest in the eyes of the world.

As a result, Golden Lion, who recognized Roger's opponent from the bottom of his heart, was unwilling to believe the news. He went crazy and attacked Naval Headquarters Marineford alone, and did not retreat. As a result, he was finally suppressed by the original Admiral Sengoku and the hero Garp and locked in the world. The first deep sea prison-Impel down.

But even though he was imprisoned in Impel down, known as the copper wall and iron wall, this lion-like man in such a desperate situation broke out of prison two years later. He broke the unbreakable myth of the deep sea prison and became the first Impel down in hundreds of years. A prisoner who successfully escaped.

For some reason, Golden Lion disappeared from prison after being escaped from Impel down, and never heard of him in the sea.

Now, Iji suddenly said that he was going to deal with "Golden Lion" Shiki, who was once famous as "One Piece" Roger and "World's Strongest Man" Whitebeard Edward Newgate. How they were not shocked!

"Who can imagine that the man who has the ambition of a lion and swallows the world has been hiding in East Blue, a certain sea area over the years…"

With faint eyes, Iji didn't care, he didn't worry about anything.

As early as three years ago, when he accidentally discovered the islands floating in mid-air from a distance, he had determined that they must be the Golden Lion's lair and directly recorded the coordinates.

And every few months, he went to the sea area at night to secretly confirm whether Golden Lion had left directly or not, which was brewing the next plan.

The ability of Paramecia·Lion Fruit is really tempting!

If it can be obtained, it will have an immeasurable effect on the development of Germa.

"Don't worry, Golden Lion didn't pay the slightest price when he escaped from prison. Let's not say that he was inserted into his head by the rudder, which more or less affected the brain and nerves. I cut off my legs…"

"Now so many years have passed, his age is almost the same as that of Whitebeard, and his strength has declined drastically. He is no longer the world's number one swordsman in the last era, the flying pirate Golden Lion Shiki…"

On the raised hands, endless darkness was released, like an abyss Uzumaki, attracting light in.


The raging black air darkened the sky.

"Moreover, the most important thing is…"

With his fists clenched, Iji's eyes burned and confidently said: "To a large extent, my abilities can interfere with or even restrain his Lion Fruit ability, and lose both legs. The possibility of success is very high…"

"Lion Fruit's ability is very important to Germa at this stage!"

Luo, Ajin, Bode and others looked at each other. No one thought that Iji knew everything about Golden Lion, and according to his analysis, there was really no big problem.

After all, this majesty is young, but he also has the strength of a monster.

And there is the ability of Dark Fruit. It is indeed not without the possibility of success, but it is also risky. In case of failure, even if it is able to retreat, Djerma will be completely angered by this end for more than ten years. The lion.

"His Royal Highness, the three of us are not good at swordsmanship. Even if we occupy Golden Lion's body, it is difficult to use most of his strength…"

After a long silence, Byrne said in a deep voice.

Even Ah Jin, who had approved Iji's plan, didn't say anything.

His life was saved by this highness, and it was not unacceptable to spend more than ten years to assist this highness. After all, Germa would take good care of his original body, and he would be able to return in the future.

But whether it was him, Byrne or Bode, the three of them were really not good at swordsmanship, but were better at physical skills.

"Your'body' is not a Golden Lion. Regarding him, I have other plans…"