
I'AM~Vinsmoke The Evil Army

~In a coincidence of fate, travel through the royal family of the Derma Empire who organized the “Evil Army” for the North Blue evil war. ~What kind of royal family it is has no land, almost all of its inhabitants are clones, bear the name of the most evil kingdom in the world because the kingdom has no choice but to become a hired soldier, and have no choice but to become the dog of the all kingdom and world government. ~Then I show you what it's most evil kingdom can do to the world, ~When Logia·Dark Fruit, Eudemon Species·Bat Fruit·Vampire Form, Paramecia·Shock Fruit, three powerful abilities converge, it is destined that this sea can only tremble under his feet! “When darkness falls, the light will give way!” ——”The Dark Emperor” Vinsmoke·Iji.

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 49


"His Royal Highness, you haven't been here for a while."

After a little reminiscence, A Jin directly grabbed a white fangs, dragged the huge tree boar, and led the way towards the depths of the beast island.

The relaxed and casual look shocked Luo's heart slightly.

It's hard to imagine that such a thin body contains such exaggerated power.

"Don't underestimate him, Luo…"

As if understanding Luo's thoughts, Iji said directly: "A Jin's body may look thin and weak, but in fact it contains very terrifying explosive power. His strength can easily crush you now, there is no doubt about it! "

Relying on the huge war machine of Djerma, it is of course impossible for him to do nothing all these years!

Ah Jin was rescued from a nobleman on the way when he went to fight in East Blue years ago.

At that time, Iji just felt that this thief who was crushed to the ground by the bodyguard and beaten up with a whip by the nobleman, his eyes were full of fierceness and indifference… and a strong desire to survive. Hope, he admires it very much, just It was saved easily.

As a result, I did not expect to do it at will, which brought a lot of surprises!

For the past few years, I have been doing cruel practice on this beast island far more exaggerated than those of the young trainees. At present, besides Iji, the only one in Djerma who has learned six poses and mastered Six. The powerhouse of Styles.

Perhaps his current strength is a bit worse than that of Doflamingo's highest heart cadre Vergo, but even Niji is not his opponent.

"Of course..."

Twenty or thirty figures appeared from the trail in front.

"After all, Ah Jin is a'ghost man' who is afraid of even the arrogant little ghosts in the first phase of the training base!"

It was the first tall, middle-aged man who was not wearing Germa's combat uniform, but was directly shirtless. He was followed by hundreds of well-armed elite soldiers.

He is two meters and six meters tall, his muscles are very strong, there are several shocking scars on his chest, with some powerful aura.

Similar to Holden, Mike and others, they all have a capable hair, wearing sunglasses, and a cold complexion. It is the captain of the first team of Derma 66, Yavis Byrne!


Luo's pupils shrink slightly.

Looking again at the somewhat indifferent and silent Ajin, he had to admit that such a title really "matched" the fierce appearance.

There is no such thing as a safe zone on the beast island of Corvinia.

The island is full of huge and fierce beasts, and even saber-toothed tigers, Tyrannosaurus rex, mammoths and other extremely powerful prehistoric species.

The whole island, any corner, may encounter danger.

Before Iji grew up, Germa took a lot of effort to reluctantly tame the two or three strongest beasts on the island, let them guard the base and frighten those ferocious beasts on the island.

For this elite training base, the first and second teams in Djerma will mobilize some elites every year and stay here in turn.

Under the lead, I soon came to the center of the island, the entrance of Djerma's training base-outside a huge canyon!


A huge gorilla with a height of more than ten meters, full of oppression, looked fiercely at the visitor, grinning and roaring with sharp fangs.

This is one of the kings on this beast island. After being tamed by Djerma, it is arranged to guard the gate here, and there is a larger mammoth to guard the rear entrance of the canyon.

"This is too… too big, right?"

Let Luo, Beibo and the others, the pressure increased sharply, and their hairs were erected.

But the gorilla, who was originally brave and majestic, saw Iji in it, his ferocious expression suddenly changed, and cold sweat dripped.


Leaning down like fawning, greeted Iji, suddenly becoming very gentle!

"It seems that this beast is really scared by His Highness…" A Jin showed a little smile and said to Iji: "Every time I see Your Highness, he is more docile than a cat!"

Rao is that he has to fight for a long time against this gorilla before he can defeat it!


As if irritated by Ah Jin's words, the golden gorilla directly bared his teeth towards A Jin, with a strong evil spirit in his fierce beast eyes, but he did not dare to make a move.

Because of the "short man" of Damn it, it can't beat the opponent at all!

"His Royal Highness Iji!!"

Inside the huge canyon–

It's completely another world.

The floor made entirely of reinforced concrete and the spacious and bright underground entrance made Isabel and others think that they had entered the wrong place.

"At present, the fifth-term students are all trained separately and do not interfere with each other!"

"The entire underground base is divided into several large areas. This is the fifth phase of the student training area…" The entire underground base is obviously too big to imagine, not just confined to this huge canyon.

It is conceivable how much manpower and material resources were invested in the construction, otherwise Vinsmoke·Judge would not be reluctant.


"Clang, clang…"

"Use a little bit, don't be lazy!!"


A young man ranging from ten to twelve years old is undergoing training such as fighting, hitting stakes, lifting dumbbells, and so on. They are all sweaty teenagers. The elite of Derma 66 is responsible for assisting Instructor, as well as special The medical staff of is in charge of nursing nearby.

However, the ratio of men to women is seriously unbalanced, with only two or three girls.

"In the first year, they only conduct physical and technical training. Every month they will arrange to fight against weaker beasts. In the second year, they will greatly increase the amount of training and actual combat training. In the third year…"

"As in the first phase, the students not only often have to fight against the beasts on the island, but they also arrange to go out to hunt and kill the pirates…"

"That is?"

"With the Chief Instructor and them…"

"Is the strongest of Derma, Your Highness Vinsmoke·Iji!"

"His Royal Highness Iji!!!"

Looking at Iji and others who walked in, these sweaty students quickly lined up in two lines, one after another stood at attention and saluted, their eyes full of enthusiasm and worship!

On this island, in addition to receiving extremely rigorous training, they will receive brainwashing education every day!

Be loyal to the Vinsmoke clan who gave them a new life, dedicate his life to the Vinsmoke clan, and sacrifice for the glory of Djerma…

These have already been branded into the depths of their hearts!

Maybe they only know Niji, Yuji and others through photos, but they are no strangers to Iji who have met more than once.