
I'AM~Matou Shinji

I, Matou Shinji, just six years old this year, have been having strange dreams every day recently. The man named Ashes killed countless powerful Kings, turned their souls into firewood, accomplished the great cause of spreading fire, and saved the world. The silver-haired man known as the Demon Hunter killed monsters along the way just to find his apprentice. The man in blue, who pursued throwing tiles, set off a bloody frenzy for power, and fought with his younger brother. In the end, the two worked together to solve the crisis. ... or magnificent, or turbulent, or helpless stories, all appear in the dream. At last! He dreamed of the Fifth Holy Grail War, and in the Holy Grail War, the disgusting "self", the self-abased and arrogant character Shinji Matou who was twisted to the extreme! And the abused sister...and the "self" who was finally killed by her. don't want! Never have a future like this! When he was shocked, he saw the black-haired girl standing in the hall, and his father Matou Tsuruo said: "Shinji, come and welcome your sister Matou Sakura!" At this time, Matou Shinji knew , Matou Sakura was thrown into the wormhole tonight! He decided to be kind to Matou Sakura ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

You are not qualified to talk to me about conditions!

Matou Sakura pushed the door open from the outside and entered.

"Sakura! Are you okay? They didn't do anything bad to you, did they?"

Matou Kariya asked excitedly, and Shinji used the spider silk very thoughtfully to turn him in a direction, so that his face was facing the door, just in time to see Matou Sakura.

"...It's Uncle Kariya! It's really you! Last night was so scary! Uuuuu... There are so many bugs, they said they were going to throw me into the bugs!"

Seeing a familiar adult all of a sudden, Matou Sakura's tears started to flow from her eyes as if the gate had opened, but her crying was quieter and quieter. She was really a very worry-free child, and the peace of mind was a bit distressing.

"Damn it! I knew it would be like this! Let me go, how can you let go of Sakura, why don't you..."

A mass of black spider silk was stuffed into Matou Kariya's mouth, Matou Shinji reluctantly plucked out his ears, and then pulled Matou Sakura in front of Kariya.

"Although zouken really wanted to do this at the time, I stopped him in the end. Take a look at Sakura's appearance. Is this the appearance of being tortured?"

Matou Shinji lifted a strand of Sakura's black hair and said to Matou Kariya, and Matou Sakura gradually stopped crying, and slowly controlled her emotions. After all, the atmosphere in the room at this time was not friendly, look. With Shinji and Uncle Kariya, she didn't know which side to stand on for a while, so she could only stand there helplessly.


Matou Kariya wriggled in mid-air, expressing his desire to speak. Shinji placed him there for a while, and after he had calmed down, he took the spider silk ball out of his mouth.

"Hu... hu... Well, I believe in you, and I also believe that zouken is dead, otherwise he can't stand being so offended by you! But can you put me down."

"I'm sorry, I can't, because I haven't started talking about your business yet."

Matou Shinji rejected his uncle's request very simply, and waved Sakura to the chair next to him to sit and rest.

"whats the matter?"

Matou Kariya asked strangely. He couldn't think of anything that could be related to him. He had been away from Matou's house for several years. Shinji and Kariya had never met each other, but they knew each other. Such a person exists.

"zouken is already dead, and my father seems to hate this family very much. He rolled up the money and ran away that night. There are no adults to do things, which is very troublesome in the ordinary world, so I need Yan. Uncle Ye, before I become an adult, take care of some things for me."

Matou Shinji said with a smile, the magic world is okay to say, at least with the blessing of the three familiars, Matou Shinji is not so easy to bully, besides, a small family like the Matou family is still in decline. That kind of thing, isn't it normal for the owner to iterate!

Even if someone noticed, Matou Shinji, with his three familiars, could keep some ill-intentioned guys in the Matou family garden forever and contribute to the greening of the earth.

But in daily life, some things must be convenient for adults. For example, Matou Sakura will soon be going to school, and he has to inherit the assets under the name of zouken, which requires an adult to do things easily.

"You mean... let me be a superficial head of the house, just like my brother Tsuruye?"

Matou Kariya said with a frown, he was no stranger to this pattern.

"It's a little different, but you can understand it that way."

"I can help you, but Sakura must return to the Tohsaka family! This is my only condition." Matou Kariya said very seriously.

"First of all, my uncle, you are not qualified to tell me the conditions!"

Matou Shinji reached out and pushed Matou Kariya, who was hanging in the air, and let him swing back and forth in the air for a while before letting the spider stabilize him.


Matou Kariya's expression turned a little worse now, all the blood rushed to his head, and the shaking just now made him feel like he was about to vomit.

Seeing that Yan Ye's face was very ugly, Shinji could only sigh that his physique was too bad, and then controlled the spider silk to put him on the ground. Shinji didn't want his uncle to have an accident. After all, there are still more places to use him in the future!


As soon as Matou Kariya was put on the ground, he looked like he wanted to vomit, but he tried his best to cover his mouth, and with perseverance, he swallowed the foreign object that had poured into his throat again.

"Drink some tea, Uncle Yanye, please calm down, Shinji really didn't do anything to me, he even protected me!"

A cup of tea was handed to Matou Kariya. He reluctantly ended up with the tea that Matou Sakura handed over, and after a while, he turned his head to carefully observe Matou Sakura's face, and found no problem for the time being.

"You don't have the money to negotiate with me! But I'm not an unreasonable person, so let's imagine, my naive uncle Kariya, what would happen if Sakura really returned to Tohsaka's house?"

Shinji looked at Matou Kariya with strange eyes, and he couldn't help but fall into deep thinking. Could it be that his uncle didn't think about what would happen next?

"Cough... Of course, Aoi and the daughters are reunited! Let the children leave their mothers and come to a place like Matou's house... I absolutely won't allow it!"

"That's it? Forget it, let me tell you! Sakura will be reunited with her mother, but it will only be a few days at most, and then she will be sent out again by the Tohsaka Patriarch to adopt another magic family, just follow It was the same as when it was sent to Matou's house, uncle, did you not think about it...or just didn't think about what happened next?"

Matou Shinji squatted in front of Kariya, looked directly into his eyes, his dark blue pupils revealed a puzzled look, and then said, "From a magician's point of view, there is nothing wrong with what the Tohsaka family does, you are doing this for the sake of What? Self-satisfaction? Self-motivation? You may only gain hostility from the Tohsaka couple."

"Even so... I can't let Sakura stay in the Matou family! The Matou family is a disgusting family. If a girl enters this place, she will only be destroyed physically and mentally."

Matou Kariya roared at Shinji, whether it was the engraved insects that host the human body, or the Matou family's attitude of treating women as pure tools in the past. For example, Matou Shinji's mother was forcibly thrown by the dirty inkstone after she gave birth How could he let Sakura live in this kind of hell!

It's quite funny to say, Matou Tsuruye and Matou Kariya, neither of the two brothers has a good impression of the family they were born in, but one has the courage to escape, and the other just endures it silently, and can play his own family. At this point, not only did Shinji feel once again that Matou Zoike was really a talent!

"Indeed, you're right, the Matou family was really disgusting, but it's different now, come on, come and have a look with me, oh, Sakura can come along too."