
I'AM~Matou Shinji

I, Matou Shinji, just six years old this year, have been having strange dreams every day recently. The man named Ashes killed countless powerful Kings, turned their souls into firewood, accomplished the great cause of spreading fire, and saved the world. The silver-haired man known as the Demon Hunter killed monsters along the way just to find his apprentice. The man in blue, who pursued throwing tiles, set off a bloody frenzy for power, and fought with his younger brother. In the end, the two worked together to solve the crisis. ... or magnificent, or turbulent, or helpless stories, all appear in the dream. At last! He dreamed of the Fifth Holy Grail War, and in the Holy Grail War, the disgusting "self", the self-abased and arrogant character Shinji Matou who was twisted to the extreme! And the abused sister...and the "self" who was finally killed by her. don't want! Never have a future like this! When he was shocked, he saw the black-haired girl standing in the hall, and his father Matou Tsuruo said: "Shinji, come and welcome your sister Matou Sakura!" At this time, Matou Shinji knew , Matou Sakura was thrown into the wormhole tonight! He decided to be kind to Matou Sakura ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

The three demons are jealous, cowardly, and arrogant.

It was very late after eating this not-so-delicious dinner, and Matou Shinji discovered another troublesome thing.

At this time, Matou Sakura stared at him with sky blue eyes, and tightly pulled the corner of his clothes with one hand, and said in a low voice,

"I.... I .....I don't dare to sleep alone, can Shinji accompany me tonight to sleep together?"


Matou Sakura's heart was full of anxiety at this time. What she suffered today made her very uneasy now, not to mention that Matou's house was a completely unfamiliar place to her. She was only a five-year-old child, and she should have wanted it. Relying on others, and in this place, it seems that the only one who can rely on is Matou Shinji, who protected him just now.

Matou Shinji was a little stunned when he heard this sentence, but after looking at Matou Sakura's foggy eyes that were about to cry, he could only express his understanding (even if he didn't understand, he could only forcibly understand). Most children of the same age , After going through what happened tonight, I'm afraid her performance is not as good as Matou Sakura's.

"Oh...ok well, I'll accompany you to sleap for night today."

Matou Shinji agreed reluctantly, and followed Matou Sakura to her room.

There are some luggage piled up in the girl's room, which seems to be her personal belongings. She just moved in and hasn't had time for the maid to tidy up. The room is also very clean, but it only has basic decorations. After all, it was an unoccupied room before. .

At least the basic furniture was readily available, and the single bed maid had already made it, Matou Sakura climbed onto the bed, patted the quilt under him, and said shyly,

"Shinji... do you want to come up? "


Although it was a single bed, it was still very spacious for the two children, but Shinji shook his head and refused. Instead, he found a spare quilt from the cabinet and spread it on the wooden floor, and said to Matou Sakura:

"No, I'm a boy, I can just sleep on the ground."

"...Ok but....."

Matou Sakura retracted her little head from the bed. Anyway, she just didn't want to sleep alone. As for whether the person accompanying her was sleeping on the ground or beside her, it was the same for her.

blah blah blah!

After seeing Matou Sakura getting under the covers, Shinji turned off the lights in the room and plunged the room into darkness.

After lying on the futon on the ground, Matou Shinji felt relieved for a moment, the pain seemed to be relieved a lot, and he was already very tired mentally and physically, so that he didn't have time to think about anything, and quickly fell asleep.


the next day.

When the morning light just appeared from the horizon, Matou Shinji's biological clock made him wake up automatically. The time should be about six o'clock. He moved his sore arm and sighed helplessly.

He didn't have those strange dreams again last night, it seems that this is the price he paid for his power...

However, he had a hunch that his strange dreams were only temporarily falling into a deep sleep, and after a while, these beautiful dreams would come back.

Standing up and looking at Matou Sakura on the bed, she was all curled up at this time. Generally speaking, such a sleeping position is a sign of insecurity.

Her black hair was scattered on the pillow. Although she was only a five-year-old girl with a little baby fat on her face, she could now tell that she was a beautiful embryo.


Holding the quilt in her arms, Matou Sakura muttered to herself in her sleep, but unfortunately no one here can respond to her words.

Matou Shinji left the room lightly, he still has a lot of things to do!


For the servants of the Matou House, this morning was as peaceful and dull as ever.

They appeared in the mansion early in the morning and started their daily work, while Matou Shinji called the head maid here and told her:

"Grandpa and father went out in a hurry last night, so today's meal only needs to be for the two of us. By the way, I have another sister, you should know?"

"Going out... I understand. As for your sister, the master informed us yesterday. Please don't worry, we will take good care of her."

The head maid responded with a serious face, and said that she had no doubts about the departure of Matou Zouken and Tsuruye. After all, besides staying in the room, Matou Zouken just went out to visit friends for a few days and didn't return. Even at home, that bug The formed body does not need to eat, and the head maid often does not see him once for several days.

And Matou Tsuruno is even more powerful. As the nominal head of the house, he lives outside the house more than he does at home. It is still unknown whether he can see each other in half a month.

The only one that the maids see often is Shinji, and the one who is most familiar with is the young master Shinji.

After instructing the head maid, Matou Shinji came to the garden at the back of the mansion and started his daily morning exercise. He walked rhythmically on the wooden stakes, and the small wooden sword cut through the air and let out a whistling sound. .

But at this time, Matou Shinji's attention was not all on exercise, and a considerable part of his energy was checking his own body.

The magic power that was like a sea/water yesterday has disappeared, and the magic power like a stream flows through the magic power circuit.

The power exchanged for the price is not his own, but there will always be something left after the tide, such as the magic circuit that is generating magic power in the body, and his three familiars.

The three familiars are different in strength.

[Crow of Jealousy]

As the jealous incarnation of Matou Shinji, it looks like a three-eyed black crow with tough black feathers, scarlet eyes that are terrifying, and a strange beak with sharp teeth. ferocious.

It has the ability to control the fire of the devil, has excellent mobility, and has the highest intelligence and mobility among the three familiars. Apart from not being able to speak, it is even smarter than ordinary people, and can completely complete Matou Shinji independently. task.

[Cowardly Spider]

Fear, cowardice, cowardice... Similar emotional incarnations are this black spider, with a pure black skin and a metallic sheen on the surface, showing the sturdiness of the body.

It can spray spider silk, which can detect and erode various magic circles, and can also quickly lay eggs and hatch some special pure white spiders, which can assist their mothers in various tasks.

This guy is not the type of frontal combat, positional warfare and stealth operations are the fighting methods that match his capabilities.

[Pride Knight]

This is the most powerful guy among the three. He is three and a half meters tall. He is dressed in silver armor. On the black magic sword, there is a strange incantation: [Pride, like a gangrene with bones].

A shield studded with gems is firmly held by the knight's left hand, and can shoot a large area of ​​magic rays.

The golden crown is worn on the top of the head, and the golden light is full of majesty, but below is a simple mask, which has a stark contrast with the crown on the top of the head, as if it is satirizing the crown.

A black cloak as thin as a cicada's wings hangs behind him, and with the crown and mask, it gives a terrifying sense of sight.

Powerful strength, speed disproportionate to his size, strong armor and dangerous magic sword, capable of attacking and retreating and defending, he is currently the strongest familiar in Matou Shin's second-hand.


Shinji estimated that with his current total amount of magic power, summoning the Arrogant Knight to fight, I am afraid that he will be sucked dry in less than ten minutes.

"Oh... it's still too weak, uh-!!"

Matou Shinji, who was distracted on the stake, almost hit the pendulum swinging back and forth! Moments before being hit, his subconscious calf exerted force, and he was able to dodge himself.


Jumping down from the stake, Matou Shinji jumped a little strangely. The height of his jump was obviously higher than before, and if it was his former self, he would definitely twist his ankle if he did the action just now!

But now... I don't feel any pain at all, and there is nothing unusual about my ankle.

"It seems... more powerful than before..."

Holding his hands slowly and saying, Matou Shinji said with a look of surprise, and it was so painful last night, he originally thought that he would not be able to get up today, at least he needs to rest for a few days, but in the morning, apart from a little soreness, there is no pain. anything out of the ordinary...

My body was changed by Yan Mo Dao!