
I'AM~Matou Shinji

I, Matou Shinji, just six years old this year, have been having strange dreams every day recently. The man named Ashes killed countless powerful Kings, turned their souls into firewood, accomplished the great cause of spreading fire, and saved the world. The silver-haired man known as the Demon Hunter killed monsters along the way just to find his apprentice. The man in blue, who pursued throwing tiles, set off a bloody frenzy for power, and fought with his younger brother. In the end, the two worked together to solve the crisis. ... or magnificent, or turbulent, or helpless stories, all appear in the dream. At last! He dreamed of the Fifth Holy Grail War, and in the Holy Grail War, the disgusting "self", the self-abased and arrogant character Shinji Matou who was twisted to the extreme! And the abused sister...and the "self" who was finally killed by her. don't want! Never have a future like this! When he was shocked, he saw the black-haired girl standing in the hall, and his father Matou Tsuruo said: "Shinji, come and welcome your sister Matou Sakura!" At this time, Matou Shinji knew , Matou Sakura was thrown into the wormhole tonight! He decided to be kind to Matou Sakura ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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127 Chs

The second card, go, arrogant knight!

in the basement.

The Three-Eyed Crow was surrounded by flames flying around in the room. The purple-red flames kept falling from the sky, and the smoke-like insects rose into the sky, chasing closely behind the Three-Eyed Crow.

Although the flames of the Three-Eyed Crow kept smashing into the flying insects behind him, no matter how much he lost, as many flying insects would hatch from the pile of insects below.

Neither the Three-Eyed Crow nor Matou Zouken allowed their attack to spread to Matou Sakura. She is now leaning against the wall alone, with her legs together and her face buried between her legs. Crying, after all what happened today is too scary for a five-year-old girl.

Matou Zouken looked at the three-eyed crow who was defending with all his strength, showing a look of contempt, and he said, "Heh... Is this the only way to do it? Is the master still not showing his face?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to wonder what the magician behind this familiar wanted to do now, to spy on the information of the Matou family? When the Holy Grail War is coming, others are testing their own cannon fodder? or...


Before Matou Zouken had time to think deeply, he heard the cries of the three-eyed crow in the air. The rain of flames fell from the sky again and swept towards Matou Zouken , and the three-eyed crow itself also followed the fire rain.


With a cold snort, Matou Zouken did not panic at the attack of the Three-Eyed Crow. He touched the ground with his crutches, and countless flying insects emerged from the worm cave. Surrounded by Matou Zouken , quietly waiting for the attack of the Three-Eyed Crow.


The smell of burnt protein and the stench of the insects mixed together to produce a special stench, which became more intense in the room, and the Three-Eyed Crow this time was a big fire rain, and after burning the flying insects, it appeared especially Sparse, no matter how the Three-Eyed Crows manipulated them, they could only be forced to arrange them closer together.

However, at this time, the insects around Matou Zouken Inkstone once again formed a barrier, firmly protecting him within it, and the fire rain slammed into the surface of the insect shield, blasting brilliant sparks and burning countless insects to death.

But the effect is just that.

After the weakened fire rain, not even the surface of the insect shield was scorched, and the three-eyed crow with its flaming beak stabbed the insect shield fiercely. To be honest, it was about to break through the insect shield.

But sometimes, there is only a fine line between success and failure, and it's just a little bit of success.

However, in the next moment, countless insects swarmed and filled the insect shield, making Matou Zouken barrier thicker again.

At the same time, three bizarre flying insects half a meter long were bred from the worm cave, and they were all scarlet as if they had just been soaked in blood.

These three red flying insects are not only large in size, but also extremely fast. The forelimbs are two scimitar-like forelimbs, exuding a faint cold light, and they are like lightning, flying towards the position of the three-eyed crow.

At this time, the beak of the three-eyed crow was caught in the insect shield, and it was impossible to pull it out for a while. This time the three-eyed crow's attack completely plunged itself into a dead place.

There was even a smile on Matou Zouken face. In his opinion, the next thing was the beauty of this familiar being destroyed.

The beauty of the fall of life is sometimes particularly fascinating. The screams, mourning, blood, bone and flesh distortion, mixed together are really the most beautiful music in the world. Unfortunately, this is just a demon, but next, You can verify the pros and cons of the Tohsaka family materials by yourself.

——I can also hear her tender screams and pains! Really looking forward to it.

The three red flying insects have come to the Three-Eyed Crow's side, and the sharp forelimbs in their hands are raised high. Seeing that the Three-Eyed Crow is about to be dismembered, but at this time, there is no panic in the scarlet eyes of the Three-Eyed Crow. , instead, it was a joke.


A huge figure appeared in the basement, the long sword of the knight flashed in the basement, and the three red flying insects were divided into two in the air, each of them was like this, even if they flew at different heights and at different speeds. , but dying in exactly the same way as the wound is, it is horrifying.

And not only that, Matou Zouken looked surprised when he saw the huge wound on his chest. The sword swing just now not only cut off the three red flying insects, but also took advantage of the situation to connect the insect shield with the Matou Zouken at the back. Cut together!

The next moment, countless black flying insects rushed in and surrounded the Three-Eyed Crow and the Arrogant Knight to start a siege, while Matou Zouken instantly turned into countless flying insects and dispersed, and then gathered and formed in the insect cave below. At this timeMatou Zouken face was gloomy.

He never thought that a familiar would suddenly appear, and there was no omen and magic power fluctuations... It was like appearing out of thin air!

This strange way of appearing made Matou Zouken instantly cautious, and this tall knight familiar was fouled by a strong magic power, so he had no time or mind to think about other things for the time being.


"It hurts--!"

At this time, Matou Shinji was rolling back and forth on the ground, and there was a severe pain in the magic circuit, as if someone was holding a knife to stir up his flesh and blood. The Arrogant Knight completely relied on his magic power to exist, and it was a consumption of magic power. 's big household.

Although the physical pain was unbearable, Kirito Shinji was very satisfied at this time, because at this time Matou Zouken had no mind to think about other things, and he fought for a while.

Fighting requires rhythm!

Not only his own rhythm, but also the rhythm of the enemy, Matou Shinji knew that if he sent the two familiars out from the beginning, it was very likely that Matou Zouken would directly choose to retreat and hide completely.

After the magic power that he had exchanged for the price was exhausted, it would become the fish on the chopping board for others to slaughter! Shinji didn't want such an ending!


Matou Shinji endured the pain, his head was spinning fast, the black spider had already searched the study room, and when the Three-Eyed Crow was in the basement just now, it bombed the entire basement with flames, Matou Zouken didn't feel any nervousness, let alone Mobilize the intention of the insects to protect a certain place... So the main body is not in the basement!

Damn it!

The good news is that the main body of Matou Dirty Inkstone is not in the basement, and the bad news is that I have the last card left, and I haven't found the main body of Matou Dirty Inkstone!

Ugh... it hurts!

Matou Shinji even clearly felt that his immature magic circuit was collapsing, but then it was forcibly stabilized, and the magic circuit in his body kept pulling back and forth between collapse and stability!

Yan Mo Dao is helping him stabilize his body!

He could even feel some wonderful changes in his body, but in the severe pain, he couldn't know where the changes had occurred for a while.

As the body kept breaking down and repairing, even Matou Shinji's magic power circuit became more and more tenacious. As time passed, the pain began to gradually diminish, but as time passed, Shinji's mood gradually became worse.