

Rona's pov

I chuckled as I watch her ran into  the bathroom.i went back to the kitchen and collected the food from my cook.i was almost in my room door when I sported Rita standing in front of me 

"She is here right?".she asked 

"Who"I asked 

"Olivia , she is here that whore".she shouted.

"Stop calling her that ".I shouted in anger 

"Why should I stop calling her that, when she is clearly a whore."she 

was with Derick the whole time when you were away and now she is back to you,tell me why she isn't a whore".Rita shouted

I felt anger rush down my blood when Rita said those things about Olivia but I couldn't do anything  became Rita was one of the most important part of my life.

"Move away ".I commanded her

"You are making a big mistake bro".she shouted and left my presence.i hissed in anger and went inside the room where I saw my little bird standing in front of the mirror admiring herself.

The dress fits her so perfectly and brought out all the shape in her.she noticed my presence and turned around.

"This dress is too expensive ".she spoke up

"So".I asked 

"I can't wear it at school".she replied back

I moved closer to her and dropped the food on the table .

"You are Rona's girlfriend and you should start dressing like one ".I told her with a command .

She rolled her eyes at me before seating besides the small table

"Hope the food wasn't posiooned".she asked while picking up the spoon.

I chuckled and walked closer to her 

"I don't kill or punish my enemies with posion".I told her with a devilish smile on my face.she looked scared for a moment before she started eating.

"So you are a killer".she asked without looking at me.

I stare at her and noticed she was really scared even her hands were shaking.i hissed in frustration and sat besides her .i held her hand and stopped it from shaking

"I will never hurt you ".I spoke those words in a calm voice .she gave me a hard stare before looking away.i stood up from the chair and sat on the bed.

She started eating without looking at me . after she finished eating I took the plate and returned it back to the kitchen.when I got back to the room Olivia was already standing at the door

"I will be late for lectures ".she told me 

"Oh that ,"there will be no lecture for you today ",.I told her her in a serious voice

"Why?"she asked

I moved close to her that we were an inch apart .I moved to her ear and said those words

"You've been a bad girl little bird and you have to be punished for it "

The moment I said those words I watch her frozed where she was standing .she look up at me with a shock but scared look