

Olivia's POV

I felt my legs shaking as I left the room with Mike. Today Rona brought back a memory I never wished to remember. Today because of his anger a fear I have been suppressing for long came out again. I knew he never wanted to hurt me but what he did today was unimaginable.

“Are you okay “. Mike asked when he noticed I was lost in thought.I stared at him but did not say a word. We got to the garage, and he opened the door for me.

“Get in”. He smiled and spoke softly to me. I got in the car and we drove out. Throughout the drive he kept on staring at me with concern, but I look away.

“Are you okay “. He asked again.

“I'm fine”. I whispered.

“Thank God, you got me scared “. He hissed in relief and stared at me.

“I'm sorry about Rona okay, I don't know what he might have done, but I know he will never think of hurting you”. Mike said those words like he meant it.

I hissed and relaxed in the chair with my eyes closed. Memories of what happened three years ago flashed in my memory.

“Olivia you should wear this “. My bestie Juliet brought out a blue tight dress out of her wall drop for me. I smiled and took the dress from her.

“This is beautiful”. I stood in front of the mirror and put the dress in front of me.

“I'm glad you like it, hurry up let's go “. I nod my head in agreement, and we started dressing up.after dressing we sneak out of the house and made our way to Sofia's birthday party .we got to the party a bit late .the house were filled up with young teens eating drinking and having fun.

“Have fun”. Juliet shouted and left me in the middle of the hall 

“Juliet”. I called out, but she was already gone. how can she leave me all alone. I hissed and made my way to the crowd.

I got to the drink stand and ordered for a soft drink. I took it and was on my way out when I bumped into someone.

“Jesus”. I stared at the person and saw that his clothes were stained with my drink.

“I'm so sorry”. I apologized and tried cleaning it off, but he held my hand.

“It's okay, things like this do happen” he smiled at me and I felt my heart flutter before he left my sight.I hissed in relief and went for another drink. I took another drink and sat at the edge of the party.I watch the party and took a sip of my drink. I curse myself for coming to this party with Juliet.

“Hey”. Someone taps me from behind. I turn around and met the guy I poured drinks on.

“Hello”. I smiled at him .he smiled back and sat beside me. I stared at him and noticed he was putting on a new shirt.

“You have a new shirt”. I asked 

“Yeah”. I do come with extras whenever I go to parties

“So you are the party type huh”. I asked .he shakes his head and chuckled softly.

“Not really”. He smiled at me and stared at me. I smiled at him and nervously look away.

“So what's your name”. He asked while staring at me with a big grin on his face. I smiled nervously and looked away.

“Olivia”. I whisper softly

“Nice name”. He whispered with a big smile on his face.

“Thank you “. I murmured.

We sat there in silence and watched the crowd enjoying themselves. I felt pressed and decided to go to the restroom.

“Excuse me, I need to visit the restroom”. He smiled at me and I left for the restroom. I climbed upstairs and located a room. The door was opened, and few people were inside the room. I got inside the room and located a restroom in the room.I ease myself and made my way out of the restroom when I saw the guy who I poured drinks on, standing alone in the room. The few people who were there were already gone, and it was only I and him in the room. I felt a bit scared and nervous, but I decided to act cool.

“What are you doing here “. I asked with a fake smile on my face .he smiled a devilish smile and moved closer to me. I move a bit until I hit my body on the wall.

“I'm here to see you “. He spoke with a big grin on his face.

“See me for what”. I asked nervously. He chuckled evilly and move a bit closer to me.

“You know what I mean “. He pulled me to himself and took hold of my waist.

“What are you doing”. I asked in a shattering voice .he ignored me and pushed me to the bed.

“What are you doing”. I asked in fear 

“What I should have done the moment I lay eyes on you “. He roughly took hold of my cheek and kissed me roughly.

“Please stop “. I begged in tears .but he ignored me and search around the room.

“Help “. I shouted .but no one could hear me because of the noise. He picked up a cloth from the floor and gag my mouth with it.

“Mm mmm”. I screamed, but my voice couldn't be heard because of the clothe in my mouth. He roughly took hold of my hand and tied them together above my head.

“Please stop this “. I begged .he shakes his head and chuckled softly .he left the bed and came back with a rope.

“Another word from you and I will wipe you very hard with this “. He moved the rope on my body and I felt my body shake in fear.

He climbed on top me and roughly kissed my neck making sure to leave a mark. I shout in pains, but my voice wasn't heard.

He roughly torn my clothes, and I was left with just my bra and panties on.

“Please “. I begged in tears .he chuckled evilly a lick my tears before removing his clothes, and was left with just his underwear. He bounced on me and tried removing my bra when the door was opened by Sofia and her boyfriend.

“What the hell is going on “. She shouted in anger .the moment he saw them he picked up his clothes and ran out of the room.Sofia rushed to me and untied my hands and covered me with a blanket.

“Are you okay “. She asked, but I couldn't answer that because I already fainted.

“Olivia, are you okay, we are here “. Mike's voice brought me back from my thoughts.I opened my eyes and saw that we were in front of my apartment.I felt tears in my cheek and quickly wipe it off.

“Are you okay “. Mike asked when he noticed I was crying.

“I'm fine”. I replied and quickly went for the door, but it was locked. I turn around and stared at Mike.

“I just want to have a few words with you “. He spoke softly almost like he was begging me. I hissed and closed my eyes for a moment before opening them.

“Say what you want to say”.

He hissed softly and stared at me 

“I don't know what to say to you, but I know what ever Rona did he did it out of anger “.he spoke softly.

“I don't care “. I spoke angrily

He ran his fingers in his hair and hissed softly.

“Please don't be hard on Rona, I believe you must have said something to make him that angry" “Are you supporting his actions”. I spoke in anger.

“No Olivia, that's not true “.he hissed and stared at me.

“Don't be hard on him, just try to give him a listening ear”. He pleaded.

“I don't know if I can “. I murmured. He shakes his head and opened the lock.

“I understand “. I stared at him and left the car.I walked to my apartment and was almost at my door when I heard a voice behind me.

“Olivia”. I knew who it was without turning around.

“Where the hell were you, I've been looking for you “. I turned around and met a worried looking Derick. He met eyes with me and I could see how worried he was.

“What happened oli”. He moved close to me and caressed my Cheek.

“Have you been crying”. He asked with concern.

“I'm fine”

“You are not good at lying”.he kissed my cheek and gently stroke my hair.

“Tell me what happened, or maybe you want me to find out my own way”. His voice was calm, but I knew he wasn't joking.


“Just tell me what happened”. His voice sounded almost like a command.

“Let's not talk about this “. I begged

“No oli, I'm your boyfriend, and it's my responsibility to take care of you “. He kissed my cheek and gently stroke my hair.

“I'm not talking about this “. I hissed and made my way to the door, but he held my hand.

“It is Rona right”.he asked 

“What”. I asked 

“Does it have to do with Rona”. He asked angrily. I stared at Derick and noticed he was angry.

“Derick”. I tried holding his hand, but he moves away.

“I swear to God I'm going to kill him “. He said those words like he meant everything he said.

“Derick “. I called out, but He kissed my cheek and angrily left me standing by the door.

"Shit”. I murmured to myself.