
I’ve Just Broke up and You Keep Chasing Me!

In the Elvasia Kingdom, a commoner girl was having the worst day ever. She had just found out her boyfriend was cheating with a daughter of a noble. During these sad moments, her neighbors tried to comfort her with cuisines and simple handicrafts. “Fotia, everything will be alright.” "You're better than this." “One day you will find the right person.” "Smile more!" The kind neighbors kept consoling her; it did not work. At the same time, Fotia felt disgusted about romance and gave up to deal with any relationship ever again. This relationship was her third time and all had an unpleasant ending. Henceforth, she wanted to have a peaceful life, learning about magic and nature in the academy that she would attend this year. This was the story of Fotia, an independent girl who strived for her happiness!

Pollyfish · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Head of Magic Research Department

Fotia was in the gardener's house, struggling to eat breakfast. The rest neighbors were back on their own activity.

"Eat slowly." The gardener watched Fotia lift the spoon with a difficulty.

"Thank you, grandma Lynn."

While watching Fotia have her breakfast, the gardener Lynn contemplated what she ought to do to help Fotia from her current problem. She knew this matter is too much for an old gramps like her.

Besides, she was too familiar with Fotia's stubbornness. Knowing that Fotia planned to join Star Glide Academy, the gardener Lynn couldn't help but worry about her academy's life. What's more, Fotia had no acquaintance besides Harris if she joined the said academy.

According to her own experience, studying without some source of information or someone she could rely on was bound to be full of challenges, especially if it was in a newly-established academy because the academy would revolve strongly around the founder; the weak would be the outcast.

And what was the risk of being an outcast? It would be a big loss.

Let's say one of the losses was the opportunity of exploring magic would be less as the outcast got less chance in participating in many experiments or seminars. This was a huge disadvantage for a mage because magic exploration meant mage improvement. If a mage had less experience in magic, she would be nothing but a weak mage at the end of the day.

Of course, it did not mean that those who participated in a lot of explorations were guaranteed to improve leaps and bounds; talents influenced in this matter. For example, the gardener Lynn was not really an outcast, and many more mages in the city had tried to widen their knowledge, but they eventually had an average ability.

"What are you thinking, grandma?" asked Fotia with concern.

"Nothing, child. Do you like the food?" Wrinkles formed every time the gardener Lynn smiled.

"I like it, but I'm still.." because of Harris, Fotia still could not eat or drink well; every food she ate would taste insipid.

"It's alright. Have your fill and take some sun outside with me later."

"I'm not an old gramps, why I should stay under the sun myself?"

"This child.." somehow this answer got on Lynn's nerves. She wanted to stuff Fotia's mouth with loads of bread right now.

"I'm serious, grandma. I don't need to stay under the sun, I'm healthy." Fotia said confidently.

Lynn stared at her puffy eyes, thin arm, and flat cheek. "Healthy?"

"Outer appearance can fool people, the important thing is your inner condition!" Fotia answered resolutely.

Lynn was speechless. "You muffin! Which condition of yours is more unhealthy? Seems like you finish eating. Let's go, accompany me in the garden."

"No, I'll eat now. I'm still eating!" Fotia tried to resist but her body was too weak that even an old woman like Lynn could drag her with a little boost from magic. However, Lynn had no intention to let this little mouth run wildly.

"Let me go!!!" Fotia shouted helplessly…


Garcia was a fifth-rank mage. She held a laboratory in the field of magic tools, researching magic for many uses. Sometimes she created a magic tool for daily necessity, sometimes a magic tool purely for magic purposes.

Today, she was in charge of producing magic tools for the new Star Glide Academy. These tools, later on, would be used for teaching purposes or helping students' needs.

"This is the layout and requirements for the tools. Finish it in a month." The head of Magic Research Department of Star Glide Academy, Aella, placed some lustrous blueprints and books on the table.

Meanwhile, Garcia sat and scrutinized a gauntlet. To be precise, she observed the stone that was embedded in it.

"Do you listen to me?" Aella scoffed.

"Yeah, I'll do it."

"If the principal doesn't value you much, I've taught you a lesson long ago."

"Please teach me, the head of Magic Research Department," Garcia said casually.

Aella felt her blood surge up as Garcia said that. She had the urge to deliver a magic explosion towards that smooth beautiful face of Garcia. This little researcher showed no courtesy to her, the head of a department of an academy!

Seeing this disturbing sight in her office, Garcia could not focus on the glove she currently observed. "Hear me out, I am a researcher, not your slave. If you want to mass-produce magic tools, it'd be better to go to a factory. If you need me, then keep your mouth shut. You're a researcher too, have some consciences."

This reminder humiliated Aella to the bone. Suddenly, mana around her gathered as it emit an intense pressure towards the surroundings including Garcia. She tried to press it down but she felt Garcia went too far. If she did not teach a lesson now, Garcia would become more spoiled and more daring to tarnish Star Glide Academy!

"As the head of Magic Research Department, I should guide any researcher to the right path, show them that researchers are not only about researching magic but also being prudent in their words," Aella smirked, at the same time, slowly lifted her right hand which was gathering a mana ball.

Garcia facepalmed and sighed. "Aella, who the hell are you? I am an independent researcher with no tie to your academy, let alone the department. Go tell that little guiding play to your own members. I am busy."

"Busy? Don't worry, I can extend that project into 2 months as compensation. You will have plenty of time to spend in bed after this." Aella took the blueprints and books before she snapped her fingers and a violet ball of mana immediately charged towards Garcia.

To her surprise, Garcia did not dodge nor fight back. She sat still while staring at the incoming attack. Her gaze was fierce as though it could rip Aella into pieces, and it was so firm that she did not blink when the attack was getting closer.

However, Aella took it differently. The gaze was the likes of arrogancy. She felt attacking Garcia was the right choice. This arrogant lady needed a certain beating to inject some common senses!


Debris was flying to every corner as the room became messy. It burned the desk and almost everything near Garcia. Some papers became ashes and some valuable magic tools became mere scrap.

"Hahaha! Serves you right! If I, the head of a department in Star Glide Academy, let these arrogant acts as they please, my dignity and the academy's reputation would be ruined."

Aella laughed while looking at Garcia who lay down quietly. Her tattered clothes were burned, and some skins got a serious scorch wound. The glove she was observing obviously burned as well. Satisfied with the result, Aella left the room immediately.

No sound, no voice. Just an unconscious lady was left in the room with some stuffs falling down from the shelf from time to time.