
Calm before the storm

Year 2044 a young man named Isaac was walking along the sidewalk on a busy street and turned to walk inside an apartment

He walked up a flight of stairs and down a hall before finally reaching his apartment he set down his coat and laid on the couch

"Sheesh so dark in here bruh" Isaac got up and opened the blinds on his apartments balcony to let some light in and he walked around his kitchen to fix himself 2 hot pockets and he sat down on the couch and watched some Television

"Breaking news along the earth a large crack has formed to the center of the earth scientists are currently trying to see the cause of it as it gradually spreads around if you are in the path we advise you to get on ground level and under something sturdy"

Suddenly Isaac's whole apartment was shaking violently and half of his place fell down into a gigantic sized crack in the earth

"Holy shit" he felt his heartbeat and he got up and started to go down into the lobby to see half the building missing the other residents also came down to check what was going on

Their talking became louder and people started to cry the only exit was the front door which was blocked by the newly created ravine

"Everybody calm down! My name is Henry I'm a former Cop stay calm and follow my directions" Henry began commanding people to gather up wooden pallets from the back room in the hotel and form a way out across the ravine which didn't seem quite possible it was large as a football field

Isaac sat back and watched the commotion happen

People gathered to the front of the lobby and placed down wooden pallets while some of the women began to cry and their boyfriends or husbands began to comfort them

Occasionally crackling sounds could be heard and they seemed to travel upwards some kids decided to look down the ravine and saw lava flowing through it before a red figure swooshed up and their heads flew back onto a man and woman in the lobby

The people froze and then began panicking

"Momma! Let me in!" A child banged on a door with no response on the other side except a few muffled sobs some of the people let others come in their apartment

Isaac was watching all this happen oblivious to the time to escape he was wasting he quickly looked around realizing how much time he spent looking at others now he was a target for whatever was in front of him in the lobby

'Shit the fuck is that ugly bastard? That things gonna kill Me' The demon flew towards him and Isaac tumbled to the left the red creature crashed into the metal cover and glass of the reception booth before Isaac grabbed a pole with the American flag on it implanted into the marble ground and ripped it off giving it a sharp end

"Fuck you take this!" The demon almost got out before Isaac directly stabbed it in the back causing it to shriek loudly he grabbed the pole again pulled it out and stabbed him closer up the body toward the head repeatedly till the body was mutilated

Isaac pulled out the pole and kept it beside him as he yelled to the other people that I was safe "oh my gosh. What is that thing?" People chattered in fear as mainly everyone was residing in the lower floors now most of the people got killed in the lobby leaving about only 40 people out of the 90 that was there .

Henry the cop he ended up being killed a large claw mark was across the front of his body propped up in a pillar

'Damn really hoped he survive guess he was weak'

[Ding Doomsday Survival system has began running detecting the best way to escape the hotel]

Soon as Isaac heard this something in his vision began to be highlighted and it was a window Isaac rushed towards it and smashed it in and ran out

Some of the people in the hotel decided to run out too and some decided to stay back

Isaac ran out to the street to find it empty with occasional dead bodies everywhere crashed cars and multiple buildings and large buildings on fire

In the sky you could see the same red figures attack planes making them crash into the buildings and residential areas

There was a plane crash close to the Ravine Isaac went to go check it out with the system running

He didn't question it showing up he actually wished he had one all his life and it was used conveniently the same was as the ones in webnovels he opened the system checked out the options and opened his inventory a which caused a black hole to appear beside him and he placed a water bottle in his pockets there and a few snack bars

Getting closer to the wreckage he closed the system inventory and cautiously looked around before going inside

"Looks like there where no survivors"

Aside from the occasional claw Marks on corpses there was no visible demon here

But there was an off feeling Isaac perked up and listened to his surroundings aside from a fire crackling and occasional creaking assuming from the plane there was nothing else

He opened up peoples luggage and opened the planes storage and stored all the water and food inside of his inventory

"Lucky found some wine" he placed more items in his system and began to leave to head to a gun store he assumed he needed better protection against these demonic entities so he walked along the wrecked cars in the road and about for a minute he finally arrived to his destination seemed like it was closed Isaac began to beat on the handles and windows causing It to crack and he stuck his pole in the crack and tried to pry it wide enough to enter

"Ooh fuck finally I got inside this shit box" isaac looted a Glock 18 and a couple AR's along with the ammo he didn't know which one to pick as he isn't a gun expert so he took all of them along with all the guns ranging from automatics semi autos and pistols