
I’m The Grim Reaper Ep. 1

"Wakes up in line"

*moves head side to side*

???: where the hell am I??

Random soul: oh, You don't know? This is purgatory, you came cause you died but did something wrong.

???: What I did? I, I don't even know name.

Another Random soul: *put head backwards*

Another Random soul: that's weird cause I know my name.

???: "grossed out"

Random soul: oh my he was beheaded, what a shame.

???: "gets teleported out of purgatory"

???: now where am I?

Satan: your in hell young girl it's nice to meet you my name is satan and I can't wait to find out yours...

???: hold on a minute did you just say your satan?!?!

Satan: do I need to give you some hearing aids or is that not what I just said.


Satan: Anyways, I'm so glad your here. Your my favorite soul!!

???: ehh what?

Satan: Well, I've been waiting for you to die for a Melina, and I'm glad your here...

???: your a weird guy can you just cut to the chase.

Satan: fine I'll tell you what I need, I want you to be the grim reaper. "Satan shrugs his eyes"

???: uhm the grim reaper won't there be a lot of attention with that. No way I'm not trying to not have a skull.

Satan: oh no not like what you see in the movies, the outfit will be made by our most best artist so don't worry.

???: ok but listen, what if I refuse to the offer

Satan:.... then your sentence in hell to the 9th level will begin immediately

???: "gets teleported to the 9th level" what the heck what going on in this place it's so cold I can't blink I can't move I can't feel the ground.

???: "teleported back to hell" what was that?!?!

Satan: the 9th level of hell, let me tell you there are exactly 9 levels of hell the bigger the level the worst it is and you are in the 9th one

???: sorry to ask but what exactly did I do to be in the 9th level of hell??

Satan: I'm unable to tell you but your clothes have arrived.

???: why do I look like a emo?

Satan: let me explain the rules I want 1 or more sinners a day sinners are people that have done bad things on earth and are to be relinquished from its atmosphere.

???: why is it 1 a day?

Satan: well let's not get into the facts but if you don't get me 1 a day then you'll be sentenced back to the 9th level forever...

???: oh god not that place again.

Satan: Now head out into the world but don't get to comfortable remember one reaper a day...

This is an inspiration on a book I read 3 years ago but I changed it up a bit

Jamal_AbdikadirSSGcreators' thoughts