
I’m straight I tell you! STRAIGHT!

Updates Mon/Fri, unless i’m fairly busy. In that case, I will only upload on either Mon or Fri. Jacob Trennings was your ordinary guy who was fairly content with his life. He had a loving wife, a happy family, and enough money to not have to truly worry when it came to possible future kids...or at least he thought he did. Hit with the largest betrayal of his life, Jacob wakes up in a body not of his own whose past is confusing at best, with memories that make absolutely no sense. The life of the new Evan Renelli is bound to be a whirlwind of events. His new family is suspicious at times and suddenly, he has to deal with not just an entirely new world that is so far removed from the one he lived in before, with similarities that seem realistic but really aren’t, but also magic, new races, and ...a mysterious man?!? Evan (Jacob): Hey wait a second!! I’m straight, stop chasing me!! ???: Hm?~ Yet you get so flustered around me, are you sure that you’re just “straight”. Evan: ...i’ll show you.. -credit towards the artist for the picture used-

Floofybirb · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 30: Followed by a Shadow

The week following Evan's breakdown was difficult to say the least, full of problems Evan wanted to pretend never existed.

First of all, Cole was clingy, which wasn't bad, but he was also silent at times. For example, Evan would simply be doing his homework and Cole would just..stare at him. He wasn't sure if he did something or if something was happening in Cole's life, but when he asked, Cole would say nothing. It was also a bit irritating when Cole would hang out him for hours and the next second, he'd just get all quiet. If only that were the least of his problems.

It's not as if his friend is being distant towards him at all. He just gets this faraway look in his eyes, as though he is looking at an oddity that shouldn't exist. It kind of offends Evan whenever that look is directed towards him but whenever he asks, he only gets a shrug or a 'later' as a response. It hurts a bit...because Evan poured his heart out and came clean to Cole, but his friend won't reciprocate that trust. It's not as though his friend is obligated to say anything but, Evan wants to be there for his friend.

He actually asked Osser if he knew what the hell was up, but his friend was at a loss as well. However, Cole didn't act the same way he did around Osser as he did around him, so for now, Evan would let it be buried in the back of his mind until an appropriate time.

Second of all, he's been struggling with his magic lately. He isn't sure if he just doesn't have the mana to do some of the higher-level spells, but he's made no progress throughout the week. Miss Y doesn't seem too worried, but Evan doesn't have that much time to prepare for whatever major role he has within that god awful prophecy. It's all just too stressful sometimes so Evan has found himself seeking a shelter of sorts behind his dorm building. Surprisingly, not many of the dorm's students go there anyways because of rumors of some faeries causing mischief. He's never seen any but who's to say that isn't the case.

Lastly, Evan is being stalked. That's right, s t a l k e d. By who you may ask? None other than Mary Sia herself. His one mantra was to stat far, far away from her, but she isn't letting him do that at all. He'll have finished a private lesson with Miss Y and upon leaving, she'll just be outside. However, she won't say a word to him, even if she clearly noticed the pale exterior he exhibits whenever she is nearby. Evan absolutely hates what she is doing. There is literally no reason for her to be stalking him, he's not even that interesting. It's also not as if she has any reason to approach him, considering the fact that she has her own harem. Within her harem consists of Lyle Holland-crown prince of Astoria-, Terries Líoñ-heir to Basteti-, and a few other notable powerful figures. Evan can't, for the life of him, figure out why they flock to her considering her creepy tendencies and all.

It's a pain in the butt to have to avoid her because whenever he sees her, Evan feels as though his world is coming apart. The worst encounter he's had with her thus far was on the third day of the week. He'd been walking over to his dorm building when she 'accidentally' bumped into him, making him flinch. Despite his closeness with some females on campus, he still isn't entirely comfortable with them. He fell onto his back and she just looked at him all innocently. Evan can remember the small soft voice she used and the blushes and how 'terribly sorry' she was for bumping into him. She clearly wasn't sorry considering the fact that her eyes showed no care in the world. Mary had tried to apologize by offering up a 'study day' together and Evan ran away without answering her.

He has yet to actually tell her to back off because every single time he tries, she counters by saying she has a 'reason' for being wherever he is. Honestly, Evan finds that despite being known as a Blessing magician, he is actually cursed.

All in the all, the week has been awful and that's not even including the vagueness his parents have been saying to him about the riots. They constantly reassure him that it isn't close to them whatsoever but the fact that they are still ongoing speaks wonders of what the situation is probably like. Evan has tried the whole idea of 'out of sight out of mind', but he'd rather die than lose another set of parents. He didn't think he'd be able to handle it, especially with how unstable his emotions have been as of late. It's as if the entire world is conspiring against him this one specific week and feels reminiscent of his first week waking up in this world.

Evan tries to move forward from this week, considering how the next week will bring a campus-wide event. The cultural festival, something he's completely interested in. It'll be the perfect time to get a better understanding of the world through the eyes of his peers. He specifically wants to know more about Masain and Ophinx, two continents he has about the knowledge of a child of. The other continents he knows more about because of his family and friends.

The cultural festival also allows any student to open up their own booth and apparently, Osser is doing a both on divination. He didn't know his friend had any interest in tarot cards or the future, but he plans to support him.

Evan is glad that the festival will be another event to take his mind off of everything, as his stress levels have been going up. He doesn't want to deal with a look-alike of his ex who murdered him and though he wishes Cole would confide in him, it's hard to deal with his friend's oddness over the recent week.

Maybe he'll be able to information about what the hell is happening in Astoria.

The cultural festival will be VERY important in giving information regarding certain events and continents, with a few whispers here and there about the ML, though he won’t show up just yet.


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