
I’m Really a Superstar

Author: Chang Yu
Ongoing · 62.3M Views
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  • world background

2 stars because the translations and release stability are pretty good and great, respectively. Now on to the problems with this story. This story basically turns into repetitive garbage spewing a quarter of the way through when the lottery system was still a thing. Beyond that it's just lines and lines of "people" reacting in unbelievable ways to trivial things. MC releases new song, show, whatever and it somehow becomes the hottest thing ever. Uh no. What makes something good isn't whether it has never been seen before or if it's innovative. The entire cultural and societal context needs to be taken into account. The author does this by effectively writing, "The people have never seen this and what they have right now is boring and repetitive, so when the people saw the new thing they like it and ejaculated their pants in disbelief over how much they like it." Now repeat that for hundreds of chapters. The only good moments are when more believable things happen. I can actually believe the incredible surprise when he solves a complicated math thereom on the spot or unleashes a computer virus. The problem with those moments are the forceful and terribly shoved in nationalism/racism/propanganda. Now I don't judge a story by the actions or morals of the characters. That would be ridiculous, but the story never develops why the MC is so antagonistic towards other countries. He just is. It is painfully obvious that this specific trait of his is Chinese propaganda either to appease Chinese regulators or is just the author's personal beliefs. Whatever the case may be it is a disservice to the story, and we are reminded of it constantly. There is also literally no world building at all. This is probably because the author is making things up as the story goes. Since this is a webnovel that is most likely the case, and it only worsens the story. Now some of you may be saying, "Yeah, but this is just a power fantasy webnovel why so harsh?" Well, unless you highly identify as a Chinese national with great dislike of every other country (especially close Asian neighbors), and love to antagonize anyone and everyone over the smallest things, then you probably won't relate to the MC. It fails as a power fantasy indulgence for almost everyone outside of China. It reads like a practice novel written by a freshmen English major. Worse of all, it is just plain boring most of the time with xookie cutter repetition. I don't see how anyone can really enjoy this unironically with the exception of that small demographic I pointed out. *I didn't proofread this review because I couldn't be ****ed to do so for this novel so bite me.


I like so many other people was enamored with the story in the beginning of the novel. It strictly focused on the literary; following along you could forgive the protagonist's crude flaws in juxtaposition with the highly academic content he was plagiarizing. We as the reader could almost place ourselves amongst Zhang Ye's audience and appreciate the discovery of the poems and novels ourselves. However, that ends relatively quickly. The the premise of this novel is for a vain, below-average looking schmuck to cheat his way into success and fame. That is where the foundation of this novel is rooted in and that is why it thusly bears similar foul fruit. The origin of Zhang Ye's archetype is problem with this novel. If the author were an open-minded and ethical person, it would not surprise me in the least if Zhang Ye was in a coma the whole time and the fake-reality was a reflection of all the evil in his heart. Zhang ye is a useless nobody with no success, no wife or children, and no world experience. Yet the author expects the readers to sympathize with Zhang Ye, despite the fact everything he is doing is immoral and dishonest. How? By making everyone else a larger scumbag. In China, corruption has spread deep into every field and industry. No one denies it. But for people like Zhang Ye, that corruption is not only everywhere, it is the reason he can't succeed in life. From the police, to managers, to teachers, to scholars, to Monks- They're all scum. But this archetype of person doesn't envision fixing the system, no. He envisions ruining these people so he can stop being a nobody- so he can really become a superstar. It is not that they're corrupt, but rather that they're in the way. So here comes the plagiarism storm, baby! Where in reality do we see this? Remember bootleg toys, bootleg anime dvds, bootleg shirts, etc? Remember the Chinese companies that openly admitted stealing US, Japanese, and European technology? Remember how Google, Amazon, and Uber used to operate in China before they were replaced with Baidu, Alibaba, and Didi Chuxing? Everyone Zhang Ye plagiarizes exists in real life and he is the glorification of Chinese plagiarism. Zhang takes without ever once stopping in the thousands of chapters to thank the people he has stolen from. Because, hey, no one else does. (Patently untrue, but you can see the many people that think this way.) So rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Feel good about copying ideas that aren't your own because they'll never know. Feel good about hating the foreigner because the foreigner hates you. Your boss? Your teacher? Your mayor? They're all against you too. Feel good about being unscrupulous and greedy and bask in all that face-slapping goodness. That is what "I 'Really' Am A Superstar" is about. Not expanding the reader's cultural and academic horizons, but narrowing their cultural and academic morality. It reduces ethics to a joke and insults China as much as it does Japan, Korea, or America.


I’ve been following I’m Really A Superstar since back when it had less than a hundred chapters translated and was on Gravity Tales, it was one of many first Webnovel’s I got into and continues to be one of my favorites. Reading this novel every day for years has been part of my daily routine and I will continue to support this novel until it’s done.


It's a good story, and one of my guilty reads. But at some point, it just becomes far too repetitive. I feel like the same thing is happening, over and over, and I also feel like the development is kinda... stunted. No one in this world exists that has any real skill in the end except for MC. It's boring cuz I always know who will win.


Been reading this since it was posted and haven't written a review for anything on here yet, so I might as well say that this is pretty much the main novel on here that i've invested my time into on here, checking everyday and spending my spirit stones on every chapter released no matter the amount released. Overall it's developed into a story that I will remember close to my heart, right next to coiling dragon which was my first ever translated novel that I read.


I really can't understand why its currently ranked 9th, The novel was actually good at the start nice plot, nice background and f**king nice cheat. But everything got spoilt with the way the author wrote it. Mc wish to be the best celebrity but not handsome fine am cool with that but author always make the mc go against his boss or some bad guy who got someone high up which will in turn make the mc lose his job mc will in turn faceslap/mack the with a poem or something. get a skill, use it to get a better job, anger boss, lose job and faceslap boss would have been good if it only happened sometimes but it gets repeatative and eventually gets dull and boring. I really which to ask does who actually read it till now how they coped With the repetitive plots?.


Utter waste of time. I usually don't go out of my way to write negative reviews- most of the novels I like, I haven't even reviewed but this... I deeply regret having spent all that time on it.


pretty xenophobic and racist novel i won't advise international readers to read it.will corrupt you if you have high ethics and morals. tbh i have seen a lot racism on japanese and koreans in chinese web novels so i didnt find it surprising but this time i had write it.plus the MC is a borderline rapist.i know china suffered under japanese in WW2 but most of the countries have suffered in 1 era or other so i hope the people can atleast tone down the racism and xenophobia.i haven't read it here on this site so i cant rate the translation quality.nationalism is good as long as it is only about good things of your country it becomes bad when you start considering others as inferior and generalise everyone in other country(the country you hate) as bad.for eg the Nazis of hitler(for jews) or japanese of WW2(chinese and other countries they colonized)(these countries understood the effects of nationalism so we dont see those things in literature or any other things now since their political regimes suppress those type of nationalistic propaganda. you see i like history so chinese history,WW1 history,WW2 history,indian history,romans,greek most of them i like it so i hope the chinese dont consider this as an attack on them but my review on this webnovel.


Really thoroughly enjoyed this novel until the racism sadly ruined it for me. In my opinion the "not racism" tag should be removed not that my opinion matters. Apart from the racism and in your face nationalism I think the novel is great.


I have resumed reading the latest chapters for more face slapping antics from our MC. I like this story arc, its has suspense, funny moments and displays the strength of our MC by introducing concepts from his alternate world that will befuddle everyone. I just hope that by the end of this story arc, PETER will crash and the Americans burst into tears for being embarrassed from their arrogant behaviors. This just shows that I'm a nerd getting excited from a board game story arc. Excelsior! ;)


The story is very fun to read. Especially with the quality of the translation. But sometimes the opness of the fact that he comes from alternate world is too much. Since all of the work he wants to use are the ones missing from the new world. But it is fun to watch him smack those faces


Im not really good at writing a review. But since this novel is my favourite so far so i'll do it. The story itself is kinda repititive, but thats life, this is not some fight monster and lvl up story so i guess thats fine. Plagiarism ? No i did not think so, the author used a piece of poem or songs with their credit at the end of the story as a footnotes or sometimes right after whatever piece he is copying. If u enjoy a face-slapping novel, u might as well enjoy this one. Higly recommended!!


All in all, everything was going great. But what was truly lacking was some serious plot twists. Although the story itself is great, it has some minor problems on other aspects such as repeating plots and lack of update(hehehe please make it 20/week). Overall, it's certainly approved by me as a must read. 🍵


I liked this novel tremendously! It's very funny and I also learnt about chinese poetry and history to boot! Thank you Legge and Mr Chang Yu! ====================================================== Putting some characters here to make up some space


This novel is one of the best light novel I've read. It's funny (knowing a bit of Chinese culture will be even better), thought provoking (poems, maths etc), mysterious abilities and surprises and what's more, it's relatable to our modern times! No boring moments for me.. at a few times, it even put tears in my eyes!


Всем привет! Большое спасибо Legge! Раньше я новеллы вообще не читал! Началось мое знакомство с Anime(2010 год). Потом переключился на мангу, манхву (2014 год). А так каксерии манги выпускаются очень медленно, начал искать первоисточник-новелла, рассказ. И таким образом где-то 2 года назад начал читать новеллы. И "Я суперзвезда" стал моим любимым произведением!!! С нетерпением жду новых серий!!!


My large saber is again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again unable to control the thirst ! ! ! My large saber is again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again unable to control the thirst ! ! ! My large saber is again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again unable to control the thirst ! ! !


awesome awesome awesome


Muy bueno. Muy bueno. Muy bueno. Muy bueno . muy bueno . muy bueno . muy bueno . muy bueno . muy bueno . Sigan así ... Lastima no tengo piedras para leer todo y siempre me quedo con ganas de leer mas ..


Really what to say about this novel..... This name is not fit for this novel. It should be "FACE SMACKER ZANG YE" haa.. but what's with "hur hur"